A Not-new Newbie Looking For Some Help


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Greetings...i'm new but not new !

Started treatments in 2001 and 17 years later i'm really losing the fight.
Starting to accept it but ii'm back on the forums for one last effort to see if there is anything out there that can help.

I was heavily on this forum and another one from 2001 to 2005, under the name Troymaclure, since then not so much, i got married, had a kid, but hair loss has never been far from my troubles.

Having tried pretty much everything over the 17 years, and still on minoxidil and finast, anything else new and effective around?


Senior Member
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Greetings...i'm new but not new !

Started treatments in 2001 and 17 years later i'm really losing the fight.
Starting to accept it but ii'm back on the forums for one last effort to see if there is anything out there that can help.

I was heavily on this forum and another one from 2001 to 2005, under the name Troymaclure, since then not so much, i got married, had a kid, but hair loss has never been far from my troubles.

Having tried pretty much everything over the 17 years, and still on minoxidil and finast, anything else new and effective around?
Have you tried dutasteride? If you are done having kids using an anti androgen ( spironolactone, Androcur, etc ) will be by far the current most effective treatment.


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Hi Andy

I have dabbled in Dutasteride in the past, but never really gave it a good try - i have been considering giving it a proper try, to see if it could what i'm looking for.

Would be interested in the input of anyone who has used dutasteride with good results after other treatments starting to wear off.


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Have you considered dermarolling? Lots of good anecdotes on the forums from people who have experienced significant regrowth.

People debate the mechanism by which is works but generally viewed as a good option to boost regrowth