4 Months on finasteride & minoxidil, good progress


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can we see some new pics of your temples again? my hairline is kinda like yours but not as deep, you have motivated me to use minoxidil, been on it for 3 weeks and i see velus hair on the temple, thanks for the posts Bearded one.


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I think the meds have worked somewhat on my temples, not as much as the crown but definitely an improvement. Psychologically, at least.

I considered a hair transplant last year but I don't know, I don't feel I need one anymore - at least that's how I feel now. Initially I wanted a procedure to just fill in the corners but now I'm not convinced that's the way to go as it wouldn't match the density of my hair and probably just stick out. hair transplants are a big decision and risky, too, like any cosmetic surgery. We'll see...

True, you really do not need a hair transplant. Maybe a long time in the future, but you are a good responder, so it should improve a little bit more within the 2 year mark. Your hair looks great. A non-hairloss-sufferer would never think about it.
Grats :)


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people talking **** around here! Your hairline improved big time!

Great hair mate, just a mature hairline and not noticable that you where ever balding.



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Thanks for your comments guys. I too think my hairline looks a lot better! I've also noticed that I no longer get any comments about thinning hair or receding hairline, nor do I catch people glancing at my hairline. That used to happen quite regularly last year. I would say the hairline is about a NW2 right now, so it's a mature hairline but I like it and it's age-appropriate. Also I think it's important to note that generally speaking my hair is in much better shape - the hairs that were always there are somewhat stronger and thicker now.

Here's a comparison shot from last year to this past July, all hair wet:

August 2013 (Pre-finasteride)
Front August 2013.jpgFront wet August 2013.jpg

July 2014
Front wet July 2014 4.jpgFront wet July 2014 9.jpgFront wet July 2014 10.jpg

I will continue to post updates, I found the success stories a real inspiration to properly combat my hair loss and I hope I can do the same for others. Best of luck to you all in achieving your goals!


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Hi MinoxIDjunkie, I keep my hair shorter on the sides and longer on top, usually I cut it all one (short) length almost right up to the top and then layered and longer on top - easier to style that way!


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My hair is almost exactly like yours - very reassuring to see things like this. I seem to spend everyday analysing my progress and getting frustrated that nothing seems to happen (2/3 months ish on finasteride now from 22 June)! Did your hairs start off very light and fine when they came through?


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Thank you for your comments! @cmp - I do remember that after around a month my hair definitely got worse before it got better. It was probably around the 3-4 month mark I began to see some decent change. The ones along the hairline that came through came out quite fine at the beginning, not exactly strong in colour but they weren't exactly light, either. Hopefully the same happens with you!!


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I've been on finasteride for 4 months, but I was on finasteride for 3 years prior and quit at the same time as starting finasteride (except for the hairline). My hairline now is exactly the same as 4 months ago, but my hair on top has thinned a lot. I'm strongly considering using minoxidil again on top. I'm beginning to wonder if finasteride just isn't that effective on me, but I guess the fact I haven't lost any more ground on my hairline is at least something.


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Well I think the combination of finasteride and minoxidil works best so yeah, if you're worried, introduce some minoxidil to your regime, it's not that annoying to put in every day. You may have thinned on top due to the initial shed? I definitely lost a fair bit of thickness in the first few months.


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A very inspiring story. I'm about to hit the 3 month mark with Finasteride and i have been using minoxidil for 10 months now. Exciting times. I was wondering, do you apply minoxidil between your, slowly disappearing:), temples? I got the same length of hairs as you do and most importantly i would like to regrow my temples, but i also want to reverse the thinning in the middle part of my "front area".

It's kinda difficult to apply minoxidil there. Do you have any experience or did you just apply it to your temples.

Once again amazing results, keep it up. It keeps me motivated!


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Hi Bram1988, do you mean in the front forelock? that's the part in the middle that reaches down forehead after a bit of recession! I do apply minoxidil there too, if you see my regimen I use the minoxidil liquid at night and the foam during the day, the liquid is much better in my opinion as you can apply it easier - but it's much greasier and, for my purposes, I can only use it at night. I have definitely seen thickening up there which I have attributed to finasteride mostly, but lately I have been a little lax with minoxidil (only once per day or sometimes skipping a few days) and, I think, I have noticed my hair being a little worse. It could be psychosomatic but most things are with male pattern baldness. I think the important thing is to get on the regimen and to really stick to it. Best of luck!!!


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Maintaining ground is "something" to smile about. Try to keep in mind that for some responders, finasteride. can take over a year (1-1.5 yrs.) for it's full effects to kick in. Best of luck.


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Thanks dam - it's so true that taking pictures is really ,really important. Some days I don't see any progress at all, I feel like my hair has gotten worse, but then I look at older pre-finasteride photos and I see that there has been improvement. That's why keeping this thread is a great way for me to track my progress (as well as hoping to provide inspiration for fellow hair loss sufferers!).


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thanks for keeping this thread updated BeardedOne.
I just added Min Liquid Agent New York to my regimen, mostly based on your regimen. (I was already on finasteride/dutasteride for over 10 years and Rogaine foam 5% for a couple of months)


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Small update - these pics are actually from around December 2014, taken in very exposed bathroom light (with some shadows also I suppose) and I don't have any newer ones yet, so I'll put these up for now.

December 2014 (13 months on finasteride)
2014-12-17 15.16.15 (1).jpg2014-12-17 15.14.40-2 (1).jpg
2014-12-17 15.18.27 (1).jpg2014-12-17 15.18.32 (1).jpg
2014-12-17 15.14.28 (1).jpg

I've not experienced much more growth since then (I think) so I'd say I'm about solidly-maintaining what I have now. The bottom pics are a bit shadowy but I suppose that's how it looks to other people most of the time, in any sort of flattering light.

it still feels like a bit of a mess whenever it grows out but, by and large, I no longer get any mentions about thinning hair, in fact quite the opposite. Two people, who I hadn't seen in a year, said recently that my hair is 'thickening' and couldn't work it out. That was pretty sweet!