Another good reason to use Minoxidil


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Loreal has a product that is supposed to stop follicular fibrosis, which occures around follicles as they shrink. They discovered that Minoxidil helps inhibit this, as well as stop or slow several other problems. So they made several derivatives of minoxidil and found the one that does this best, and are selling it for like $40/month. Of course I don't have that kind of money, but I want to point out that minoxidil helps fight off some stuff and keep your hair loss more reversible. So apply as much as you can tolerate, and get get most of the benifits of that new drug for a much lower price.

Minoxidil says to put it on the back, but that is only because that is where they tested it, so FDA only lets them advertize there. It actually works everywhere, probably more equally than propecia. So apply it to your temples and everywhere you might lose hair later. Healthy hair responds best, so get everywhere while it is early.

Don't get the stuff with acid in it, which burns your skin to aid absorption. I think anything over 5% is overkill.


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I believe the Loreal product you may be referring to aminexil (think that is the spelling)and it is already an igredient in Spectral DNC which I hear is good stuff.


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Is there an official place to buy Spectral DNC. It seems there are many with funky looking web addresses, and I want to make sure I get the real deal.


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27 ... inexil.cfm

says here it is only available in europe. Cheap. I looked up nanosomes on They are real. Mostly used as delivery vehicles in research, though FDA talked a bit about their use in cosmetics. Sounds so high tech that I'm wary about a product that uses them for $35/month.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
Is there an official place to buy Spectral DNC. It seems there are many with funky looking web addresses, and I want to make sure I get the real deal.

A reliable site for Spectral is I use this site all the time for different things and have had orders received at my door in less than 2 days. Ebay is another place I've seen Spectral....for about 10 bucks cheaper than anywhere else.....and Ebay is reliable for purchases for those that may be wary.


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Well after doing much research, reading reviews, and checking other forums, i ordered a 3 month supply. i will let you know how it goes


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Yeah, let us know, I'm curious about the stuff. BTW, I just saw a batch on Ebay for $25 bucks w/ $10 shipping (something like that) so it's a bit cheaper, although I bet they are hawking the old formula.....the one that turned scalps orange.


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Ha, well i feel better knowing i'm not gonna have an orange head, i think losing your hair is more acceptable than having your head look like a pumpkin. AND the site i ordered from didnt charge for shipping if i chose the 4-6 ups method.

Oh, i too was encourage by the reviews on the folica website and thats where i made my purchase


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woe woe woe. There is a formula that turns scalps orange, and another that does not? How do you tell the difference?


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lol, you i dont think you can, but the company that makes it released a new formula and they adjusted it so it's not turning your head orange. Even if you wound up with one of the old bottles it shouldnt be a problem if you still have good hair coverage.. JUST DONT LET IT RUN DoWN YOUR NECK ONTO YOUR SHIRT.

You all may have read about people freaking out that it contains an ingredient called Triclosan. There are people rambling on about how dangerious it is. Any concern over that should be put aside immediatly. Triclosan is included in toothpaste, deoderant, and face wash. I personaly use it was a face wash twice a day. And reportadly the amount in Spectral is much lower than even toothpaste.


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If you get it from they are only shipping the new version.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
woe woe woe. There is a formula that turns scalps orange, and another that does not? How do you tell the difference?

I don't think it actually turns the scalp a bright orange...there have been reports from users who've had no scalp discoloration and a few that said it gave their scalp an orange tinge. I suppose depending on how your scalp reacts it could be considered cosmetically unacceptable for daytime leaving the house. The new formualtion apparently solves this problem and I've also heard they did something to the formula to make it more effective.


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either way, im really excited for it to arrive. This is going to be my first minoxidil of any kind as well.

Last september/october i started proscar in 4th's it was going good up until march when i went home for spring break and left all of my finasteride at home. My hair started to pick up shedding constantly over the next month and a half until i went back home and got my finasteride. So it's now going good with the finasteride again, i have tiny vellus hairs along my hairline, shedding has significantly slowed, etc. So i'm now looking for some regrowth.


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So is this preferable to regular minoxidil? Is it worth a try or will it be very similar?


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Whether or not it's actually better is questionable. The active ingredients are encased in nanasomes (supposedly) which allow for much better penetration/absorption of the minoxidil......I've read somewhere that it supposedly increased the effectiveness of the minoxidil comparable to a 10% solution. Aminexil, one of the other major ingredients is also questionable at best as to whether it really has any benefit for the hair. According to some studies it works, but I've seen no credible evidence of anyone achieving any results with it....but I don't know much about it to be honest. If you go to the website you will see consumer testimonials for the product. I believe these to be real testimonials as there are pleny of bad reviews for different products. Everyone seems to like Spectral, though....even those that have been using minoxidil. It's your call really whether its worth the $$$ can get a lot of generic minoxidil for the cost of one month of Spectral.


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The point of Aminexil is to preven follicle rigidification. Minoxidil does this too, but Aminexil is supposed to be better. They say they studies Aminexil for 20 years, I think, and that does not sound believable since the product just came out. read about it on

I had some laser hair removal done, and I did lots of reading about it first. body follicles start 2mm below the surface and over about 6 weeks or 3 months decend down into the subdermal fat, 5mm below the surface, as they get bigger. This is cyclical, and important to laser techs because lasers work best on hairs near the surface, which is why they do procedures so frequently even though anagen, the period when they can kill hairs, lasts so long. Anyway, since it is normal for hairs to start shallow, I got a little suspicious when loreal claimed that hairs getting shallower is a problem. I guess if the collegin is rigid, though, then maybe they can't decent.

I was surprised that some sights charge so much for Aminexil, and follica has a twice daily application with other stuff for $35/month in nanosomes.
Nanosomes are used in research for getting dna into cells, but I still find it hard to believe it is on the market this cheap.

it also contains copper peptides and other stuff, so maybe it is worth buying one bottle and using every other day for 4 months and using minoxidil twice a day at the same time.