Anymore Things/ideas To Add To My Hairloss Regime?


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My regime:
Topical cetirizine twice a day all over head
followed by minoxidil twice a day
Dutasteride once a day
Nizoral and caffeine shampoo every other day
Derma roller 1.5 once a week

I am 23 with aggressive hairloss at around a norwood 3 - 4 but more 3 I think. I have the Big 3 in this and have tried to add in other cheap ideas but my hairloss remains quite strong and I've been on the treatments quite a long time. Too begin with I started out with minoxidil and got good regrowth but now a couple of years later my hair is the thinnest it's been and only getting thinner.

I have heard of setipiprant and I do have it but I don't know how to make it and it's very expensive.

My other ideas:I'm also trying to find a way to derma roll my whole head without pulling the hair out as I currently roll my temples so hair doesn't get trapped. And wondering if using nizoral and caffeine shampoo every day would be more effective? I am also in debate of wether my Dutasteride is real. Or if I'd be better off going back to Finasteride

Can anyone think of any other things or ideas for my aggressive hairloss?


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Hey man, I can see you are in quite a serious situation but I think I can help. First off drop the cetritzine that stuff is crap. Secondly if you want to hit hair loss hard you've got to use the heavier weapons. dutasteride is like semi automatic assault rifle, we're looking for something like a Barrett .50 cal that will tear right through DHT. Start with a powerful anti androgen like Androcur. I just started it today so I can't comment on its effectiveness.. But I've not had any success so far and I've tried a lot of treatments.
Also, use a dermastamp instead of a dermaroller. You won't pull hairs out that way :)
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Where can I get Androcur? I've never actually heard of this. As I know dutasteride is a stronger form of finasteride. But finasteride is much more easy to get REAL and cheaper. I'm unsure if my dutasteride is real. It's just if it was real would it really be this ineffective? Oh great idea I will get a derma stamp


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could try something like lavender oil, castor oil, rosemary oil or some sh*t like that. definitely wouldn't hurt


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Hey man, I can see you are in quite a serious situation but I think I can help. First off drop the cetritzine that stuff is crap. Secondly if you want to hit hair loss hard you've got to use the heavier weapons. dutasteride is like semi automatic assault rifle, we're looking for something like a Barrett .50 cal that will tear right through DHT. Start with a powerful anti androgen like Androcur. I just started it today so I can't comment on its effectiveness.. But I've not had any success so far and I've tried a lot of treatments.
Also, use a dermastamp instead of a dermaroller. You won't pull hairs out that way :)

Every time I get on this forum I see you recommending drugs that are not approved to fight hair loss. I see nothing wrong with you choosing to take drugs to fight this sh*t, but ease up on recommending oral minoxidil and androcur because you are not a physician. Not trying to attack you, but just something I have noticed.


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Every time I get on this forum I see you recommending drugs that are not approved to fight hair loss. I see nothing wrong with you choosing to take drugs to fight this sh*t, but ease up on recommending oral minoxidil and androcur because you are not a physician. Not trying to attack you, but just something I have noticed.
I know fine well those drugs are not approved for hair loss. My recommendations were merely suggestions and if someone was to follow that advice I would expect them to at least do their own research before jumping into anything else, its common sense after all. When you've exhausted all the FDA approved treatments and you really still want to keep treating your baldness then there is no other option but to go the unapproved route. What do you want me to tell him?
"Nah its ok bro keep up your current treatments its impossible to lose hair on dutasteride " ?? Cmon man, the only other treatment options he has are anti androgens and oral minoxidil. As of April 16th 2018 this is a fact.

Murkey Thumb

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If you want to go after it hard then just take finasteride 1mg orally & 5% RU topically along with your minoxidil.


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But I thought dutasteride was stronger than finasteride? I used to have Ru but it's far too expensive. And I've been using minoxidil for years. It was my first treatment


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Also Anxious Andy I totally agree. Considering also I'd already stated I'd tried all the approved things else I wouldn't be here. And just because it's not approved doesn't mean it's not as effective or safe. Normally I find they're more effective. Also the derma stamp was a top suggestion. The roller was literally pulling out more hairs than it was growing