Am I Going Bald Or Do I Just Have Thin Hair


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Hi everyone I'm 17 and people have been saying latley I look like I'm balding. I have always been consious about this as in strong lighting I can see some of my scalp. Am I going bald or is it just thin hair. If I am loosing hair then any advice is appreciated. Below I've attached images the third one being the back of my head


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Maybe this photo is a bit better


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Its hard to say, im more worried about that thin spot on your crown though. Do you know what finasteride is? Also how i your family history on baldness?
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Looks like the same sh*t pattern i got. More of a Ludwig pattern than a norwood


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My dad's side actually had real good hair he's in his 60's still got a good head of hair. On my mum's side while not as good it's still decent they all started to loose hair in there late 40s on her side


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If that is the case then i dont think you are balding, kep an eye on it though!


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Because of my family history is it possible that there are other causes like stress or something because I just want to check all bases to be sure


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Because of my family history is it possible that there are other causes like stress or something because I just want to check all bases to be sure
If you are under alot of stress its certainly a possibility, it may also be a thyroid problem. The thinning you seem to have is not characteristic of male pattern baldness so i think there my be a different underlying cause


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If you are under alot of stress its certainly a possibility, it may also be a thyroid problem. The thinning you seem to have is not characteristic of male pattern baldness so i think there my be a different underlying cause
Ok thanks for the advice I'll definitely go to the doctor to get it looked at


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Indeed @Abdulrk it looks like FHLP. Which basically means that it's a diffuse kind of hair loss but mostly on the top of the head.
Are you on finasteride and minoxidil?
No I'm not on either as I have been worried since about this time last year. I went to my doctor and due to my age I guess he was saying that it's just naturally thin hair but I'm still woried and as the doctor said it's just natural I wasn't sure whether to buy it.

Mr. Prince

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Sorry, bro. You're definitely balding. You're too young for finasteride imo so just use min until you're old enough for finasteride.


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Damn that dosen't look too good to me.

Looks like what would usually be the female pattern baldness, wouldn't you agree @EvilLocks @Pasbrillantebrunette ?
It does look like female pattern baldness, but if could also be a diffuse male pattern. What is important is distinguishing it from DUPA, by assessing your donor thickness. If the donor remains it will likely end up as regular male pattern baldness with a horseshoe. The classic female version usually ends up the same, but with a hairline remaining at the front.


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I had the same diffuse line at the middle when my T fell down on Androcur. It resembles symptoms of menopause in females. Did you check your hormone profile: T, E2, etc?


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He is balding 100%
OP get on minoxidil asap and hop on Finasteride as soon as you're 18.
But his family history suggests otherwise. Its easy to say its DUPA but hes a teenage boy, not even a man yet and has a great hairline. Its not impossible to bald with no family history but highly unlikely, especially given his history and age. If he is balding then sucks bad and will be chrome doming by 21.

Mr. Prince

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But his family history suggests otherwise. Its easy to say its DUPA but hes a teenage boy, not even a man yet and has a great hairline. Its not impossible to bald with no family history but highly unlikely, especially given his history and age. If he is balding then sucks bad and will be chrome doming by 21.

Family history is not a deciding factor. All my male relatives have had godly hair into their thirties where they started to have diffuse thinning, but none went fully bald. I'm 20 and have been diffuse thinning since I was 17.

g.i joey

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Exactly what @EvilLocks said, get on minoxidil and hope it holds you over for 2 years then hop on finasteride around 19-20, you still look really young so the goal here would be retain what you can with minoxidil and hop on finasteride when you're closer to 20 years old.


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Family history is not a deciding factor. All my male relatives have had godly hair into their thirties where they started to have diffuse thinning, but none went fully bald. I'm 20 and have been diffuse thinning since I was 17.
I said it was possible, im the youngest baldy in my family too :(