5 + Years Finasteride Lame Journey Yes? Why Does This To Be So Long?


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Hey guys, I used to check in every year at hairlosshelp but it's toast, so here I am. I've been taking finasteride 1mg daily since I turned 24 and I rounded the corner at 30 a few weeks ago.

Sorry bout the massive typos :).

As usual these days not much to report. NW2 thick head of hair. They say finasteride stops hairloss in it's tracks for some people... and it definitely has for me. I haven't lost more than an eighth of an inch on my hairline in almost 6 years. And nothing on the crown.

My dad is NW5 and my brother two years older is NW4. I started losing hair at 24, hairline moving back so fast you could almost see it. Going to weddings now is insane. The guys that used to have receded hairlines like me are totally bald by now and I've lost nothing.

The population on hairloss forums is self selecting, most guys that find success never post again. I try to buck that by posting at least once a year.

Check my username on other forums for old pics. I'll take some tomorrow if you really want, but honestly it's kinda pointless. I used to take pics every 6mos but after about 3 yrs I realized I wasn't losing hair anymore and stopped.

No side effects, pop a finasteride every am like it's a sugar pill. I know this isn't the same experience for everyone but for me it was as good as a cure. I used minoxidil every morning for a few years until I realized finasteride was what worked for me and stopped.

Anyways yeah my regiment is a finasteride every day if I get around to it. I think a lot of guys discount just how effective it can be for some of us or blow a large part of their lives worrying about their hair. I'll say this.... My high hairline is static and almost everyone else's gets worse by the year. I looked like I was balding for a few years in my mid twenties(I was) but for thirty I have a damn good set of locks. It's all relative after all I guess???
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My Regimen
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thats really great to maintain what u have,u are a long term user.so after these years do u have side from fina?


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Congrats man! :) I'm approaching the half year mark with finasteride. The combo of finasteride and minoxidil have done wonders to my hair. The way I style my hair no one knows I even have hair loss (except for my hairdresser who has done my hair since I was 8. Although she can't figure out how suddenly I had more hair growth. Lol).

I feel like we need more success stories around these threads instead of the typical paranoid "OMG what Norwood am I?!?!" threads.


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Thanks! Yeah I come back every once in a while because I almost blew off finasteride years ago because it seemed like nobody had success with it despite clinical trials showing otherwise.

Now I know why. The only time I think about hairloss these days is when I run across old friends that haven't been so fortunate. It's just not something I worry about anymore.


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12/13 (earliest I could find easily)


The biggest difference you'll notice is that phone cameras have gotten a lot better in 4 years :)


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Thanks bro, tomorrow i have an appointment with my derm to ask for a propecia prescription and that is right what i needed bro! <3


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Np guys. I have a more stylish haircut now too. Recession at 30 is normal so I don't feel the need to hide it anymore.


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Lucky guy. Thanks for posting this.


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Another update, its been at least 7 years now. This picture was taken today.

Still taking Finasteride 1mg a day, doubling up occasionally when I forget the day before, but generally not sweating it for any kind of strict schedule. Gave up on minoxidil a long time ago (wasn't doing anything above finasteride for me).

Still no visible loss, bigger problem is that I'm starting to look old in general lol.

I don't come back to forums really ever anymore, only when I remember to give an update every year or two. My hair loss appears to be functionally cured as long as I keep taking finasteride. It doesn't give me any side effects and it only costs about $80 a year at Costco so I'm fine taking it until I kick the bucket.

I only come back now to remind the community that IMO, finasteride alone is very effective and prevents further loss in a sizable proportion of users indefinitely. If you're on it, its entirely possible to get results as good as I have, or even better (I didn't grow anything back). I'm living proof.

I'll try to stick around for a few days for replies before I go back into the shadows :)

hair update.jpg


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Thanks for always coming back man.

I just started finasteride at the same age as you started. Let's see how it's gonna work for me. If I can maintain for years like you..that would be so amazing. Stories like this motivate a lot of ppl here so thank you for that and keep coming back.

Your hair didn't even change a bit since you started treatments. It looks great. Congrats on that.

Did your shedding per day decreased since you started? Still no sides?


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Thanks guys, no sides. Sorry I never really kept track of shedding. I didn't get any thickness back, nothing lost and nothing gained.


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Maybe Ur not really balding and haven't lost any hair because you weren't going to anyways..


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Maybe Ur not really balding and haven't lost any hair because you weren't going to anyways..
He said: My dad is NW5 and my brother two years older is NW4. I started losing hair at 24, hairline moving back so fast you could almost see it."