About To Start :( Feels Bad Man! Help


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I think you sound like the ideal candidate for the Cetirizine protocol look it up in "alternative treatments" section of this forum.

Care to share? I suspect Rogaine is a good idea even at Norwood 2/3. I say 3 because I think it could be worse.


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I've been feeling good lately. I have been trying 5% Rogaine. I have been using it 2x a day. I think I was 1. Using too much originally or 2. I was experiencing psychosomatic chest pain (as in it was real but in my head)!

I have a vanity mirror. I check my hair often to the point of nausea. I had gotten butchered before a date. I have not been on one since lol I have been meeting more online but, it's a crap shoot. I swear, I prefer cold approaches better. I did a approach at the gym that was situational. Another approached me. She was fit but, I didn't find her facially attractive.

I found my ego and confidence hit once I acknowledged hair loss and I accepted it as a reality. I knew I was Norwood 2 receded after Accutane but, areas are thinner and not as thick as say the base. I think anyway and I get weird cowlicks if I sleep funny. I'm remembering the sh*t test I got after I was butchered at the barbershop. She Saud she hates bald. If I was any shorter, I would have been but like waters off a ducjs back, I just plowed through it. She was messy anyway and I got a cuck vibe from her. Like, she would tell me that she was pregnant to keep me there even if she was sleeping around. Like, she was telling me about a trade union schedule because she obviously works for the union. Yeah, OK bud. Ghosted her. I have not look back.

I have lost weight guys. I am eating well. Not perfect. Like I ate pizza today. No more food that's unnecessary carbs. I want to get more tone and lean muscle. I'm also going to try to make it to a different field of work even a startup. I'm feeling stagnant and I'm craving change.

Not sure if my hair is lookin good or if the haircut is looking to mask it. Like my barber cuts it to keep more hair at the crown. He also kept it thick on top. I don't like too much texture. It makes guys look thinning even if they are not. I remembered freaking out once only to realize that the barber textured my hair lol


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So, it's been a while. I hope you are all doing well.

I haven't worried about hair lately. I do want a new hairstyle. I am aching to go tripping soon. I'm pretty single atm. I'm starting to get a little bit more comfortable with my life. My hair is either better with Rogaine or grown out. I am unsure. If I am overly focused on the hair, I notice shedding or less then perfection. I have let go.

I found this podcast with Rogan and McKenna very useful. My perspective is changed. I think what is the best and highest aim for myself in this life? I am curious about life. I don't know if anything is going on with regards to free will. I am wondering what I should do with my life if I never had a family?


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It's been a bit guys.

I have been a bit too busy having fun this summer to bother posting or worrying about hair. Its been cottage time, road trips, beach, and just good stuff.

I have been spending time in nature. I am riding my bike on a trail for the first time since maybe I was a kid. I am hiking in the trails. Its been great. I am running a bit too when its not hot out or swimming. I am getting a bit if sun too exercising outdoors mostly doing calisthenics. Oh and I got a dog too. :D

Anyway, I am not sure if rogaine 5% works. I am not saying its not working either. My hair looks good. Not perfect. I am not noticing itchy scalp or hair loss. Knock on wood. Its itchy now that I said something. I hear hair loss is due to dht and male pattern baldness genes but, I recently heard its scalp pH. A girl said she made a baking soda shampoo but, it was causing shedding so she stopped.

Anyway, I noticed I have tiny hairs on my nose. Its gross. There super tiny. Also, I have random nose hair. Like long do, I pluck it. It hurts. Today, I am noticing tiny hairs on and around the earlobe. Even ear hair I never noticed or had before. Its annoying.

Is this a side effect? Its not likely I can shave it. It would likely grow thicker. I might wax it. I am thinking of getting a trimmer for now. Like, a stylet or some beard trimmer. Its embarrassing. I hope this hasn't been going on too long.

Anyway, I sort of felt like a incel or a mgtow lately. Like, there's no hope. I mean, I would date and to pickup but, it all felt futile. I mean, marriage, children, a dog. Its not working either. I began just accepting it but, I took the mindset, I have nothing to lose. Its like, if its futile, why not approach? What do I have to lose?

Guess what happened? I am dating a lot. A lot more. Its futile still. As in, I am not sure if I am going to have a gf or marry but, anything is possible if someone just tried to be better. I have buried so much family. Its gotten pretty dark at times in my life. At this point, I do my best. I leave the rest to god.