Am I balding? Need advice. Pics Included


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consult with a derm to see if you can get on finasteride


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I agree with Renegade, i think you can at least maintain what you have if you get on propecia. finasteride is the active ingredient of propecia pill. I would say give propecia a full year before you add anything else to your regimen.

good luck man!


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maturing hairline looks bad. It does not mean you will go balder though. It is also hard to fight. But I'd fight it. You don't have to use much topicals either since you have such a small area to cover. Fight it for 6 months and see if you can grow that hair back down.


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Sorry to put it bluntly but yes you are losing hair about the same as me Norwood 2/2.5 You can tell by the height of the temple to the hairline


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I hate to say it brother, but yes.

You look to have good crown coverage, so that's a bonus. I'd kill to have a stronger crown....


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i find it hard to beleive that someone who is clearly a norwood 2 at best but nearer a 3 would not know that he was balding,i am a norwood 1 but now heading to a 2 and know the best i can hope for is to remain a 3 when that time comes


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He has reccession in the temples that is all, hes not close to a nw3 yet and may not be for years, hes 30 yrs old and you guys are making it sound like he is bald. The average person would not consider him to have a problem or be noticibly balding. :roll:


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You can find out if you're balding aggressively by comparing pictures from a couple of years ago.

xthehierophant said:
I have an appointment for the dermatologist next Thursday. Should I request any specific test? Also, what should I ask for in prescriptions? Propecia? (is that the same as finasteride?) ... also is Rogaine prescribed or over the counter? Anything else I should ask for?

Propecia is the commercial or product name for Finasteride, yes. It's also the "official" stuff. You can get cheaper versions of it (generics). You can buy Rogaine over the counter, no prescription required.