Am I Going To Go Bald Please Help Me


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20180313_204152.jpg 20180313_203453.jpg 20180313_203211.jpg I am 17 and stressed out about my hair. Lately I have felt as if I am majorly thinning because at certain angles I can see through my hair. Take a look at the pics ( I know they arent the best) and tell me what you think. Please please be honest.


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If you felt bad about your Hair's Fall . you can take any Treatment Like Hair Transplant ..


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You look to be losing hair in the NW3 pattern. Same as mine except I was almost 30 before it happened.


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Don't think we can confirm you are losing your hair, although it looks dubious

Lucky you're only 17, by your 20s there should be better treatments

Murkey Thumb

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Yeah its not looking good. in my opinion you are too young for meds but you may want to go see a reputable hair clinic and see what the advise.


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You forgot to mention your family history with baldness (both mother's and father's side). And also are you experiencing any severe hair fall? Like hairs in pillows, combs etc also do you feel lesser density on hair on top of your scalp?


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If you're balding you could try some nizoral and minoxidil, that shouldn't hurt

Murkey Thumb

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Generally your skin looks bad too. If i were you i would eat healthy get a good multi vitamin and plenty of day light to increase vit d intake. You could also try getting some food grade castor oil and put it on your scalp every night. At your age hormones are doing a lot of business so it may be a temporary thing.

sam nubello

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Hair usually grows in a grouping of 1-4 or 1-5 hairs. Though outdated techniques like FUT (follicular unit transplantation) are still in use, new techniques like FUE, PRP, bio fiber and DHT (Hyperlink daliyo) are in the growing trend due its cutting edge tech and unbelievable results.

Japanese dermatologist Sasagawa Okuda, Tamura and Fujita are credited with developing modern hair transplant procedures using small auto grafts which had hair follicles for correcting scars and alopecia.

Hair Loss Causes


Other Causes of Hair Loss

50 to 100 strands - As per American Academy of Dermatology people across the globe lose 50 to 100 strands of hair on an average basis due to lifestyle changes.

Non Heredity - Having uniformity in size of hair follicles and sudden hair loss is not related to heredity issues. It's usually the effect of bad medication.

Cosmetics - Heavy and ignorant use of dyes, chemical treatments, bad brushes, blow dryers, and flat irons may lead to severe issues related to hair loss.

Innovations in Hair Transplant Procedures and treatments

Innovations in hair transplant methods have been in rise due to people's preference and choices which has seen improvement in the hair growth and follicle strengthening effects

Usually the hair is transplanted from the back of head (donor) to the front of the head where the hair is less or has started to go bald. The only reason behind this procedure is due to presence of thick and strong hair at the back end of the scalp. But FUE procedure is more preferred amongst all patients due to its simple and scar less technique.


Recovery after hair transplant treatment


Usually the recovery period is 60-90 days. After care and post care are done with proper consultations from the specialist as it is important when it comes to hair transplantation procedure.

At Nubello, we go one step ahead where we perform bloodless FUE hair transplant, a technique which is mastered over years of experience by Nubello’s internationally acclaimed and certified doctors and surgeons. The results are astoundingly impressive and effective.


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If you felt bad about your Hair's Fall . you can take any Treatment Like Hair Transplant ..
You are a cancer . Your advice could ruin this boys life, go away.
To OP I would get on finasteride at 18 if you are insecure about your hair.