Am I Past Point of No Return?


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Alright guys even though I am one of the people that dropped finasteride a year ago due to sides, i'm seriously considering beginning again. I'm finding that I almost can't bear the thought of completely losing all of my hair at my age (30). Because I am losing it diffusely it just looks pathetic and kills my self confidence and my social/personal life. I can't really live with that.

I have read I think a few times that finasteride can regrow hair so long as there is still hair in the area. Does this apply to people who are losing diffusely?

Could it even just thicken up the weight of the hair at least giving the impression of an increase in density?

I seriously can't take it. If there's a chance it could help thicken things up a little bit, I have to try. These pictures are embarrassing.

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Feel free to be honest. Please reply or PM and thanks.

>Can finasteride help to grow hair across top where still have some hair or is follicle dead forever?

>Can increase the weight of individual hairs?


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Tricky question for me. I definitely noticed a somewhat decreased libido, but it was manageable. Got a little worse toward the end, and that's when I started looking for information online, and you can guess what I found. So I just cold turkey quit right then and there (along with 150mg Zoloft). Not realizing how stupid that was. And it was then AFTER I discontinued that they got worse! To a more serious level. Zero libido, decreased in volume of ejaculate, watery consistency not really able to obtain a full erection. So yeah pretty bad, but honestly it seems like it got worse after I stopped.

Quantum Cat

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you probably freaked out after reading sites like

are your libido and erections back to normal now, a year after stopping finasteride?


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Honestly, no. Not at all. Maybe recovered a bit, but I honestly have very low sex drive. It's kinda what makes me think it's not because of the finasteride (because it's been so long). But, then again, some people who say they were affected have said it took even longer than a year to recover. I can't say conclusively either way.

And for full disclosure, I am a rather anxious person and deal with stress and anxiety for sure, but i'm not crazy lol. Nevertheless it could have something to do with it too.

But, truth is my libido is still real low, my erections are still rather weak, and the volume and consitency of the ejaculate are what bother me maybe more, because I don't see how those can be completely psychosomatic in nature.

Quantum Cat

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If you didn't have a raging sex drive before starting the finasteride, then you can't really blame the finasteride for your low sex drive now. Libido is effected by so many issues, many of them psychological. Something the 'Propeciahelpers' can't seem to grasp


Established Member
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You would be ideal for finasteride and Id expect you too thicken up the hair to what it was at near its thickest. There's lots of stuff you can do/take to increase your libido, look into them.


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We are the same!

Hey man, I am glad you made this post. To be honest, you're story is almost EXACTLY like mine. I stopped because of the sides and jumped on Buspar because of my anxiety. One year later my hair looks just like your except I've receeded worse than you. Anyway, I've decided to take a much more agressive approach the 2nd time around and I am now taking Propecia .25 mg, Rogaine Foam 2x daily, and Regenepure 2-3 times per week. My first go around was ONLY 1mg Propecia. I had very low libido, anxiety, and gained lots of weight but I was on it for like 5-7 years. Anyway, the Buspar I was taking made my libido shoot threw the roof but also affected my hairloss IMO. Not 100% sure but lots of Buspar users agree it makes you lose your hair. So not only was I dealing with the male pattern baldness but also the Busar. Since December I've restarted Propecia and I am hopeful.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I truly understand how you feel. I don't want to lose my hair either. Tha being said, you are NOT past the point of no return. I am going to regrow my hair and you can too. If you truly can't live without hair than get back on Propecia and the Rogaine and maybe Nizoral or Regeneure and you'll be right back in no time. Maybe we can help supoport each other!

One last thing. Don't be an a slave to your hair. Don't let it control you. If you are going to accept being bald...shave your head and don't look back. If you're not going to accept it start fighting it.
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Honestly I dont see you regrowing all that hair with finasteride or anything out now.Your never past the point of no return though I mean doing anything is better then doing nothing


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ask yourself this, is the chance to regrow your hair worth losing your sex life for? for me, absolutely yes. i would much rather have self confidence with a head of hair than be bald and not able to attract any women.


Established Member
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ask yourself this, is the chance to regrow your hair worth losing your sex life for? for me, absolutely yes. i would much rather have self confidence with a head of hair than be bald and not able to attract any women.


Experienced Member
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I want both....


ask yourself this, is the chance to regrow your hair worth losing your sex life for? for me, absolutely yes. i would much rather have self confidence with a head of hair than be bald and not able to attract any women.
If you lose your libido, your self confidence will be ruined.

The both options are suicide-worthy. Living as ugly, horny sh!t with no hair or living with head of decent hair (you won't get NW1 with drugs anyway) and being a limp dicked loser. No woman will want to have sex with you if your dick is limp and small. With hair you will just get to second base faster.


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Honestly, most women would prefer to have a bald man rather than a limp one in their bed. Losing your libido will affect you more that losing your hair, I believe.


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Honestly, most women would prefer to have a bald man rather than a limp one in their bed. Losing your libido will affect you more that losing your hair, I believe.

The lesser of two evils though. Most women would prefer to to be shot in the leg than the face. That still doesn't mean that any of them want to be shot.


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If this is any help: make sure u are using "Merck Proscar" brand finasteride. As this is the original formula and i find that it has far less side effects than many of the indian and chinese made generics. Hell even the last batch of Teva finasteride i had made my prostate spasm a bit. Dont **** with generics if u are worried about sides is my advice.


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My Regimen
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If you really wanted to give treatment a go, could go with Finasteride, maybe EOD - Then maybe add in a topical AA and a higher strength minoxoidil, perhaps 10% or even 15%. I guess it all depends on what you feel comfortable with. Just a thought, you could even experiment with trying topical Cetirizine, no one is really sure how well it works but as a diffuse thinner at your stage it would be quite easy to tell if you had any thickening.


If this is any help: make sure u are using "Merck Proscar" brand finasteride. As this is the original formula and i find that it has far less side effects than many of the indian and chinese made generics. Hell even the last batch of Teva finasteride i had made my prostate spasm a bit. Dont **** with generics if u are worried about sides is my advice.
I am just using generic finasteride. There is no difference. I buy my finasteride from apothecary, so it's legit. I'm not buying any Indian crap.


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My Regimen
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If you lose your libido, your self confidence will be ruined.

The both options are suicide-worthy. Living as ugly, horny sh!t with no hair or living with head of decent hair (you won't get NW1 with drugs anyway) and being a limp dicked loser. No woman will want to have sex with you if your dick is limp and small. With hair you will just get to second base faster.

New rule hairplz - please don't add to other people's depression with any more commentary on their situation that is negative. You can talk about yourself (and even then saying you wish you had cancer isn't acceptable), but please don't comment to others if its negative.


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Hey thanks everyone for your replies! Some of your opinions are Very encouraging! Up until the end there lol.. kinda went downhill

QuantumCat - I may not have had the most raging libido throughout my life, but I know for certain that it was affected. By what, I cannot be sure. There's been a lot going on in my life. Including have a 14 month old child and work and life I have been quite stressed. Could be psychological issues, sure. But also it's hard to ignore that so many others who took finasteride have the same reported adverse effects. And the timeline matches up. But, if I do start back with finasteride I am going to do it with a positive attitude.

You would be ideal for finasteride and Id expect you too thicken up the hair to what it was at near its thickest. There's lots of stuff you can do/take to increase your libido, look into them.
That's encouraging! What types are things are you referring to as far as increasing libido?

Hey man, I am glad you made this post. To be honest, you're story is almost EXACTLY like mine.......
Thanks man! So you've been back on finasteride since Dec? You said you had low libido the first time. How are you feeling this time? honestly. I do use Nizoral already, and just switched to the 2%. Also Rogaine foam 5%, and am being much more consistent about it now.

Honestly I dont see you regrowing all that hair with finasteride or anything out now.Your never past the point of no return though I mean doing anything is better then doing nothing
Ok thanks for your opinion! Yeah I am looking for complete honesty. Keep in mind that i'm not looking for perfect hair. I just want to be comfortable in public and not be glued under my hat constantly. I don't need to be a NW1 for that. Not even close. Just not the way this is headed. Would there be the chance for even a bit of thickening in your opinion?

ask yourself this, is the chance to regrow your hair worth losing your sex life for? for me, absolutely yes. i would much rather have self confidence with a head of hair than be bald and not able to attract any women.
For me it's not really about just women. I actually do have a long time girlfriend. Hence, why I need to be careful about the sides. For me, It's more about people in general - men and women from work to friends to strangers and everything in between. But, If it's truly too late and far gone, then **** it I just won't take my chances with the finasteride and see what I can do regarding a transplant.

If this is any help: make sure u are using "Merck Proscar" brand finasteride. As this is the original formula and i find that it has far less side effects than many of the indian and chinese made generics. Hell even the last batch of Teva finasteride i had made my prostate spasm a bit. Dont **** with generics if u are worried about sides is my advice.
This is interesting. I know I heard that Propecia is now generic. So you think the brand is better than the generic? What about the Brand Propecia vs Brand Proscar? Same efficacy?

Thanks everyone! Hope to hear back from you here, as well as any other opinions for sure!