Applemets Hair - Nutraceutic Powered By Italian University Of Naples

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The 7TH Sense

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Hello everyone,
As you know I'm always following the italian boards regarding hair loss, and I'm always interested a lot about the new researches. These days, a lot of Italian papers reported the commercialization of a new product called "Applemets Hair", for now it is limited to the Italian regions of Lazio and Campania.

The most balanced arcticle in my opinion:

This is the official informative paper:


The molecules used are:
- Extract of Melannurca Campana IGP: PROCIANIDINE B2

In particular, Procianidine B2 were already part of an old important Japanese study on hair growth published in 2002 on PUBMED:

It seems that their main role in all of this is very similar to the effects of Minoxidil, and I am talking about the manipulation of the Anagen / Telogen phase of the hair bulb. In particular, they strongly promote Anagen phase.

The Procianidine used in this product are contained in large quantities in a particularly rare and protected type of apples: Melannurca Campana, exact botanical name:
Malus pumila Miller cv. Annurca , which grows almost only in the italian region of Campania.

The product shall have this aspect in the pharmacies:


It comes from studies and trials conducted by italian university of Naples "Federico II", in particular by the CTF department. This is not a product created by some random pharmas, but it seems studied and tested by an atheneum. The distribution is carried by a pharmaceutical company which, as of now, has still not acquired the legal rights to market the product in the entire Italy outside Lazio and Campania.

Useful link by @gagost02 : Apple Nutraceutical Formulation Enhances Keratin Expression.pdf?dl=0

And now, the claims :

As written in the first image, 250 participants suffering from alopecia were gathered to trial a treatment consisting of daily oral administration of 2 capsules of Applemets Hair. After 30 days, the number of hairs counted raised of 50% than baseline, and after 60 days it raised to 110% than baseline . A general increase in weight and diameter of hairs was reported too. NO SIDE EFFECTS OF ANY KIND WERE REPORTED.

Now, the official part is gone, and the newspaper started to talk about this, and also the italian fora.

Link to Bellicapelli's discussion:

Link to IESON's discussion:

And now come the real infos of main interest:

I personally immediately regarded this as the next shameful snake oil. As the discussion started, some users contacted the department of the University asking for some clarifications, and they were immediately answered by the doctors and researchers. Focusing on IESON, that forum is remarkable in his pessimism and sarcasm regarding new products. In fact, at the start, a lot of jokes were made. The admins and moderators joked even more, Marlin posted the 2002 study of Procianidine and said that it was promising at that time: unfortunately, a product containing them was never marketed and a patent never even filed. He said in his long experience with natural therapies against genetic hair loss, was able to mix a compound containing them, which used, among all of the others, to treat his Androgenetic Alopecia, but he did not remember if it did something, because he, being a master of natural compounds, tried to attack his alopecia with everything he knew. His regimen was always variable and some time after, he abandoned procianidine and forgot about them. Then, other users analyzed the claims, which, at least for our knowledge on Androgenetic Alopecia, are quite irrealistic, everybody joked - myself included (in my mind) - on the % of regrowth which is FAR SUPERIOR than Minoxidil and Finasteride combined, and that in only after 2 months. Then, as the discussion began, mainly on IESON, the users invited the PhDs of the university to talk on the forum. So, since I am still lurking IESON since the Brotzu threads, I can quote the words of Dr. Ciampalma from the university's department:

sono il Dott. Roberto Ciampaglia, faccio parte del team di ricercatori che hanno contribuito agli studi sugli effetti benefici esercitati dall'estratto Procianidinico della Melannurca Campana IGP, da noi studiato e formulato .

Cerco di rispondere nella maniera più stringata, laddove possibile per un lavoro durato circa 5 anni, alle obiezioni e dubbi posti su questo forum.

L'unico prodotto nato dal nostro studio e dal trial clinico citato negli articoli, è denominato "AppleMets" nelle due versioni HDL+ ed Hair". Nome che peraltro troverete sulle pubblicazioni scientifiche.
Tutte le altre formulazioni presenti in commercio o sul web non sono autorizzate dal Dipartimento e non hanno alcuna certificazione in tal senso.

Voglio precisare che AppleMets è a base di Melannurca Campana IGP, il cui nome botanico è (Malus pumila Miller cv. Annurca) e non Malus domestica Borkh come riportato in alcuni siti, in particolare, la scheda tecnica riportata sul sito star bene è errata.
Faccio questa precisazione perchè il motivo per cui dalla Melannurca sono nati tali prodotti nutraceutici, è che gli studi preliminari hanno mostrato nella Melannurca un contenuto di Procianidine di circa quattro volte superiore rispetto alle altre varietà di mela.
Resto a disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore dubbio o chiarimento.

Basically, in his first message he clarifies which one is the product, because some users were looking for it on online pharmacies and found different bothanical names of the apple containing the main compound. He then says because the variety they used in their scientific study, the proper Melannurca Campana, contains 4 times more Procianidine B2 than any other type of apples, and a lot more than any other supplement. Given his characteristics, time and studies spent, the product is regarded as a nutraceutic, and not a simple supplement. The difference is that ordinary supplements do not have the condition of being tested and/or effective, while every nutraceutic needs specific studies backing its claims. He then provided the emails of the other researchers and even the phone number (I won't post them here).

Salve a tutti,

continuo a leggere commenti in cui emergono molti dubbi e perplessità.
Lo studio, che è partito dai test sull'alimento tal quale, e si è concluso con la formulazione di un prodotto nutraceutico è durato in totale 5 anni circa.
Chiaramente ciò significa che, come accade spesso nella ricerca scientifica, più si va avanti nelle scoperte e più è possibile chiarire aspetti che spesso si osservano senza capirne a pieno i meccanismi che li regolano. Questo è il motivo per cui negli anni si sono susseguite diverse notizie, dove, volta dopo volta, veniva aggiunto un pezzo al puzzle.
L'articolo uscito in questi giorni su diverse testate giornalistiche, annuncia innanzitutto l'imminente pubblicazione dello studio sulla rivista scientifica del settore "Journal of Medicinal Food" (appena sarà dato il codice DOI, avrò cura e premura di linkare il lavoro su questo forum, in modo tale che tutti ne potranno apprezzare il valore), e la conseguente uscita del prodotto "AppleMets Hair" in farmacia.
In effetti quindi è stata la pubblicazione dello studio che ha scandito i tempi di quando il prodotto potesse ufficialmente andare in commercio.
Voglio ricordarvi che un prodotto nutraceutico che ha studio clinico alle spalle, una pubblicazione scientifica e il nome dell'Università che ne certifica la sicurezza e l’efficacia, ha sicuramente una marcia in più rispetto a tanto altro che si trova in giro dal momento che i comuni integratori alimentari non necessitano di alcuno studio clinico per poter entrare in commercio.
Leggevo di qualcuno che citava uno studio fatto con una lozione a base di Procianidine ad uso uso topico. Tale studio è stato condotto in Giappone qualche anno fa, ed è stato per noi spunto di alcune considerazioni per il nostro trial, condotto su 250 persone con alopecia di vario genere, con un nutraceutico ad uso orale, a base di estratto Procianidinico di Melannurca Campana, appunto AppleMets.
Per quel che riguarda il prodotto AppleComplex già ho risposto nel precedente commento, mentre invece per i barattolini di AppleMets di cui avete postato le foto, quelli sono i prototipi che sono stati dati ai pazienti del trial. Il prodotto finale che troverete adesso in commercio è quello della brochure informativa.
Capirete che per noi è difficile seguire una discussione su un forum, ma siamo assolutamente disponibili a rispondere a qualsiasi dubbio a chi voglia contattarci.

In the above message, the doctor says that their study began 5 years ago. They studied the main properties of Melannurca Campana and saw that he had high concentrations of procianidine B2. They then used Japanese's 2002 study as an idea to conduct the trial mentioned on 250 patients with different kinds of alopecia and they saw very good results and they scientifically reported them. They perfectly know, also, the potential risks of actual treatments, not only for Androgenetic Alopecia, and they studied this product to have no sides at all. The product Applemets Hair now marketed in those 2 regions of Italy is the same as the one used in the study that provided such ridiculous % of regrowth. While the Japanese study used a topical lotion with the compound, this product is an oral (tablets) nutraceutic. The doctor seems to understand the general skepticism of the users, so he said that at the end of the month should be published the official study on the Journal Of Medicinal Food, and as soon as he gets the DOI code, he will post it.
Then, he said that the images posted reflected the product, and confirmed the packaging of the trial:


In the next posts, the skepticism started to thin a bit, so the admins and moderators were very happy of the answers and the behaviour of the Doctor, so they asked the permission to conduct a further trial dedicated to some trusted members of IESON, and the doctor immediately said yes. The admin Proxy, after a private chat, changed a lot his mind on the product, mainly because the equipe did not hesitate to accept the trials. Then the users were chosen, focusing on Androgenetic Alopecia, and focusing on people not in a antiandrogen or vasodilating regimen. The users will provide their personal details to both IESON and the university, and post pics every month to evaluate regrowth and general situation. Since the product claims 110% of regrowth in 2 months, it will be easy to tell. At first, Proxy proposed to split in half the cost of the product for this trial, then the doctor said it will be totally free for the users, every cost, including shipping, will be covered by the university as a guarantee.
The trial will last 90 days, and the assumption will be of 2 cps of Applemets hair per day.

Then, in the next post, Proxy was more and more interested because he saw the official study: he said it is long, complex and full of scientific references and language. It is in English, and he can't translate it in italian because of the medical terms which can be very hard to perfectly translate for an amateur.

vi chiedo scusa se non riesco a stare ai tempi del forum, e rispondere tempestivamente alle vostre domande. Fortunatamente ho instaurato un veloce e positivo contatto con il moderatore Proxy che mi viene incontro e mi segnala dubbi e questioni in sospeso.
Punto 1)
Partiamo dal quesito sulle % di efficacia del prodotto.
I dati riportati nel lavoro, che avete avuto modo di vedere dalla brochure, riportano un incremento medio di capelli, per centimetro quadrato di cute, del 50% dopo 30 giorni, e 110% dopo 60 giorni.
Questo significa che mediamente un soggetto che ha ad es. 1 capello per cm2 di cute al T0, ne avrà 1,5 dopo 30 giorni e 2,1 dopo 60 gg. Chiaramente riferito a bulbi piliferi ancora vitali.
Questa è la “traduzione” più semplicistica che riesco a fare di un’elaborazione statistica del dato raccolto.
Credo che adesso tutti possiate capire che, nonostante si parli di 110%, questo non significa che il passaggio da 1 a 2 capelli cambia radicalmente l’aspetto della persona, ( nonostante mi pare di aver capito che rispetto a ciò che esiste fino ad ora sul mercato, questo rimane comunque un dato importante).

Punto 2)
In tutta onestà non abbiamo ancora avuto modo di fare valutazioni a lungo termine sugli effetti di AppleMets sull’alopecia androgenetica, allo stato attuale di sicuro abbiamo verificato che continuando ad assumerlo (anche in una dose di mantenimento di una sola capsula al giorno) si protraggono gli effetti benefici. Sospendendo del tutto l’assunzione la situazione è diversa e la variabilità è maggiore.
Ora do un mio giudizio, che rimane quindi un’opinione e non un dato scientifico. Dopo un periodo di sei mesi di terapia, ottenuti dei risultati, questi persistono, ma non ci sono ulteriori “passi avanti” nel rinfoltimento, ma solo un mantenimento.
Ma ripeto vi prego di prendere questa come una considerazione personale.

Punto 3)
La formulazione in capsule permette di far arrivare il principio attivo a livello gastrointestinale, solo in questo modo è consentito l’assorbimento del giusto quantitativo di principio attivo, tale da poter assicurare l’effetto. Chiaramente, il produttore si è dovuto attenere PIENAMENTE al protocollo fornito dall’Università, ciò significa che mi sento di rassicurarvi che il prodotto AppleMets in commercio risponde pienamente in tutti i suoi aspetti alla formulazione esatta e corretta utilizzata nello studio.

Ultima questio: I pazienti arruolati nel piccolo trial riceveranno il prodotto blisterato secondo tutte le GMP, e astucciate in confezioni di cartone molto simili nel packaging e nella grafica al prodotto in commercio, ma ci tengo a specificare (visto il vostro grande livello di attenzione) che nelle diciture potrebbe differire in qualcosa, in quanto trattasi di prototipi fatti artigianalmente dai mezzi che l’Università consente, essendo quindi noi non un azienda, né tipografica, né farmaceutica, non possiamo curare tali aspetti, ma consentiteci di dire che la composizione sarà ESATTAMENTE uguale a ciò che si trova in farmacia, anche nella giusta quantità di zinco, selenio e Biotina.

Spero di essere stata chiara e di aver almeno in parte risolto i vostri dubbi.
Saluti a tutti

Then, in the last message, takes the word Dr.ssa F.Guerra, and she makes 3 points:
In the first one, she tries to translate the statistics of efficacy. They mean that if a cm^2 of skin counts 1 hair, after 30 days of treatment the count raises to 1.5, and after 60 days to 2 (statistically). She then says that obviously the "cosmetic" effect, in terms of appearence, is limited. However, she didn't know that current treatments are well below this, so she is happu they got a good working product.

In the second point, she said that the knowledge on maintenance of gains over time is limited. But, from their experience, even a dose of 1 cps per day is able to achieve maintenance of the gains. And also, a side fact observed from her, after 6 months the regrowth generally kinda stopped, and after them only maintenance of gains can be achievable. Condition of regrowth, as usual, is that the hair follicle must be alive (IMHO, this means nothing as I always said on Brotzu thread, there is no scientific proof of "dead hair" concept, is just experimental evidence, but transexual generally reacquire everything even from NW6).

In her third point, she explains that the capsules are protected with a gastroresistant film, for which the pharmaceutical company had to work in close contact with the university. They contain biotin, zinc and the Procianidine B2 in the quantity of 8-10 apples of Melannurca.
She then says that the users of IESON will receive the product for the trial in a different packaging, because the pharma does not make these gifts, and since the university has nothing to reproduce the real packaging, it will be different. Obviously, the product will be the same as the one marketed.

Now let's move to my analysis:

  • The university Federico II is one of the best in many departments among the italian atheneums, and is well known in the South.
  • The study will be published on the Journal in some days, and it's fully in English, and it seems long and detailed.
  • The informations about the main compound are backed by some previous researches by different authors, and some of them are accessible from PUBMED.
  • The equipe seems very very confident, to the point they provided a FREE trial to IESON members. They will post on the forums also their impressions during therapy.
  • For those who think that effective treatments should have commercials on mass medias, many italian newspapers and TVs, dedicated a space to introduce the product.
  • The product won't be overpriced too much, a 1 month supply, if i intended well, will cost about 30€.
  • The forcing of Anagen phase of the hair follicle is the ultimate goal af every therapy. Androgenetic Alopecia consists in fact in the shortening of that phase, leading to Telogen faster, resulting in thinning and weak hairs.
  • Since it is a capsule, is very easy to pop a pill everyday, like Propecia, and there won't be any problems regarding application on long hairs, washing them and other related to topical treatments.
  • The treatment is already marketed in 2 regions of Italy!
  • This does not address DHT in any ways. It does not vasodilate, and there is not skin disruption involved. These are the basis of 'working treatments', at least as of now.
  • It's strange that all of these supplements and hair loss products come to market in early Autumn, in fact the seasonal effluvium then leads to spontaneous regrowth and it may false the results of the treatment.
  • The results claimed are SO GOOD that they sound ridiculous.
  • The timing of results is ridiculously small, and it's in total contrast with the hair cycles.
  • Maintenance is almost guaranteed by the doctor, but without targeting DHT everything, in general, miserably fails.
  • The generic word of "Alopecia", always used, is very misleading. Even though the first image intends the genetic hair loss and the doctor said that and also other types of hair loss but mainly common male pattern baldness, the misleading of generic Alopecia for Androgenetic Alopecia is quite annoying. Also because the word "Androgenetic" is never used.
  • Let's admit it, when the packaging is particularly catchy, or the name is a funny word game, it's a little turnoff (*coff coff* Follica RAIN *coff coff*).

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Ok. I mean at this point I'm really desperate for something that will hold me off 'til Tsuji. So I'm gonna bite. Do you need a prescription to buy this? Or can one just walk into any pharmacy in Lazio or Campania and buy it?
When will it be available in for example Venezia? How much does one package cost and how many pills does it have?
EDIT: Okay so its 30 capsules for 20 euros.


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If you are willing to bite (I´m not going to do it), here you can find it...
I'm not sure if that is the same version of the product as mentioned above? I mean I'm just guessing here, can't understand Italian but on the website it says:
Mela (Malus domestica Borkh.) frutto estratto secco. An extract from Malus domestica however in the study they used:
Extract of Melannurca Campana


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I'm not sure if that is the same version of the product as mentioned above? I mean I'm just guessing here, can't understand Italian but on the website it says:
Mela (Malus domestica Borkh.) frutto estratto secco. An extract from Malus domestica however in the study they used:
Extract of Melannurca Campana

Sorry, but I don´t know that either. I´m Spanish, not Italian.


My Regimen
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I'll be a desperate dummy and gave this a shot.

I'll take pictures and detail everything as thoroughly as possible for the squad.

@The 7TH Sense do you have an email for the university or the product supplier? I don't want to purchase the wrong thing and de-validate the experiment.

I'm so skeptical of this... but dam that study reads extremely well.


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I'll be a desperate dummy and gave this a shot.

I'll take pictures and detail everything as thoroughly as possible for the squad.

@The 7TH Sense do you have an email for the university or the product supplier? I don't want to purchase the wrong thing and de-validate the experiment.

I'm so skeptical of this... but dam that study reads extremely well.
I suffered a minor financial setback so I won't be able to try this, even though it's only €30 per month (tough times). Would you be able to create a thread like @westonci ? Something with regular picture updates.


My Regimen
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@MomoGee yeah I could do that or just post in here. Whatever works.

I just would like an Italian speaker to verify the correct contact information/correct purchasing location so I don't buy some knockoff or vitamins. It's a pretty cheap experiment and the upside is rather large. Still find it hard to believe something this unbelievably good came out of nowhere.


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Would also be interested in giving this a try given the low costs and lack of risks.


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@MomoGee yeah I could do that or just post in here. Whatever works.

I just would like an Italian speaker to verify the correct contact information/correct purchasing location so I don't buy some knockoff or vitamins. It's a pretty cheap experiment and the upside is rather large. Still find it hard to believe something this unbelievably good came out of nowhere.
Are you sure they are delivering outside Italy?


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I'm not sure if that is the same version of the product as mentioned above? I mean I'm just guessing here, can't understand Italian but on the website it says:
Mela (Malus domestica Borkh.) frutto estratto secco. An extract from Malus domestica however in the study they used:
Extract of Melannurca Campana

Only the derivatives of Melannurca Campana is what you want, not the other.


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Find the commercial source of the research product and I'll try it also if someone can ship it to me in USA.


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Just bought it... One of the links above ships with ups international


My Regimen
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If you read the PDF, it sounds legit.
It is a double blind study against placebo. 250 people.
I will add this sh*t to my regimen for some months. Let us see what happens.

PS: I am skeptical as well. I am curious though.
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Senior Member
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If you read the PDF, it sounds legit.
It is a double blind study against placebo. 250 people.
I will add this sh*t to my regimen for some months. Let us see what happens.

Which one do we need to buy? Can you please provide link to correct product? its very hard for not italian guy
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