Am I balding? Need advice. Pics Included


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See pics below. Am I in the early stages of balding? I am planning to grow out shoulder length hair, and if I have early stages of male pattern baldness I am willing to seek a doctor's help. I took these right out of the shower so my hair is wet. Any comments welcome...






Hans Gruber

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kinda difficult to say,you have temple recession but this may just be a mature hairline forming

i suggest you go to the doctor or a trichologist and let them determine if you have male pattern baldness

if you get a yes answer then come back here and youll find plenty of info on how to maintain the rest of your hair

other than that whether you have male pattern baldness or not you have nothing to worry about.

e reed

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It looks like you may have some thinning at your temples or the corners of you hairline. I wouldn't consider you "balding". Look at some older pictures of your self, that's a good way to determine if your hair has changed.


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libertine said:
kinda difficult to say,you have temple recession but this may just be a mature hairline forming

i suggest you go to the doctor or a trichologist and let them determine if you have male pattern baldness

if you get a yes answer then come back here and youll find plenty of info on how to maintain the rest of your hair

other than that whether you have male pattern baldness or not you have nothing to worry about.

Thanks. It also might help to add that I am 30, and my father is totally bald, as was his dad. On my mom's side though every man as kept his hair. Not sure if this helps. I went ahead and made an appointment with a dermatologist, but I thought I would get some opinions/advice from here as well.


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e reed said:
It looks like you may have some thinning at your temples or the corners of you hairline. I wouldn't consider you "balding". Look at some older pictures of your self, that's a good way to determine if your hair has changed.

I looked at some pics from my high school years and my hairline has changed a bit since then ... but that could be a maturing hairline? Or is my recession a bit more advanced than that? If I do have beginning male pattern baldness I am considering Propecia.


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I think you are receding a bit but not much and you're 30, so this suggests that even if you have male pattern baldness, its not that aggressive. I think you're doing the right thing, go to a Doctor but keep a close eye on everything.

e reed

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You should be able to prevent any further recession if you use Finasteride or topical spironolactone. See what your doctor thinks though.


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Nathaniel said:
I think you are receding a bit but not much and you're 30, so this suggests that even if you have male pattern baldness, its not that aggressive. I think you're doing the right thing, go to a Doctor but keep a close eye on everything.

Thanks man.


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e reed said:
You should be able to prevent any further recession if you use Finasteride or topical spironolactone. See what your doctor thinks though.

Now, does Finasteride = Propecia? and what is topical spironolactone? Same as Rogaine?


Sry, but you are past a Norwood 3, you are definetly balding and this is not a "mature hairline" anymore. Topical spironolactone is a topical DHT-Inhibitor, not the same as Rogaine.


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Taugenichts said:
Sry, but you are past a Norwood 3, you are definetly balding and this is not a "mature hairline" anymore. Topical spironolactone is a topical DHT-Inhibitor, not the same as Rogaine.

He is not a NW3 get out of town Taug.


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Typical Taug, Yes this guy is bald just like Beckham. :roll:
For a 30yr old that is pretty good hair and may not be anything more than just a mature hairline he could stay like that for the next 20yrs. Most men in his situation would'nt consider themselves to have a problem.

Just keep an eye on those temples. Watch for further signs of thinning.


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Taugenichts said:
Sry, but you are past a Norwood 3, you are definetly balding and this is not a "mature hairline" anymore. Topical spironolactone is a topical DHT-Inhibitor, not the same as Rogaine.

i agree with you taug ,that is not a mature hairline.

on the norwood scale i would put him at between 2 and 3 but probably closer to a 3,a mature hairline does not go past a 2 ever


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well he is about where i was but i had difuse thinning alsow.
Get on minoxidil, finasteride and nizoral/revita!
it worked well for me, can se pic on mystory.



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No Taug, he is at NW2.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998


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It appears to me that he does in fact have temple recession at Norwood 2-3; however, that is still damn good hair for 30. He probably has a milder form of male pattern baldness than most of us, but male pattern baldness nonetheless. At this pace though, he has a very good shot of keeping his hair (and possibly getting some of those temples back) if he gets on finasteride - I wouldn't bother with anything else, unless it became necessary later.


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libertine said:
kinda difficult to say,you have temple recession but this may just be a mature hairline forming

i suggest you go to the doctor or a trichologist and let them determine if you have male pattern baldness

if you get a yes answer then come back here and youll find plenty of info on how to maintain the rest of your hair

other than that whether you have male pattern baldness or not you have nothing to worry about.

libertine you know enough about hair loss to know that he is not acheiving a mature hairline,a mature hairline is something like jonny depp or jhonny cash


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antonio666 said:
libertine said:
kinda difficult to say,you have temple recession but this may just be a mature hairline forming

i suggest you go to the doctor or a trichologist and let them determine if you have male pattern baldness

if you get a yes answer then come back here and youll find plenty of info on how to maintain the rest of your hair

other than that whether you have male pattern baldness or not you have nothing to worry about.

libertine you know enough about hair loss to know that he is not acheiving a mature hairline,a mature hairline is something like jonny depp or jhonny cash

Just remember he is 30. We are not talking about an 18 year old here.


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Thanks for all the comments guys. This has really helped a lot. From what I read from your comments the general consensus is I am probably balding, but not agressively, and I have passed the "mature hairline" stage and passed into the beginning of balding stage. This confirms exactly what I thought, but an outside view really helps since I don't trust my own objectivity on my own hair. :freaked:

I have an appointment for the dermatologist next Thursday. Should I request any specific test? Also, what should I ask for in prescriptions? Propecia? (is that the same as finasteride?) ... also is Rogaine prescribed or over the counter? Anything else I should ask for?

Thanks again guys for the comments/advice