Anyone Here On Long Term Ru58841 Use?


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I have been on finasteride for 3 weeks and while I haven't experienced sides yet, I'm scared about my hormones going out of whack so was thinking about ru instead. I'll keep my question short and simple.

Anyone take it for a very long time? And what sides or negative effects have you noticed? Thanks


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Yep RU can have systemic effects as it has a serum half life of an hour - enough to cause some systemic effect, especially at high dosage

The good news is that we have a new drug called Clascoterone aka CB or CB 03-01, same mode of action and similar or slightly better strength as RU, but without the systemic effects of RU.

I use CB myself after close to 10 years on RU and I am impressed. It is made by the same folks making RU so ordering similar, but its more expensive..for now. Mixes with ethanol/pg or even better in Neogenic, a interesting hair loss fighting drug bringing another angle to the fight.


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I would listen to @el_duterino all day long if you're considering things like dutasteride and RU, CB or other RC ( Research chemicals )


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Id try Clascoterone, but my scalp absorption and presumbaly immune system seem to have a negative reaction to everything these days


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Yep RU can have systemic effects as it has a serum half life of an hour - enough to cause some systemic effect, especially at high dosage

The good news is that we have a new drug called Clascoterone aka CB or CB 03-01, same mode of action and similar or slightly better strength as RU, but without the systemic effects of RU.

I use CB myself after close to 10 years on RU and I am impressed. It is made by the same folks making RU so ordering similar, but its more expensive..for now. Mixes with ethanol/pg or even better in Neogenic, a interesting hair loss fighting drug bringing another angle to the fight.
what were some of the sides you got on ru?


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Difficultly maitening erections, numb dick mainly. No morning wood

This would improve after stopping RU for a day or two

None of this on CB even at 5 times the amount


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Difficultly maitening erections, numb dick mainly. No morning wood

This would improve after stopping RU for a day or two

None of this on CB even at 5 times the amount

Think about the risks and dangers of finasteride or dutasteride. We have had AAs for 30 years so what on earth are waiting to see with CB? Worst case could CB be more dangerous than any of these other internal drugs people have been on for 20 years now?
Lord we have phase 2 studies showing its fine just release the crap already. It cant be worse than the current options. The huge phase 3 propecia study and we still found PFS and plenty of unknown sides many years later.
I just dont see why CB even needs a large long phase 3 when its a topical with a method of action so similar to many many AAs we have for so long. How can it be more dangerous? This stuff should have been expedited and released a year or two after a phase 2 study. Breezula should have been in and out of trials in 2 or 3 years tops with how similar it is to so many existing drugs. There is nothing that would make you worry about its method of action or even what it attempts to do. Its just adding significant costs onto this drug requiring huge studies it doesnt even need


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Difficultly maitening erections, numb dick mainly. No morning wood

This would improve after stopping RU for a day or two

None of this on CB even at 5 times the amount

I've used RU (20mg per day in Neogenic) for a couple of years now along side dutasteride EOD and it's worked wonders, but I'd like to switch to CB. What do you think would be a good Bi daily dose for CB if 20mg RU worked well, and would you taper off RU while adding CB or just do a straight swap?


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You can do a straight swap CB or RU have the same Mode of action
If you use dutasteride or finasteride then you don't need much

Depends a lot on hair lenght


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My hair is around 2-3 inches long and 2ml of stemox covers most of my scalp pretty easily.

I'm not sure how bad of an idea it is but I'm hoping to switch RU for CB while still using dutasteride and hope my hair remains the same, and then slowly reduce my dutasteride intake over the course of a year to see if CB + stemox + min + dermapen will be enough to keep it stabilized. Just not sure what dose of CB to start with and eventually work up to as I decrease dutasteride usage

I understand that it's unlikely CB will be as strong as dutasteride (EOD) + RU though


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CB or RU on its own is more effective than dutasteride alone for hairline loss as it blocks T as well as DHT
of course dutasteride + CB will be more effective but it may be just overkill for maintenance - i stopped dutasteride 9 years ago and have kept my hair on RU and minoxidil alone then CB and Stemox/minoxidil


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That's promising to hear, thanks. Hopefully I'm overkill as it stands now and can still maintain with the correct CB dose. Would 50mg CB 2x per day be a good starting point or should I start with 20mg like with RU and work up if it's not effective


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i would do 50mg once a day but make sure you massage it really well onto the scalp


My Regimen
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I have been on finasteride for 3 weeks and while I haven't experienced sides yet, I'm scared about my hormones going out of whack so was thinking about ru instead. I'll keep my question short and simple.

Anyone take it for a very long time? And what sides or negative effects have you noticed? Thanks

If you’re interested, here is a good, more affordable source of ru:

It’s the best price in America I’ve seen and it’s third party lab tested for identity and purity