Any realistic hopes of a cure in next few years?


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There are few things worse in life than living in limbo. All of us here hope and pray for some kind of development that would at the very least match finasteride an minoxidil, though without the sides, and at best be a cure for this sh1te. I bet if someone could say give it 3/4 years and we will be there for definite we would be over the moon and would gladly count down our three years of baldness/thinning etc and live our lives in glorious expectation of a return to the life we once had. Hell some of us would even joke about our baldness for then, safe in the smug knowledge that it would only be a matter of time until we were once again hairy apes. But what do people think? Is it realistic? Are we right to hope or just give in? Is it as Red said: "Hope can be a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane" or Andy: "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good things ever die". Man I'm sliding towards Red's camp lately, life could be easier there, but then I'd have to suffer this darned isolation and loneliness for good...


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Its coming for sure.

There is alot of money being put into it, more clincial trials, and you have to put it into the context of the entire field regenerative medicine which is advancing.

They have already grown hairs using this technology. The question is - how much can they grow? Can they turn a Norwood 7 into a Norwood 1, will they be able to regenerate the doner so you can have more hair transplant's, or will it be a moderate increase of haircount.

The thing is the potential of this is so hard to grasp as a treatment for hairloss as most hairloss treatments have been tainted with the constant risks / benifit senario...For people who have been through alot of emotional turmoil with the current treatments, its hard to imagine something coming out that doesn't have the risk associated. Thats pretty understandable.

We won't know 100% for awhile, but check back in a year or so and we should have some updates on what kind of direction this will take.


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oh i know, they are so annoying... like shove that f*****g ugg up your fug ly ***


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dudemon said:
Damned United said:
There are few things worse in life than living in limbo. All of us here hope and pray for some kind of development that would at the very least match finasteride an minoxidil, though without the sides, and at best be a cure for this sh1te. I bet if someone could say give it 3/4 years and we will be there for definite we would be over the moon and would gladly count down our three years of baldness/thinning etc and live our lives in glorious expectation of a return to the life we once had. Hell some of us would even joke about our baldness for then, safe in the smug knowledge that it would only be a matter of time until we were once again hairy apes. But what do people think? Is it realistic? Are we right to hope or just give in? Is it as Red said: "Hope can be a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane" or Andy: "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good things ever die". Man I'm sliding towards Red's camp lately, life could be easier there, but then I'd have to suffer this darned isolation and loneliness for good...

IMO, NO, it isn't going to become a reality in the next few years, and probably not even in the next decade, or perhaps longer. However, that is just my opinion and you should know that others here will completely disagree with me. Now you have heard both sides of the argument. But you should also know that in 5 years time, I GUARANTEE that you, me, and everyone else will still be asking the SAME question: "When will HM become a reality? ... when?" And the answer is always going to be, "in 3 to 5 years" ... and that will still be the same response 10 years from now, 15 years from now, 20 years from now ....etc, etc, ... you get the picture.

The only real solutions (which will probably apply 5, 10, ... even 20+ years from now):

1) Get an hair transplant and use the hair loss drugs if you want to keep what hair you got, or
2) Bic it, or buzz it down, or
3) Wear it in the classic horshoe old man baldy doo look

HM = pipedream. Nothing more (IMO). Sorry to sound so negative, but you should be aware that HM is about 95% speculation, opinions and wishful hopes with very little substance behind it. (IMO)

Agreed... it aint happen in so many years its not gonna happen anytime soon.
Id love to get a hair transplant but 30k is just to much, ill stick to the big 3 and if worse comes to worst bite the bullet and shave the old head at least with a shorter hair style it doesnt look so bad !


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RP3X said:
dudemon said:
Damned United said:
There are few things worse in life than living in limbo. All of us here hope and pray for some kind of development that would at the very least match finasteride an minoxidil, though without the sides, and at best be a cure for this sh1te. I bet if someone could say give it 3/4 years and we will be there for definite we would be over the moon and would gladly count down our three years of baldness/thinning etc and live our lives in glorious expectation of a return to the life we once had. Hell some of us would even joke about our baldness for then, safe in the smug knowledge that it would only be a matter of time until we were once again hairy apes. But what do people think? Is it realistic? Are we right to hope or just give in? Is it as Red said: "Hope can be a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane" or Andy: "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good things ever die". Man I'm sliding towards Red's camp lately, life could be easier there, but then I'd have to suffer this darned isolation and loneliness for good...

IMO, NO, it isn't going to become a reality in the next few years, and probably not even in the next decade, or perhaps longer. However, that is just my opinion and you should know that others here will completely disagree with me. Now you have heard both sides of the argument. But you should also know that in 5 years time, I GUARANTEE that you, me, and everyone else will still be asking the SAME question: "When will HM become a reality? ... when?" And the answer is always going to be, "in 3 to 5 years" ... and that will still be the same response 10 years from now, 15 years from now, 20 years from now ....etc, etc, ... you get the picture.

The only real solutions (which will probably apply 5, 10, ... even 20+ years from now):

1) Get an hair transplant and use the hair loss drugs if you want to keep what hair you got, or
2) Bic it, or buzz it down, or
3) Wear it in the classic horshoe old man baldy doo look

HM = pipedream. Nothing more (IMO). Sorry to sound so negative, but you should be aware that HM is about 95% speculation, opinions and wishful hopes with very little substance behind it. (IMO)

Agreed... it aint happen in so many years its not gonna happen anytime soon.
Id love to get a hair transplant but 30k is just to much, ill stick to the big 3 and if worse comes to worst bite the bullet and shave the old head at least with a shorter hair style it doesnt look so bad !

What kind of reasoning is that? Advances in science and technology are logarithmic so they only get faster with time.


Let's just wait those few years to see what Histogen, Aderans and Replicel (and Follica maybe) will come up with. If they screw it, then I guess we're screwed for another good couple of years, and then we will be complaining again :mrgreen:

somone uk

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rxdr1 said:
Advances in science and technology are logarithmic so they only get faster with time.
how do people confuse exponential and logarithmic?
logarithmic growth gets very slow very quickly

somone uk

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dudemon said:
somone uk said:
rxdr1 said:
Advances in science and technology are logarithmic so they only get faster with time.
how do people confuse exponential and logarithmic?
logarithmic growth gets very slow very quickly

Yes, it is the inverse of exp growth ... then it declines.
are you suggesting in the 21 century, the information age we LOSE infomation?
fine argument.....2000 years ago but we are not tending towards a dark age


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somone uk said:
dudemon said:
[quote="somone uk":2qvdde83]Advances in science and technology are logarithmic so they only get faster with time.

As much as I like dudemon. He is very cynical to the point he looks for flaws that don't exist, or if they do are very unlikely to happen.


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Since Dr. Coen Gho already claims that he is multiplying hair, in some way, one should think that a treatment would be only a few years away. If it`s not already here - Dr. Gho. If the things that he`s saying is true, you will have a good way of filling in a full head of hair, wouldnt you? It seems like he is talking the truth. No one has managed to prove otherwise, not even the courts since he won a case that some other hair transplant doctors raised against him (they didnt believe that he managed to to what he said he did, and the wanted to stop him from saying that)

My guess is that a good treatment for everyone is only 2-3 years away. Though it will cost some money and some time to heal.

Btw, sorry for my bad english.


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If the gho thing is for serious then thats the answer. At least once it gets affordable enough for everyone.


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Can someone explain to me what Gho is doing, or claims he is doing? What is the difference between he and a regular hair transplant surgeon?


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Something like pulling the hair and part of the follicle out in a non dht sensitive area, and then dips it in some stuff, after which he replants it in the transplanted area. Both the old follicle heals and grows hair in like 9 months, and the transplanted portion of the follicle grows hair also. Because the old one grows back it can be reused.

It is expensive, and you have to wait a bit between transplants. We also don't know 100% sure it is for real.


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dudemon said:
wendal said:
Everything I've read online about his current procedure pretty much shares this sentiment. IMO, he is a scam and should not even be considered as any kind of "cure" for male pattern baldness. He supposedly charges astronomical fees for his "hair splitting" hair transplant procedure and, from what I have gathered, it doesn't work worth a crap according to the tetimomies of those who've had his procedure done.

bottom line:
Gho = scam

Like who?


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Yeah from another forum I've seen topics where some people reported people having several procedures done. One even having something like 8 done. I've not seen any direct reports from a person who had it done one way or the other. I'd love to see any reports you may have read.


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I have a few links to people discussing it on another forum. Though I don't think we can share forum links. Two of the links have quite a few studys linked in the topic confirming multiplication. At the very least the procedure is agreed between the naysayers and the people who advocate the procedure to be better than a standard FUE due to the decreased scarring, and that the hairs apparently begin growth immediately after transplantation, one person even said he was able to go to work within something like 10 days after the transplant and had no indication of having a transplant other than better density or somesuch.

Do a google search on "dr gho hair multiplication patient reports" and you will get some Swedish translation forum discussions on the issue.

Still I'd like to see any direct patient given examples either confirming or denying the procedure works for multiplication. As of now it is at least as good as standard FUE imo.


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dudemon said:
I read about a German guy who supposedly had Gho's procedure done and he swears he got ripped off and had horrible results. (On the baldtruth site I think, not sure though)

I have been following gho for a while.

Can you provide a link to this, otherwise people will just believe you.

Secondly, like Agahi has said I have also read that it is supposedly better then FUE; there is a huge thread on baldtruthtaIk.

Finally, you do know that there will always be unhappy patients no matter what the procedure is; FUE, STRIP, Gho.

somone uk

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if gho's prcedure worked he would be training people to carry out hair transplants and not doing them himself
also people like ARI and Histogen would be redundant, but there not, because Gho is a scam

he has failed to convince the ISHRS that his technique works. so the only success stories are the ones on his own website but he hasn't proven his technique in a scientifically adequate way


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In one of the other forum threads the guy who has had 3 hair transplants there gets a 25% discount because he signs off for letting the DRs Gho is training do the hair transplants. The guys most recent hair transplant GHO was not even in the country apparently, though he was present and instructing during the first two. (the trainees also did great apparently)

Please give me an example or two at least of someone who has had one done that is not happy. I am trying to find any info at all, so I appreciate any help you can offer.