Anyone Else Under Pressure To Get A Gf With Hair


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I may be suffering from hypothyroidis myself, my thyroid blood tests are showing the red flag. But the "standard" treatment of l-thyroxin only worsened my condition, and there's no other option here in Finland anymore. I was very cold all the time and I suffered a severe case of shortness of breath. I think cortison could be a better option for me but I can't get a prescription here. My scalp skin has also been very bad since hairloss began and probably even before that, only on NW5-6 area of course. My shortness of breath is better without l-thyroxin but it is still there.

It's frustrating as hell trying to work out what is male pattern baldness and what is other factors. You're hair is a bit like mine in that the hairloss is diffuse so you may have a degree medical related.


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^ Yes it is. My mother has thinned in NW5 area (female pattern baldness) so my thinning could be from that. And her father was a receder like I mentioned before, so... who the hell knows? But I have so many health related issues that I don't know what is what anymore. I for example suffer from toenail fungus and it started around the time I started balding and the skin issues began. But, my father has also had toenail fungus and rheumatoid arthritis for most of his adult life yet he didn't lose his hair because of those...

Another thing is that I got an unidentical twin brother and we look nothing alike but he's balding in the exact same way as me. We are total opposites in everything (lifestyle, eating habits, exercise) and yet he's balding just like me. That's some comfort for me that it isn't my lifestyle choices that have made me lose my hair. I have to add that he's pretty useless when it comes to peer support, he doesn't want to talk about any hard subjects ever. He just pretends that he doesn't care, keeps his hair long and on ponytail. It doesn't still look TOO bad, but oh my gosh the hard reality is gonna hit him when he finally has to take the plunge. Although if I lived like him as a partial social recluse, I don't think I'd give a flying f*** either.

Anyway, my gf is coming home from a holiday today and she already invited me over so I'm probably gonna get laid... so it's a good day :D.
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i had girlfriends before my hairloss... even as i had severe acne.
but now...... finasteride has bloated my face....m receeding and diffuse thinning.....
im 25 and should enjoy life, but i cant. and then i see all those refugees from syria or iraq with thick and full hair and banging blonde german chicks....
makes me sad and angry
On what planet do refugees f*** blonde girls? I live in Germany too


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lol man legit, i was out in the city today and saw couple of arab guys with this classic insanely thick dense black nw0 hair styled well, perfect 5 oclock shadow beard, no acne cuz arab tanned skin and decent facial features chatting up chicks on the bus. they get laid here so easily, its unreal. while our subhuman whites genes fucked us over.

Subhuman? We created modern civilization and all of its technologies. We gave those shitskins life as they know it. Be careful about what you say.

Cue Bald

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On what planet do refugees f*** blonde girls? I live in Germany too

the only white girls who f*** refugees here are ones that have been groomed / raped, and the rare odd one with mental problems.
i also worked with a bunch of young muslim guys who were born in this country. none of them cared about islam, they all cared about going to the club and having nice shoes and nice cars. they all ate bacon butties and non halal meat as long as their parents didn't find out. but a big nono for them was dating outside their race. they had to stick with muslim girls.


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I see refugees with white women regularly. Although I must admit that the white women they're dating seem to be ones that are undateable for local guys...