40 days No masturbation challenge!


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I've tried (along with many others) to get Hoppi to post responsibly for over a year, sadly he simply does not seem to care what harm can be done to anyone desperate enough to follow his advice.


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All this fuss over colloidal silver eh? I'm barely even taking it atm :)

And tell you what I'll remove it from my signature in the interest of not causing unnecessary friction!


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^^^ What's the matter Hoppi? Now you're "barely" taking colloidal silver?

Facts starting to sink in?

Gettin' a little scurrrred?

Glad we planted some seeds.

But don't worry about "friction", the more you post, the more onlookers will see and witness your insanity.
You're doing more harm to your reputation here than you know. Keep up the posts!

heh heh Hehehe.


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I'm not doing this to gain a reputation, I'm doing this to heal my body :)


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ok, look man.. here's the thing.

First point - I can see this from your perspective (thinning out of the blue at 17 with genetic context), why can't you try to see it from mine?

I had perfect health, skin and hair. Then, I started getting terrible digestive intolerances to egg and a more general IBS, and within a month my skin turned to junk. Within 3 months or less I was shedding buckets of hair in the male pattern baldness pattern, and my body has been degrading rapidly ever since.

You can tell me that somehow the male pattern baldness is the one factor of this that is totally separate, but surely you can see why I would not believe you, and why I don't believe others when they tell me this? I still can't eat mayonnaise without an evening of absolute agony, and my system is just sensitive and feels messed up. Do you see now why I am working on my health? I'm not even taking this stuff for my hair, I'm taking it to fix my digestion as I believe THAT will fix my hair.

But yeah, off-topic I know :)

Again, IMO masturbation can cause or worsen male pattern baldness if done excessively, probably due to the release of prolactin and/or temporary androgen level shifts.


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I DON'T eat eggs, but my digestion is still messed up.

And man I know that YOUR case is different but don't you see that we have different genes? Our hair has different THRESHOLDS for androgenic stimulation.

I know you don't believe me. I've done over a year of very active research though, and these are the conclusions I've come to. Androgenetic alopecia is dependant on both genetic AND hormonal factors!


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I agree :)

male pattern baldness is caused by DHT :)

So if you have more androgens in a given person, you'll get more hair loss, right?

So if someone's liver isn't filtering out enough of them, you'll have more androgens, which means you'll have more hair loss. I know it's hard to accept, as it means I'm right :p


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Hoppi said:
Rogazzle said:
^^^ What's the matter Hoppi? Now you're "barely" taking colloidal silver?

Facts starting to sink in?

Gettin' a little scurrrred?

Glad we planted some seeds.

But don't worry about "friction", the more you post, the more onlookers will see and witness your insanity.
You're doing more harm to your reputation here than you know. Keep up the posts!

heh heh Hehehe.

I'm not doing this to gain a reputation, I'm doing this to heal my body :)

You are a man of many contradictions.

You never acknowledged what I wrote above, in bold, BTW.

Tr00f hoits teh ego.


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Yes, argyria was the reason I decided to take less CS.

But I was concerned about argyria long before you mentioned it o_O

G k

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Hoppi said:
I agree :)

male pattern baldness is caused by DHT :)

So if you have more androgens in a given person, you'll get more hair loss, right?

So if someone's liver isn't filtering out enough of them, you'll have more androgens, which means you'll have more hair loss. I know it's hard to accept, as it means I'm right :p

Isnt it your genetic follicle sensitivity to androgens, and not the amount of them? Don't you need lots of androgens, aren't they good for everything?

Plus hoppi, if you are so ill and trying to heal your body, why are you doing this on a hair-loss forum? Why not just see a doctor, or atleast an appropriate forum. Makes no sense.

I still think you are disguising being vain, with trying to "heal your body", because u are in denial about male pattern baldness, like a lot of people are at first.

G k

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Hoppi said:
I agree :)

male pattern baldness is caused by DHT :)

So if you have more androgens in a given person, you'll get more hair loss, right?

So if someone's liver isn't filtering out enough of them, you'll have more androgens, which means you'll have more hair loss. I know it's hard to accept, as it means I'm right :p

Isnt this a big flaw in your logic? more androgens does not equal more hairloss. I thought it was follicle sensitivity to androgens that made the hair fall out...

Otherwise arent androgens very important and necessary? I would think more androgens would be a sign of strength, up to a point.


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Hoppi said:
Yes, argyria was the reason I decided to take less CS.

But I was concerned about argyria long before you mentioned it o_O

So you decided to take so little of it, but how can you be sure it's having any systemic effect against bacteria?

Bacteria in your system is laughing at you and your futile attempt to suppress their evil follicle killing hordes. They may even multiply to counter the now minute concentrations of colloidal silver.



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Hoppi said:
I agree :)

male pattern baldness is caused by DHT :)

So if you have more androgens in a given person, you'll get more hair loss, right?

So if someone's liver isn't filtering out enough of them, you'll have more androgens, which means you'll have more hair loss. I know it's hard to accept, as it means I'm right :p

Androgen's aren't regulated by the liver you retarded *** hat.

How do you survive through life with a 12 year old's understanding of biology?

Quit reading that new age healing bullshit you find online and stick with Wikipedia, at the least, if you don't have access to other peer reviewed medical publications.

Some after school guidance:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothalam ... nadal_axis


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The liver filters old hormones from the blood, and deactivates them (I believe), and then releases them in bile.

More androgens = more hair loss IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE INDIVIDUALS ONLY, of course :)

That's why if one of us took steroids (or anything that increases androgens in the blood), we would lose more hair. You see this very commonly among bodybuilders.

G k

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Hoppi said:
The liver filters old hormones from the blood, and deactivates them (I believe), and then releases them in bile.

More androgens = more hair loss IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE INDIVIDUALS ONLY, of course :)

That's why if one of us took steroids (or anything that increases androgens in the blood), we would lose more hair. You see this very commonly among bodybuilders.

yeah but less androgens= less healthy individual. So there ya go :/

you will not lower your androgens by healing your diseased body, if anything they will increase.

But I actually dont know a lot about this.


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Hoppi said:
The liver filters old hormones from the blood, and deactivates them (I believe), and then releases them in bile.

More androgens = more hair loss IN GENETICALLY SUSCEPTIBLE INDIVIDUALS ONLY, of course :)

That's why if one of us took steroids (or anything that increases androgens in the blood), we would lose more hair. You see this very commonly among bodybuilders.

Oh really? The liver filters "old" hormones and deactivates them? You mean like, how the liver filters out excess Thyroxine? Do you know what hyperthyroidism is?

Apparently Hoppi has new evidence that hormonal imbalance disorders can be cured literally by having a healthy liver transplant...


Tearing Hoppi a new a$$hole each time.

Edit: And here's Hoppi's entourage.



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G k said:
yeah but less androgens= less healthy individual. So there ya go :/

you will not lower your androgens by healing your diseased body, if anything they will increase.

But I actually dont know a lot about this.

That, my friend, depends on which androgen we are talking about :)

Additionally, your body only needs them to a point. Everyone's body has optimal androgen levels that we should work to maintain, just as women should work to maintain optimal estrogen levels for good sexual health, or they get things like PCOS.

And of course the liver isn't the ONLY regulator of any given hormone, but if you have insufficient hormone removal, you are bound to have hormonal imbalances. This has been shown in studies, although I would imagine the logic is solid enough for most people to be able to put it together in their heads themselves!! :)


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Hoppi said:
G k said:
yeah but less androgens= less healthy individual. So there ya go :/

you will not lower your androgens by healing your diseased body, if anything they will increase.

But I actually dont know a lot about this.

That, my friend, depends on which androgen we are talking about :)

Additionally, your body only needs them to a point. Everyone's body has optimal androgen levels that we should work to maintain, just as women should work to maintain optimal estrogen levels for good sexual health, or they get things like PCOS.

And of course the liver isn't the ONLY regulator of any given hormone, but if you have insufficient hormone removal, you are bound to have hormonal imbalances. This has been shown in studies, although I would imagine the logic is solid enough for most people to be able to put it together in their heads themselves!! :)

What studies? Talking out of your a$$ again. LuLz.


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Rogazzle said:
What studies?....(other stuff)..... LuLz

I asked him the same thing in another thread and he told me he couldn't be bothered to look for it.

I also asked him why, if there were excess hormones "floating around," the brain wouldn't detect this and simply slow the production of these hormones down since this is exactly what happens to people taking steroids. And why all these excess hormones that we've triggered don't cause other noticeable effects too, like turn us into the Hulk or give us Peter North's sex drive.

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for an answer.


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jh said:
Rogazzle said:
What studies?....(other stuff)..... LuLz

I asked him the same thing in another thread and he told me he couldn't be bothered to look for it.

I also asked him why, if there were excess hormones "floating around," the brain wouldn't detect this and simply slow the production of these hormones down since this is exactly what happens to people taking steroids. And why all these excess hormones that we've triggered don't cause other noticeable effects too, like turn us into the Hulk or give us Peter North's sex drive.

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for an answer.

The guy loves to pull sh*t out of thin air and go nuts with it. I can't imagine how much agony there must be in his mind, everything contradicting each other.

It's a good thing he isn't intelligent. The pain of cognitive dissonance would be that much more.

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance. They do this by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and actions.[2] Dissonance is also reduced by justifying, blaming, and denying. It is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology.