Are there any concealer products that can replicate a shaved head?


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I'm considering doing SMP but would love to do a trial run with some sort of concealer product, if one is available. I've seen Vin Diesel in a few movies where he had what looked to be a full head of hair, just shaved.. then in real life he looks like he's a NW6-7. How does he pull that off? Is there any sort of product that can mimic the shaved head look available to the general public?


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There's a guy on youtube who applied dermmatch on his head to that effect.
search it.


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Thanks, I checked out the video.. surprisingly it didn't look too bad. I think he got the hairline a bit crooked but it seemed to blend in pretty natural. Although the lighting wasn't that great in the video so who knows what it looks like in real life. Have you ever heard of anyone else doing this? I wonder if he actually leaves the house with it on. Worth a shot... I might as well order some and see what it looks like in real life, just not sure what shade to use though.


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You can if you black or have darkish skin tone. I don't think it would look good on a white guy


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It may work.. I figure Vin Diesel is pretty light skinned (i think he's white... not sure though) so if he can pull it of, with what I now assume is dermmatch, maybe I can too. I also saw a white guy on a different forum do it shaving down with a 0 guard and it looked pretty good. I'm really just doing it to do a mock run of SMP. I figure its not likely going to be realistic enough to walk out of the house with, but if it can give me a decent idea of what SMP will look like on me, it'll be worth the $40. I ordered some of the grey, hopefully match my hair shaven down with a razor.
I've seen SMP on all skin types and as long as its done with a natural hairline / side profiles it looks great.


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It won't exactly replicate SMP, because in SMP pigment is deposited under the skin, at 1 mm, and with concealer, it's put above the skin.
Concealer on the skin would take away some shininess, otherwise if it's under the skin like in real SMP, the scalp would be full shiny.


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I hear ya man. I know its not the same, but thought it would be cool if there was some sort of topical product that could realistically imitate the look of a shaved head. If there was something available then going through a permanent procedure like smp may not be necessary.

I'm under the impression that dermmatch won't exactly look realistic (as either real hair or smp), but I'm hoping it can give me an idea of what shape headline would look good on me if I were to choose to go with smp. Kind of a rough sketch of what the finished product could look like.

I've heard scalp shine is an issue with a lot of people who have smp but most can curb it with matte lotion or talc powder.


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Thinking what if i put dermatch first to darken the skin and nanogen on top before dermatchdries off completely


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I got my order of dermmatch in the mail a few days ago and tried to mimic the shaved head look with it. I'm caucasian with pretty light skin and it looked nothing like real hair on me. I went into this realizing that it probably wouldn't but thought it was worth a shot (looked good on the guy in the youtube video).

Prior to receiving the dermmatch, I got some dark grey eyeshadow and used that to try to mimic the look of a shaved head. Again, I wasn't really expecting it to look realistic, I was merely trying to see what SMP could potentially look like on me and to help me determine what sort of hair line would be best if I decide to go the SMP route. The dark grey eyeshadow did a much better job at mimicking the shaved head look. Actually, in a lot of lighting conditions it looks real. I still wouldn't ever leave the house with it on though (in some lighting conditions it looks obviously fake). It did however do a great job at giving me the idea of what SMP could look like on me. After doing a test run with eyeshadow I'm starting to think SMP is a pretty good idea.


It depends on how much real hair you still have left. If your a slick NW6-7 then nanogen fibers won't do anything to help because they need hair to stick to. If you have hair left then dermatch and nanogen fibers can help even if your hair is very short. A shaven look may not be possible but you could probably do it with a 1 or 2 clipper guard (again assuming you have a decent amout of hair to work with).