Almost a buzz cut. (pics) / Advice needed


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I wanted to see how bad my hair really looks with my hair short. I'm honestly not sure if i'm balding, or its just a phase where im shedding. I know the shedding has gone down, but i'm still concerned honestly. I've always had hair where my scalp somewhat shows. My hair, even when buzzed stands up, maybe that makes my scalp show more? I'm not sure.
Should I get on finasteride yet?
Not sure where to go from here.
I had a really itchy scalp and some bad dandruff. nizoral 2% took care of alot of it, but its dryed up my hair a bit. Im going to cut it down to once a week, and use a SLS shampoo for other days.
Does it look like i'm balding?
Opinions, suggestions, are all welcome, and thank you :)


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Your hair is similar to mine in that we both have thin hair to begin with. I started off not knowing too, but then my crown area started to thin a bit, sort of the way yours looks in that second picture. I'd just wait a little while and monitor before doing anything though. You don't want to get on finasteride or anything if you don't need it. Just try not to think about it too much, and take some pics every other week or something to compare.


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oarf11 said:
Your hair is similar to mine in that we both have thin hair to begin with. I started off not knowing too, but then my crown area started to thin a bit, sort of the way yours looks in that second picture. I'd just wait a little while and monitor before doing anything though. You don't want to get on finasteride or anything if you don't need it. Just try not to think about it too much, and take some pics every other week or something to compare.

Thanks for the quick reply bro. One more ques
I feel like my hairs are much easier to tug out now that my hair is short. My hair never used to be easy to pull off when it was longer
I dont shed alot when I run my hand through my hair(even now). But it doesnt take a very strong pull to tug off a hair or two.
My derm told me this was normal because the hairs are shorter, and its easier to actually get a hold of a few hairs and tug on them.
Not sure if he's making sense.
What do you think?
Once again, thanks bro


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I've always kept my hair short, but I noticed my hair coming out easier as well a few months ago. I guess it could be considered a shed. It lasted a little over a month, but I haven't had the problem for about 2.5 months. My advice would be to stop touching your hair altogether! Eventually you will start getting scalp acne because you keep touching it, and you definitely don't want that.

Just keep up on the nizoral, try not to think about it too much, and take some more pics in about 2 weeks, or the next time your hair is at this length and compare them.


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Dont waste your time on forums since you do not appear to have any kind of hairloss. Go enjoy your life. If and when you do suffer from it come back here for research. If you have serious doubts go visit a physician to confirm.


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like you said, even if you have hair loss it's too early to do anything about it. if it starts to become more obvious consider treatments, we can advise you allllllllllllllllll about that :punk:


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It's never too early! If you are smart you start finasteride as soon as you see one missing hair. And with that you will probably maintain your full head of hair for life.

Once it starts, it's a perpetual game of catch up.


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Withouth sounding rude, 99% of people on here WISH their hair was like your loss!! It's really not bad