At what age did you start going bald?

At what age did you start going bald?

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I started showing signs at a very young age (16). I was shedding like mad and I even had to alter my hairstyles to hide the thinning spots. I eventually had to buzz it all off a year later.

Back then I relied very heavily on my looks (wasn't at all a socially gifted kid) so you can imagine what kind of effect that had on me. Of all the key moments in my life, I would say that the day I discovered I was balding has to be up there. It completely changed the way I would live my life (became even more introverted, lowered my standards in the dating game, wasted time in front of mirrors staring at my hairline, etc).

So yeah, the poll is pretty straightforward. I'm just curious as to when everyone started losing their hair. And feel free to go on a little rant if you want.


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nightmare on chrome dome street.

the pain never dies, it simply fades.

crushes your spirit....

and i've done 19 years now of this.


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22 almost 23. feels like a lifetime ago that i didnt have to worry about it.


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19, looking back it was nothing then over the next 5 yrs it just go steadily worse, like a snowball rolling down a hill.


my hairdresser told my mom that she noticed at 15 or 16. here I am 7-8 years later.


I started balding at 22, ignored it for almost two years. Then I suddenly realized what was going on. It hit me like a bomb!


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Started losing my hair about 20!!!

I know what u mean about standards slipping in the dating game, it seems to be the more hair i lose the larger the female! For the sake of my bed springs lets hope the big 3 works for me! :x


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I knew that my hair wasn't styling how I wanted it to from around 20 but first noticed thinning and attributed it to hairloss at 25, my hair started getting ravaged from 26 onwards.


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I lost a shitload of hair at 20, then it stabilised until I was about 26, then I lost more at 27 and even more at 30. That's when it became really noticeable and I decided to try to do something about it. But I was probably losing it continually through those 10 years and didn't really notice.


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Actually, I just identified this morning through old photos:

My hair was perfect (the way it always had been) at xmas 2003. (Age 23)

By Sep 2004 it was showing signs of thinning. (Age 24)

It took me 2 years to realise that I was losing it.


that's not that bad dude. it probably took me about a year and a half from when it started to realize it.


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I noticed I was loseing hair at about 19 I think, but I ignored it. Started to panic at the age of 21, but eventually put it out of my mind thinking there was nothing I could do about it. Then at 23, done some research and started meds


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I noticed my crown was thinning when I was 22. Didn't do anything about it till midway through my 23's (1 1/2 years later).

I was so stupid not to start treatment right off the bat. I would be much better off if I did half the treatment I'm doing right now.


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I noticed it at age 19, but looking back at photos I can see it started at age 15. My story is like a lot of the other guys on this site, I use to get mass chicks in highschool, but the girls have declined inversely proportionate to the increase in forehead. Now I have to work hard to get a date and in a couple years I'll just be another ugly bald guy. People say it is all about confidence, but that is untrue. Confidence matters, but so does hair.

....hopeing for some clonage soon!