Alright guys - Can i please get your advice?


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I need some help and some advice.

I'm 23 years old and my hair is thinning. I have a fairly noticeable spot on the top of my head, I'm also receeding rather quickly and the overall feel of my hair feels thinner than what it once was.
Having said that, i'm fortunate, as i still have a hefty amount of hair compared to others and i'm able to disguise my hairline fairly well because of it.

It's alarming me though, i'm checking myself in the mirror every ten minutes, i need to relax and/or get a grip of myself.

I've bought Nizoral 2% and have had stare offs every morning debating on giving it a try. The point for my post is, should i opt for Propecia straight away or begin using nizoral?

I can post pictures if it helps.

Please respond, apologies if it's a newbie type post, i've been reading this and other forums for months but i've never got round to posting.

Appreciate your time. :)

L x


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Finasteride--propecia, proscar, fincar, finpeica, whatever. Get on it fast and see if it works for you. If it does, you'll probably regrow a decent amount and keep what you have for a long time.


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straight to finasteride then?

i'm from the UK, will my Doctor prescribe it?

thanks for the speedy response dude X


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Anyone can use nizoral... i think its a great shampoo... why not use it... its most likely only going to help..


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Go to your Doctor asap and get finasteride, dont wait till all your hair is gone like I did. Takes so much more effort to grow it back :(


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nizoral does not do anything for hair loss.

Brains Expel Hair

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Nizoral does wonders if you have yeast induced hair loss. Androgenic Alopecia? not so much. How to tell which one is which? Well, does nizoral work?