A new ME maybe


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So Big 3 6 months now,has given no results,just side effects(and i am talking about myself now,don;t wanna tell anyone that propecia is dangerous and bs like these,cause it works different in each person)
I have side effects as anxienty,brain fog(which i dont blame only propecia for these),low libiddo,no morning woods,no erections.Plus i always feel tired(which i dont blame propecia or minoxidil only,as well)

As we said thousands of times,baldness is banned from our society and changes you completely,as a human being.I am still looking for my old`me` in memories and photos.I wanna be like that again.I wanna got my hair back..
I don`t have money for hair transplants.Maybe i could save for one hair transplant.But since i know that my Norwood is meant to be 30 years old nw5,i am not stupid to go and make a hair transplant at my 25,cause 35,i am going to have hair ONLY where the hair transplant happened.I am no going to continue with the big 3 for too long,as i am feeling it is slowly eating me from the insisdes.I am not going to buy any concealers,cause i work out a lot,and as a constructor,sweat a lot.Plus there are many many chances you are going to get detected by your people,depends on the lifestyle though.I am not going to tattoo my head either,the shape of my head is discusting to be shaved for ever.I am not trying any chemical more dangerous than finasteride,or the same level.So what left behind?
I am going to start using Hair systems.YES,i know many of you are going to start booing now and find me reasons not to,but i did my homework already,read and seen a lot of articles and videos,spyed on other forums.
With the right effort and discipline and money,you can have the hair you used to have back at your 18s.

Hair systems used to suck,big time.We are on 2014 though now,and they are getting improved.You can do your researches and find a heair system,with ultra thin,breathable skin,real 100? human hair and a right density.You can nowadays choose your density and this a big improvement.Cause depends on your age,you go for the specific density.Now at my 25,and as known as balding since my 22,i am not going for 100% density hair system,to look like elvis,to see no scalp between the hair.This would show fake and funny.I wanna go for a 80% density.Easy to fool anyone,with a hairstyle that would show a natural hairline,with detectable scalp skin.You have to choose carefully the colour of your hair,some hair are mixed colors,like the one you get from the sun that lights your hair up a bit.You even send them a sample of YOUR hair at the moment,to test it and find the hair it matches you perfectly.You wash them every day if you want and treat them like your own hair

Some hair systems have to be pit stopped every 8-10 days,for the very active ones(and i mean,remove them,wash them,shave your hair,prepare your scalp again.put them back fresh.Some others last for longer,depends on your lifestyle.There are hair systems that have to be tossed every 40 days,and there are hair systems who last for 6-7 months,depends what youre doing again(if you are a surfer and you spend 5 days a week in sea water,the hair system is going to loose it`s freshness very soon)I am not a surfer though :p
I know it sounds like too much effort,but still,even then,i am not playing with my emotions and my hormones and my whole body anymore,as i quit all the chemical treatments,pills,sprays etc,i dont have to put toppiks every single day,sometimes twice a day and being afraid of sweat or rain,plus dont have to spent thousand to follow up hair transplants,as the most expensive(good quality) hair system you can find other there is 300bucks(very affordable if you have a decent job)And many of you will ask what if it goes off suddenly or get detected...Well as i seen on other forums 90% of people who use hair systems,say that the only way for the hair system to fall off your head,is to take some scalp skin with it.Plus i read stories from people in relationships,ready to get married,who never talked their wives about their little secret.And theyre wives think that they just have hair,as they first met them.
But EVEN if your friends,or your co-workers or your family finds out?What are they going to say?Make fun of you?I don;t think so..It looks great dude,it looks more natural and more pretty than your real hair,and my is fake,what are you going to tell me?Nothing.Plus i think this is going to happen,ONLY if you tell them about that.
Good thing with me,is,that i recently moved to Calgary for a job which i havent started yet.So noone knows me here.And i mean noone.I can just go out and walk in the society as a new Nickola,as myself again,with my confidence on top.Having nothing to be shamed of,nothing to hold me back,cause these hairsystems nowdays make you look like you are a teen again.I am going to be able to put gel again,style my hair as i like,find the perfect style again, go out in the clubs and start flirting like crazy again,like i succesfully used to do at my 20s,walk again with my head up,not down trying to cover my bald spot,not afraiding to stoop in front of someone,withought having a shiny,no-hair burger in top of my head,be supersocial again as i used to be,make new friends,as i am totally approved from the society now..and who knows,if i see that it works out,and noone ever detected something,then i am going to tell them myself,so i am 100% clean and real

Take a look guys:


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Thanks for sharing the video. I think you have made a wise decision. I am all for "concealing" your situation to give you the illusion of the image you desire. I would be going to the best place that does hair systems and go to a professional who can cut and style them. So many people in Hollywood wear systems and you would never know it. Another thing the video shows is how versatile you can style your hair. There is no reason to live your life in a state of depression when you have options that are undetectable now a days. You have to understand trend setters are started by confident people who don't give a crap about what other people think. If I could not get a transplant and the hair system was my only other option, I would go for it.


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Thanks for sharing the video. I think you have made a wise decision. I am all for "concealing" your situation to give you the illusion of the image you desire. I would be going to the best place that does hair systems and go to a professional who can cut and style them. So many people in Hollywood wear systems and you would never know it. Another thing the video shows is how versatile you can style your hair. There is no reason to live your life in a state of depression when you have options that are undetectable now a days. You have to understand trend setters are started by confident people who don't give a crap about what other people think. If I could not get a transplant and the hair system was my only other option, I would go for it.
Exactly..Choose one:You have real hair and fake personality because you are not yourself being bald,you have fake hair(only you know about it though) and be real,be yourself,be confident.
Why girls have fake tits?Because no tits is a bit weird(not as weird as baldness).Can you tell em anything?No,they look sexy,who cares if it is silicone?


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You think Burt Reynolds and Ted Danson cared about wearing a hair piece. Travolta never cared. Women still went ga ga over those men regardless of knowing they wore a piece. We project images, sometimes false and sometimes real. Regardless, most people respect those who are not afraid to make a statement. If I get a blemish on my face, I conceal it. I don't give a crap what anyone thinks. I am not going to walk around a with a huge zit, when I can conceal it. If I get those red circles under my eyes from minoxidil, I am going to conceal it too. I got some scalp showing, conceal it. And if people question me, I aways tell them, yeah I don't like how it looks, so I concealed it. When you have nothing to hide, they have nothing to "hold" over you. If someone discovered I was wearing a system, I would say yeah, I got my from Travolta's people. Looks great doesn't it?


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You are in a perfect situation to get a piece. In a new town where nobody knows you. If you are prepared for everything that goes along with wearing a piece, I say go for it.

I would just say if you are going to do it, do it right. Style it, make it look good. About a month or so ago there was a guy that came on here and posted pics of himself in a piece, and it looked like he took the pics right when he got out of bed in the morning. It looked pretty bad and he got upset when people didn't have great things to say about it.

At the end of the day it is about you looking and feeling good. If a piece is going to accomplish that, then go for it.


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You are in a perfect situation to get a piece. In a new town where nobody knows you. If you are prepared for everything that goes along with wearing a piece, I say go for it.

I would just say if you are going to do it, do it right. Style it, make it look good. About a month or so ago there was a guy that came on here and posted pics of himself in a piece, and it looked like he took the pics right when he got out of bed in the morning. It looked pretty bad and he got upset when people didn't have great things to say about it.

At the end of the day it is about you looking and feeling good. If a piece is going to accomplish that, then go for it.
Thank you bro..2 years ago if i was about to read a thread like the one i posted tonight,i would be omg what a loser,this is such a bs..
Right now i am so upset with my baldness that i don`t give a sh1t.I got nothing to lose


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Nickola you have done some research so can I ask you a question?

- Is it detectable if someone runs his fingers through your hair.


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Hair system/piece =no lifetime of drugs and potential poor responsive surgery A pro-active yet passive decision to possibly improve how you feel about yourself ? Well yes that's a bona-fide win if I ever saw one.:sun: All the best.


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If I wore a system and was happy the way I looked with it, I would be honest with people who cared to ask me. That guy in the video looked great. What difference does it make to anyone else but him that it wasn't his real hair? You don't have to wear a shirt that says, I'm wearing a piece, but I'm a believer in being honest.

My take on your situation is, your going through a rough period in your life. It's understandable and all of us here can relate to how you feel. If using a system is going to make you a happier person and have a positive effect on you, why the hell not. Your priorities change as you get older and your appearance is less important as you get older for most men anyway. But your doing what you gotta do now.


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I think I know what you mean Fred. I recall I might have mentioned in an earlier post that I wore one (partial, frontal piece) It helped me temporarily (5 years) brave public/private places, although it never magically erased my obsessive thoughts of inadequacy. I suppose from my perspective(and I still believe this)it essentially came down to choosing the side of survivor over the side of attitude(negativity). To this day I have some mixed emotions about my experience. I can say with a fair amount of certitude that my past legacy is more bearable insofar that I tried one in spite of my initial apprehension. For me the alternative would have been absolutely irresponsible and impossible to manage. I finally stopped wearing one due to preexisting and more persistent scalp issues and what became a necessary occupational shift. It was my friend and my foe, and it is called artificial for a reason. Accepting reality and forgiving our imperfections may be the hardest part of living.


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Nickola you have done some research so can I ask you a question?

- Is it detectable if someone runs his fingers through your hair.

I haven`t tried it yet.People say it is undetectable(specially if you do your homework and go with a nice quality one).The thing is that when you style your hair with gel etc,and you got a very carefully nice hairstyle,it`s very rare that people are going to start putting fingers through your hairline,because they don;t want to ruin your hairstyle,or you just tell them:don`t touch i spent 30 mins to style it.Now if you are with your gf,and she likes to play with your hair,they say that they feel absolutely normal,like your own hair.Now if your gf is obsessed with your hair and can`t stop touching them,you can tell her something like:relax i am not your teddy bear or you know,you`ll find something.Or just go for it and tell her the truth.Tell her that this is it,it looks cool,and it`s part of who i am.It`s hair that i deserve to have from mother nature but some stupid genetics destroyed it.I feel confident and sexy,now if you can`t stand the fact that it is fake,bye bye,i will find another gf in matter of days..

Lots of if, may and might in this thread. It's beautiful to speculate about hair pieces as such a great solution for hair loss from a distance like you're doing, but what about reality?

Which members who have responded in this thread are actually wearing a hair piece right now and can attest that it is a viable solution for male pattern baldness?

Please raise your hand.
Well welcome Fred,i knew you are going to be the first to boo my thread :).I hear after your hair transplant,all other treatments for you just look silly.There are many reasons someone would not use a hair system.For many people it is too much effort(depending the lifestyle,if you work 60 hours a week,you can not do that).Some other just can not afford it..Spending 100 bucks for your shampoos,finasteride and minoxidil per month,is a lot cheaper than spending 400-500bucks for hairpieces and their care products.Others are just scared of what their friends,gfs,family would say that all out of a sudden they are going to show up with a head full of hair.Well i just moved in a new town and literally noone knows that i even exist here.And there are many people here who thy are not even a nw3 yet and they can still see great results with other treatments and got their REAL hair back.Well i am nw4 and too young to be a nw4 and too late to continue with the big 3..
Besides,if it is matter of confidence and society approval,why not?John travolta had so many girls in his youth,he cant even count them,so many experiences and so much popularity.All these build up for sure a super confident man.Why is he wearing a hair-pieve now?Because baldness can kill any kind of confidence.Even the most confident man in the world..


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Nickola, I would say as long as you know everything that goes along with your decision to wear a piece, I say give it a try. If it doesn't work for you, you can always say screw this and throw the thing in the trash and figure out something else to do.


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Nickola, I would say as long as you know everything that goes along with your decision to wear a piece, I say give it a try. If it doesn't work for you, you can always say screw this and throw the thing in the trash and figure out something else to do.
i dont think there is anything else i can afford money or effort to do after that,but ty


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Nickola a friendly warning, a hairpiece is not the ultimate solution and you will see that it takes time to maintain and you will need to find a good company that really wants to help you so that you can find a good hair piece that you like and is undetectable and not a crappy one. A lot of guys seem to be negative about it, well my brother is going to get one too maybe so I will see if it is true.


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Nickola a friendly warning, a hairpiece is not the ultimate solution and you will see that it takes time to maintain and you will need to find a good company that really wants to help you so that you can find a good hair piece that you like and is undetectable and not a crappy one. A lot of guys seem to be negative about it, well my brother is going to get one too maybe so I will see if it is true.
Let me know brother.I am so fed up with the big 3 man,i have terrible sides(talking personally always).I am 6 months now on Big 3,even if it gives me a good results in the year,still i am going to have a bald spot,and a big forehead,i am never going to be from nw4 a nw2 again.Anything after nw2.5 looks ugly and we all know that.Anything above Norwood 2.5 is not accepted in the society..


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Men are spending about $250 million a year on hair pieces. Although we crap on that option here, many men find it as an acceptable way of dealing with their hair loss. If you are ready to give it a try, then just go for it. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what I or the next guy think of it. If you look good and don't mind the maintenance involved then I would say you are likely to have success with it.


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Men are spending about $250 million a year on hair pieces. Although we crap on that option here, many men find it as an acceptable way of dealing with their hair loss. If you are ready to give it a try, then just go for it. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what I or the next guy think of it. If you look good and don't mind the maintenance involved then I would say you are likely to have success with it.
Notcool,i just want to feel that feeling again,when you go out to a nightclub and you feel attractive,like you used to.80% of feeling good,is to look good,and when you get that feeling,noone can stop you after..(personal opinion)