Any have experience with micropoint?


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I read a thread on another board about micropoint link, I was wondering if anyone here had some experience with it? Where they tie individual strands to the base of your hair shaft. It's suppose to be great for diffusers, but only if you haven't lost too much. The guy made a bunch of posts but then left the thread/board, probably not thinking too much about hairloss anymore.

Costs about $160 for 1 hour and that gives you 600 synthetic hairs, you can get more but that's the rate. Supposedly looks great, the hairs weigh less than normal hair, but otherwise have the same characteristics, even if you have a curl or frizz to your hair. Drawbacks are you'd have to go in every month or so as your hair grows out.

I'm considering trying this as I have diffuse loss and I've ruled out going in for a hair transplant. Hopefully this can tide me over until Follica or something else comes out. If not, at least I can drop minoxidil, couvre, and only stay on meds that slow actual hairloss.


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I would'nt, :shakehead: Synthetic hair :freaked: Probably cause you to lose even more if you're diffusing already. And 600 hairs would'nt make much of a difference so you'd have to spend tons of cash and keep going back every month or so like women who wear extensions do.


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Yes it's synthetic hair, but from what I've read it looks and feels like the real thing, but it's stronger and lighter.

Not that money isn't an object, but I'm not concerned with the cost. I already wrote what the rate was in my post, so I've taken that into consideration.

600 is what they can do in 1 hour, if I needed more they could put more in. I'm asking if anyone has any experience with it (had it done, or knows anyone that has), if I could ask them a few questions on it.