Age 16 Am I Balding Or Just High Forhead/ Mature Hairline


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i really cant tell
a few other things :
my maternal grandfather started balding when he was 50
my hair doesnt fall out significantly at all
my father and his father had a full set of hair with no balding
i have the same hairline as my dad but i cant tell for sure if im balding or not

thanks for any help / advice


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random phone charger

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i really cant tell
a few other things :
my maternal grandfather started balding when he was 50
my hair doesnt fall out significantly at all
my father and his father had a full set of hair with no balding
i have the same hairline as my dad but i cant tell for sure if im balding or not

thanks for any help / advice

Here's the thing, you are receding. Whilst I normally wouldn't recommend Minoxidil; it seems ideal factoring your age of course.

Purchase yourself a dermaroller + Minoxidil + peppermint shampoo.

* Apply Minoxidil only to affected areas.

Wouldn't hurt to take multivitamin as well. The goal should be to hold your hair till you're of age to begin Finasteride at 0.5mg. Hopefully by then, we should have new treatments out. Focus, and do not run from the truth; not a good look. I know you don't want to do this, but you have to! Your hand is being forced by nature; wish it were different. Take care.


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Here's the thing, you are receding. Whilst I normally wouldn't recommend Minoxidil; it seems ideal factoring your age of course.

Purchase yourself a dermaroller + Minoxidil + peppermint shampoo.

* Apply Minoxidil only to affected areas.

Wouldn't hurt to take multivitamin as well. The goal should be to hold your hair till you're of age to begin Finasteride at 0.5mg. Hopefully by then, we should have new treatments out. Focus, and do not run from the truth; not a good look. I know you don't want to do this, but you have to! Your hand is being forced by nature; wish it were different. Take care.

its not great if i am going bald but i dont care enough that i would take some medication when im this young , id rather not take that and let nature take its course

arent there like very good wig things you can get these days as well id much rather go down that route than medication with side effects in all honesty

random phone charger

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its not great if i am going bald but i dont care enough that i would take some medication when im this young , id rather not take that and let nature take its course

arent there like very good wig things you can get these days as well id much rather go down that route than medication with side effects in all honesty

Dude, what I've recommended is a topical application; not medication. Sure there are hair systems you could wear, but do bare in mind, you would have to religiously shave the top of your scalp. This is to insure that the hair systems can show scalp like natural hair would in environmental conditions.

You should consider the regimen, then in 2yrs contemplate using finasteride. Don't believe the percentage of horror stories, those are individuals who took to the internet because it didn't work in their favor. In the current climate of a country such as America, the last thing they'd allow, is a drug that ruins men in large numbers; would've been banned.
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Dude, what I've recommended is a topical application; not medication. Sure there are hair systems you could wear, but do bare in mind, you would have to religiously shave the top of your scalp. This is to insure that the hair systems can show scalp like natural hair would in environmental conditions.

You should consider the regimen, then in 2yrs contemplate using finasteride. Don't believe the percentage of horror stories, those are individuals who took to the internet because it didn't work in their favor. In the current climate of a country such as America, the last thing they'd allow, is a drug that ruins men in large numbers; would've been banned.

yes ok but my hair never falls out.. wouldnt it be falling out or thinning if i was receding

random phone charger

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yes ok but my hair never falls out.. wouldnt it be falling out or thinning if i was receding
Miniaturizing. It's difficult to keep track of what's thinning, when you're use to seeing yourself everyday in the mirror.

I can sense that you're trying to run; but then again, you say you want to allow nature to run it course, so why not run alongside it?
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Miniaturizing. It's difficult to keep track of what's thinning, when you're use to seeing yourself everyday in the mirror.

I can sense that you're trying to run; but then again, you say you want to allow nature to run it course, so why not run alongside it?

thats true but its difficult and confusing since none of my famly members went bald at even close to this age

random phone charger

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thats true but its difficult and confusing since none of my famly members went bald at even close to this age
Generational jumps is common in androgenetic alopecia.


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you prefer wearing a wig over medication? that doesn't sound like someone that's ready for nature to run its course.

i always talked about shaving my head when the time comes when i first started balding because i just assumed being older means not caring as much. but no matter what your age is you will always prefer having the option to have hair. i was never a vain person but i just cant bring myself to just shave it and i'm turning 29 soon.

don't be confused, my dad barely has a norwood1 hairline and he is almost 60. my uncles on my mom's side didn't start having some thinning until they were in their 50's. and i started losing hair at 18 and became noticeable at 21.

if you are not sure but would still like to be proactive about it (most people live in denial for years about their hair loss until it was too late), start taking pictures from different angles to document it monthly. no need to obsessive about it.. just document it and compare them 6-12 months later.
if your hair loss is aggressive and you really are willing to let nature runs its course then good for you, start keeping your hair short and get used to it.
in the meantime you can still do some research and be more educated on the medication we have today.

i've heard stories of people start taking finasteride at the age of 17 and still got a full head of hair in his 30's. obviously i will never recommend anyone to take pills.. especially someone your age. but do your research and make an educated decision.


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Looks like a receding hairline to me, Norwood 2. Balding can skip generations. In my case my dad does have male pattern baldness but he is an early NW3v at 52, My brother is NW1 at 31 and I'm NW2 at 21. Feels bad man.


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You’re a thick Norwood 2. It’s in the realm of what could be called a “mature hairline”. There may be some miniaturized hairs at your hairline but hard to say. I would not just start rogaine and dermarolling as some have suggested... once you start that you’re on it for life and it’s a huge chore to put on.

Monitor your hairline to see if you are actively receeding. Every 3 months or so take pictures of your hair slicked back and wet to see thinning.

random phone charger

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Looks like a receding hairline to me, Norwood 2. Balding can skip generations. In my case my dad does have male pattern baldness but he is an early NW3v at 52, My brother is NW1 at 31 and I'm NW2 at 21. Feels bad man.[/QUOTE

How did the E work out for you?


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It did nothing for my hair, I was growing tits so I dropped it. Now I'm just on 25mg Cyproterone, 1mg finasteride and 10mg Oral minoxidil. Still shedding like a dog :(

random phone charger

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You’re a thick Norwood 2. It’s in the realm of what could be called a “mature hairline”. There may be some miniaturized hairs at your hairline but hard to say. I would not just start rogaine and dermarolling as some have suggested... once you start that you’re on it for life and it’s a huge chore to put on.

Monitor your hairline to see if you are actively receeding. Every 3 months or so take pictures of your hair slicked back and wet to see thinning.

It's either have chores, or deal with scalp disorganization. Also, you've failed to mention that I recognized it as an ultimatum. Plus, aren't you kinda deciphering what he'd consider as chores or too much on his slate? I suppose shaving your head at 16yrs old, to a NW7 to glue on a wig isn't tedious at all.
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random phone charger

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It did nothing for my hair, I was growing tits so I dropped it. Now I'm just on 25mg Cyproterone, 1mg finasteride and 10mg Oral minoxidil. Still shedding like a dog :(
F*ck dude, by any chance have you tried laser therapy?


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F*ck dude, by any chance have you tried laser therapy?
No I've not tried that, I doubt its effectiveness and it costs a small fortune so it's out of my budget. I want to try a topical anti androgen, probably in 2 - 3 months. If that doesn't work I'm afraid the hair loss fight may end in a loss for me.. Unless new treatments come out soon, which they probably won't :(


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It's either have chores, or deal with scalp disorganization. Also, you've failed to mention that I recognized it as an ultimatum. Plus, aren't you kinda deciphering what he'd consider as chores or too much on his slate? I suppose shaving your head at 16yrs old, to a NW7 to glue on a wig isn't tedious at all.

Give it up for yourself, you've earned a carton of chocolate milk in eyes.
i dont mind shaving it and not wearing a wig but its quite a dramatic change haha

random phone charger

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No I've not tried that, I doubt its effectiveness and it costs a small fortune so it's out of my budget. I want to try a topical anti androgen, probably in 2 - 3 months. If that doesn't work I'm afraid the hair loss fight may end in a loss for me.. Unless new treatments come out soon, which they probably won't :(

I think it's the Minoxidil causing the sporadic shedding.

Replicel would be champion within your current regime if it release as expected.You need something that can carry the beneficial role of Minoxidil, so that you can discontinue. I believe it's going to keep causing you to shed; perhaps you're at a threshold barely fending off aggressive androgenetic alopecia.


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It's either have chores, or deal with scalp disorganization. Also, you've failed to mention that I recognized it as an ultimatum. Plus, aren't you kinda deciphering what he'd consider as chores or too much on his slate? I suppose shaving your head at 16yrs old, to a NW7 to glue on a wig isn't tedious at all.

Give it up for yourself, you've earned a carton of chocolate milk in eyes.

He could easily have just a mature hairline... rogaine isn’t worth it at all right now