A few questions before I'm about to start my hair re-growth mission


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I just turned 25, have been slowly balding since I was 17-18 years old and just now I decided to do something against it (I know, maybe a liiittle late).
Not sure what my Norwood is right now, 2.5 or 3 and I've always had diffuse thinning.

I had been lurking here since my balding hat started, but for the last 2-3 years I haven't really been following this forum or hairloss research at all, so I'm not sure what the best methods to battel hair loss are at this moment.

My first move would be to order 3 months supply of Minoxidil, either Kirkland or another cheap alternative. To those who have tried it, is there a noticeable difference of quality between the different minoxidil brands?

Also, what is the expected outcome of only using Minoxidil if you are in my situation with a NW2-3 and diffuse thinning , is it realistically going to at least make the hair overall thicker ?

As of right now, I'm not looking to take finasteride, that was always something that I was very cautious of ever since my early balding. Are there any alternatives in this case ?

Just overall what would be the best hairgrowth regime for me to begin with, if you take into account that my hairloss has been going on since at least 7 years and it's diffuse


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I just turned 25, have been slowly balding since I was 17-18 years old and just now I decided to do something against it (I know, maybe a liiittle late).
Not sure what my Norwood is right now, 2.5 or 3 and I've always had diffuse thinning.

I had been lurking here since my balding hat started, but for the last 2-3 years I haven't really been following this forum or hairloss research at all, so I'm not sure what the best methods to battel hair loss are at this moment.

My first move would be to order 3 months supply of Minoxidil, either Kirkland or another cheap alternative. To those who have tried it, is there a noticeable difference of quality between the different minoxidil brands?

Also, what is the expected outcome of only using Minoxidil if you are in my situation with a NW2-3 and diffuse thinning , is it realistically going to at least make the hair overall thicker ?

As of right now, I'm not looking to take finasteride, that was always something that I was very cautious of ever since my early balding. Are there any alternatives in this case ?

Just overall what would be the best hairgrowth regime for me to begin with, if you take into account that my hairloss has been going on since at least 7 years and it's diffuse
Minoxidil is a band-aid but it may stimulate some growth but without controlling the fundamental process of balding you will eventually notice loss again.


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I’d agree with @jazz1, try and get multiple protocols going in combination.

I’ve used different minoxidils in the padtand the only real difference is that regaine irritates my scalp massively so aim for one that doesn’t contain alcohol (propylene glycol). Try and micro needle once a week in conjunction as well. This will really help super charge the results from minoxidil.

It sounds like you haven’t tried finasteride? My advice would be to try it for a few months. If you experience sides, then stop. I’m quite sensitive to finasteride (both oral and topical) as soon as I even smell it I get side effects lol… joke! but once I stop everything is fine again. 2 of my friends have been using it for years and swear by it. Everyone is different. Give it a shot.

Use Nizoral shampoo and maybe take some supplements as well (biotin etc). The more you throw at it, the better.

Good lick