5U8841 feedback/log...Bryan,please chime in


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I rec'd 5 grams RU from FE around 2 months ago and stuck it in the fridge,I'm now just getting around to using it.I'll be keeping a log here with pics.

I'll be using 50/50 ethanol (in the form of Everclear) and PPG as the delivery vehicle,starting on this tonight and will have pics up within a week.

A couple questions:

Has it been established as to wether or not minoxidil (I currently have 12.5% xandrox lotion on hand) can be applied directly after applying RU?I would guess that Lee's minoxidil would be fine as the same delivery carriers are used but I'm unsure of wether or not the lotion will impede RU's absorption.Can one apply 1mL of a 5% RU solution once per day or need it be applied twice daily?

I'm unsure of the half life of RU and a reputable poster(whose handle I can't recall ATM) stated it need be applied only once daily.


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colin said:
A couple questions:

Has it been established as to wether or not minoxidil (I currently have 12.5% xandrox lotion on hand) can be applied directly after applying RU?I would guess that Lee's minoxidil would be fine as the same delivery carriers are used but I'm unsure of wether or not the lotion will impede RU's absorption.

I can't answer that question definitively, and I doubt anybody else can, either. There was that one study by Uno in which BOTH topical minoxidil and RU58841 were applied successfully to the scalps of stumptailed macaques, but only the abstract appeared in the medical journal, so no details are available about how the drugs were used on the monkeys (like whether they were applied at the same time, or separately).

My wild guess is that it's probably okay to apply them at the same time, but why even take a chance? :) Considering how expensive and exotic RU58841 is, why not take every possible precaution to make sure that the stuff gets absorbed and utilized properly, by not applying anything else on top of it??

colin said:
Can one apply 1mL of a 5% RU solution once per day or need it be applied twice daily?

I'm unsure of the half life of RU and a reputable poster(whose handle I can't recall ATM) stated it need be applied only once daily.

It was applied only once a day (and not at all over weekends) in some of the animal experiments, so I imagine it's okay to apply it only once a day to your own scalp, too.


Give up dude.This RU stuff will never be available.Its a pipe dream.


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I just bought one bottle of 3% RU Solution made by Vitaminox. Quite expensive at $90 for just 30ml (including shipping).
It is being shippped out of Estonia as we speak, I will update you guys on how this works on my hairline.

In the meantime I will try to buy some powder to mix my own RU, does anyone have the e-mail to order from Faith Eagle ?

El Duterino


Duterino 90$ Is good if its RU.I cant find RU on there website,Whats it called?


Id also like to get bryans opinion about this website and RU?


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I received my RU 58841 lotion bottle last friday, shipped from Tallin, Estonia.
I started to apply it at my hairline yesterday, I will alternate this and Flutagel for a few weeks to get a feeling of it.
It took about 10 days from the day i ordered, not bad.

The problem i can see is that the 30ml bottle is not going to last very long, even at the hairline only.
The consistency is just like water, with a slight yellow-brown tint.No alcohol smell.


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What's so special about it? And if it's so special, why then is it hard to get?

ANd can someone tell me what flutamide is and what fluridil is? I'm totally lost. And what are the sides? And how effective?

Seems like there are a million new treatments now.


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Hi guys, quick update on using RU 58841
3 words...I AM IMPRESSED

I did not have high expectations using this cheap looking plastic bottle, with a brownish liquid that could be cat's piss for all I know.

Well, after using it for 15 days I can confirm that it is the real deal, and that RU is very powerful and works very well for hairloss. Even better than topical flutamide.

Bryan was right. RU has a strong local effect.

And I don't have any of the flutamide side effects :No prostate issue, no low libido, or tiredeness, brain fog etc..

RU 58841 is really the most powerful drug to stop hairloss, with minimal side effects. Too bad it is so expensive.


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el_duterino said:
Well, after using it for 15 days I can confirm that it is the real deal, and that RU is very powerful and works very well for hairloss. Even better than topical flutamide.

You can't tell anything in 15 days. You got 3 months of hairs in telogen that will continue to shed at the previous rate before you can even see any change in the number of hairs falling out. 15 days is not even enough time for a hair to grow out of the skin to measure diameter.

Yank a few hairs out to see if there is a diameter difference. But since the telogen (resting) hairs will come out easiest, and are not growing anyway, you probably won't be able to find a change even if there is one.


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15 days is enough to see a difference of thickness of the base of a hair shaft.
Since hair grow at about 1.25 centimeters per month, you have about 5 mm of new lenght to observe at the hairline.

Also, one of the early sign of hairloss is an uneven thickness of the hair shafts at the same area.
If a drug is effective, you should notice a trend towards an evening-out of exisiting hair thickeness, at the same spot.
Again, this can be noticed as early as 15 days if the drug is very effective.
RU is very powerful.
In addition, I use 2 other treatments against the effects of DHT and Testosterone on the hair, so the effects of RU are amplified.

I don't take shedding into account, I never had any shedding at anytime on finasteride, dutasteride or Flutamide.
Shedding depends on the person, some people don't shed.

I have high resolutions pics form my hair on y other PC, I will add those later today.


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Well colin, it's been 1 1/2 months now and we didn't get any update at all.


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billythekid said:
el_duterino said:
RU 58841 is really the most powerful drug to stop hairloss, with minimal side effects

minimal side effects? are you experiencing some sides?

no side effects at all to report at this point. We will see in 2 or 3 months.


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Here is a close-up of the hairline on my 3-step regimen. notice how even the thickness of the hair is, and how straight the base of the hair is growing.


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