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Is there any alternative to an anti-androgen in slowing down/stopping male pattern baldness?

DHT is crucial men of my age , is there any other way that we can halt male pattern baldness without having to inhibit this androgen?
Transplanting isn't an option and Minoxidil isn't a treatment.


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You might want to consider oral saw palmetto and see if it helps


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That inhibits DHT , so essentially it's an anti-androgen.


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yeah dude
it may slow down male pattern baldness but it won't give you gyno


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explain why it wouldn't produce GYNO? It does the exact same job as finasteride , just not as well.


Wow this thread is filled with wrong info.

Minoxidil isn't a treatment.
Technically its a treatment. I think you meant to say its not going to stop the cause of hair loss. Just stimulate growth despite it.

is there any other way that we can halt male pattern baldness without having to inhibit this androgen?
No. But you don't have to do it systemically. You can do it locally via topical antiandrogens.

[saw palmetto] may slow down male pattern baldness but it won't give you gyno
:thumbdown2: Saw Palmetto is a potent antiandrogen and can have as many, if not more side effects that you see from systemic antiandrogens. That includes gyno. To my knowledge there is no data that it shows down male pattern baldness when taken internally. So a double whammy bad decision on both counts.

To the original poster: Topical Spironolactone and Revivogen are topical antiandrogens you can try, which can provide solid protection on a local level without the side effects. Nizoral is imperative for topically stopping hair loss and you might search around for topical finasteride solutions which may also help.



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That's exactly what I meant about Minoxidil.

And when anti-androgens are used topically I still suffer side effects. After using spironolactone I suffered chest pains and trouble breathing. Now don't ask me how are why these occurred but they did. My guess is that it was systemically absorbed.


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Could try super zix, prox-n,virle mane(spelling?) or maybe RU if you have the money. Yes, I know its antiandrogen, but it works locally and I never heard of anyone having chest pains from it.

Btw are you still using finasteride?


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Did you use a lot of spironolactone? spironolactone is shown in studies to be almost side effect free. Could be in your mind or you could be supersensitive.

Are you generally fit? Maybe your sides comes from other problems...

Something that helps is SOD/CP etc, but they will probably not save your hair on their own.

Mens Rea

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things dont look good for u mate

try nizoral i cant imagine it giving you much trouble

also apparently green tea can dramtically reduce DHT levels up to 50% - i doubt it would give u side effects


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If Topical Spironolactone and Revivogen won't give you side effects, how come people still take finasteride orally? Is applying it topically less effective than taking it orally?


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Try using less spironolactone - People with that side said it went away when they didn't slap the stuff on.

You could try Proxiphen. I wouldn't ignore minoxidil - If you can't use anything else, covering existing loss by growing new hair is better than nothing.


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Seriously , I would try to ignore any sides I got , but they did occur. None of the sides are in my head, I would kill to halt or reverse my hair loss. I only applied spironolactone once a night , altough I applied it twice there and then. Don't get me wrong I didn't apply much.

I just quit finasteride again after suffering side effects. After 3 1/2 weeks , I'm still suffering weight gain/Decrease in ejaculate/weak erections. The erections are getting stronger. I believe my body just relies more on DHT than others. I', going to keep searching around to see what I can do.


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decro435 said:
Is there any alternative to an anti-androgen in slowing down/stopping male pattern baldness?

Do you know the difference between an antiandrogen and a 5a-reductase inhibitor? :)


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Sorry man , I try to educate myself on this stuff and be a student as well.
I understand what they are now. Thanks.

ryan r

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decro435 said:
Is there any alternative to an anti-androgen in slowing down/stopping male pattern baldness?

DHT is crucial men of my age , is there any other way that we can halt male pattern baldness without having to inhibit this androgen?
Transplanting isn't an option and Minoxidil isn't a treatment.

Why is DHT crucial for men of your (our, im 20 almost 21) age?
Something to do with growth? Cuz I wanna stop with fina, one of the reasons is I think it has stopped/slowed/decreased my growth and body development, I mean im scared it did/does.


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decro435 said:
explain why it wouldn't produce GYNO? It does the exact same job as finasteride , just not as well.

The mechanisims of action are a little different with its own side effects some different from finasteride. I wouldnt consider it completelly safe. Saw palmetto is an anti androgen unlike finestride which only inhibits 5ar type 2. The enzyme responsoble for the production of dht. From what i know anything that inhibits androgens (mainly dht) will cause gyno and other female characteristics to develop. I have personally experimented with saw palmetto and can tell you it can cause gyno but for me only at high dose's exceeding 1500mg (which is alot). It strikes me as weak 5ar inhibtor. I think you would be okay on alow dose of 450mg should you try it. The only problem i had with saw palmetto was the shedding (its much worse than finasteride), which kind of scared me because seen as there are little to no studies on this i dont know whether this was a good thing.

Nuli said:
Could try super zix, prox-n,virle mane(spelling?) or maybe RU if you have the money. Yes, I know its antiandrogen, but it works locally and I never heard of anyone having chest pains from it.

Yes i agree they could be good alternatives.

SoThatsLife said:
Did you use a lot of spironolactone? spironolactone is shown in studies to be almost side effect free. Could be in your mind or you could be supersensitive.

Not sure about topical spironolactone but it has been known to cause development of female characteristics (gyno) when taken orally. Transexuals are known to use the drug so what does that say?

Colin297 said:
also apparently green tea can dramtically reduce DHT
levels up to 50% - i doubt it would give u side effects

Where did you read that?

litcII said:
If Topical Spironolactone and Revivogen won't give you side effects, how come people still take finasteride orally? Is applying it topically less effective than taking it orally?

Its proven to work for most people orally rather than topically. Its difficult for topicals to penetrate the scalp to reach the hair follicles to give the same effect as oral application.

ryan r said:
Why is DHT crucial for men of your (our, im 20 almost 21) age?

DHT is responsible for the physical development of masculine characteristics during puberty (body hair, deepening of the voice, facial hair, sexual characteristics etc). Its thought to have some role in muscle tissue development and sex drive and even some role in the brain. Its main use however after puberty is to prevent the effects of estrogen from taking place (like gyno, body fat etc) to maintain male characteristics.

ryan r

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ryan r said:
Why is DHT crucial for men of your (our, im 20 almost 21) age?

DHT is responsible for the physical development of masculine characteristics during puberty (body hair, deepening of the voice, facial hair, sexual characteristics etc). Its thought to have some role in muscle tissue development and sex drive and even some role in the brain. Its main use however after puberty is to prevent the effects of estrogen from taking place (like gyno, body fat etc) to maintain male characteristics.[/quote]

Alright, so it would be safe to take it from age 19 right?

It doesnt interfere (how do you spell that) with the development of the body (maybe broader shoulders or something like that).


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It shouldnt do but might. I read a while ago that most men reach the end of puberty by age 18 (This is why you can't take finestride until your at least 18). However some men continue to grow until the age of 21 (usually if they started late). Based on that information i would say it is likelly not too dangerous to take finasteride at 19, providing you are already fully grown and have reached the end of puberty. The only risk posed by taking finasteride then is the development of gyno and excess body fat. DHT inhibits these effects from taking place.

ryan r

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Thanks for your answer.

I think it affected me a little, but not too much (d*ck was still growing and then it stopped, and maybe I was still getting taller and bigger), but hey, now at least I got hair right :punk: