27 With Far Back Hairline And Recession Looking For Hair Advice


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Throughout my life i’ve always had a high hairline but it wasnt until i was in my mid twenties instarted to notice my hair recede at a quick rate. It is effecting my confidence and im not sure what i should do as far as hairstyle goes. Ive had long hair my whole life and have tried looking up pictures of men with similar hairlines but havent found much. Any information on my kind of hair loss and maybe hair styles that is best suited for this kind of recession?


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Hey man, fellow long haired hair loss sufferer here! Sorry to hear of your situation, it really blows! Definitely harder to swallow if you've had long hair your whole life in my opinion. Your density looks great anyway! As far as haircuts, I guess I'm not too sure? I always thought that Heath Ledger looked cool as f*** and he was receding but still kept it long and shaggy. I wouldn't say you're near his level of recession by the way, just saying keeping it long is on option. Otherwise, just a standard short back and sh*t box should do the trick! Ha ha! You against treatment etc?


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You have awesome hair bro. too bad you're balding i feel you. Always had long hair too!

Well it depends what you're willing to do my friend. if you want to remain your own hair you should take the big 3 probably.

If you dont want to take medicals i can recommend to get a hair system(if you know what it is). your top will replaced so you will keep your own back and sides and you finally can get any hairsytle you want and you will look mouch younger.

Nevertheless getting a hairsystem is a big step and you have to be brave a bit in this case


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hairline recession. most likely male pattern baldness. id def get a prescription for finasteride, esp if ur family has a history of baldness; chances r, u'll end up just like them.


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hairline recession. most likely male pattern baldness. id def get a prescription for finasteride, esp if ur family has a history of baldness; chances r, u'll end up just like them.
That is the weird part there really isnt any baldness in my family just mature hairlines so at first i thought it was just a maturing hairline but it seems to be more than that.


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You have awesome hair bro. too bad you're balding i feel you. Always had long hair too!

Well it depends what you're willing to do my friend. if you want to remain your own hair you should take the big 3 probably.

If you dont want to take medicals i can recommend to get a hair system(if you know what it is). your top will replaced so you will keep your own back and sides and you finally can get any hairsytle you want and you will look mouch younger.

Nevertheless getting a hairsystem is a big step and you have to be brave a bit in this case
Thank you, i’ve been looking into possibly trying finasteride, but the side effects seem pretty intense. Are they over blown and will it reduce me down to a N2 maybe?


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Hey man, fellow long haired hair loss sufferer here! Sorry to hear of your situation, it really blows! Definitely harder to swallow if you've had long hair your whole life in my opinion. Your density looks great anyway! As far as haircuts, I guess I'm not too sure? I always thought that Heath Ledger looked cool as f*** and he was receding but still kept it long and shaggy. I wouldn't say you're near his level of recession by the way, just saying keeping it long is on option. Otherwise, just a standard short back and sh*t box should do the trick! Ha ha! You against treatment etc?

Thanks man! Im not against any treatments im just not super educated on them. I read a lot of the side effects and they freaked me out, do you know any worth while treatments and does finasteride actually bring your hairline forward or just maintain?


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Thanks man! Im not against any treatments im just not super educated on them. I read a lot of the side effects and they freaked me out, do you know any worth while treatments and does finasteride actually bring your hairline forward or just maintain?

Well, I tried hair laser therapy for one year at first, it kind of did something at first but not much, I wouldn't recommend it to be honest. I've been using minoxidil for about three years and I would say that definitely helps around the hairline, but for me personally, not enough on its own. Finasteride is definitely the big gun for me. I took ot for a year and the front of my hair (temples and hair line) thickened up massively, unfortunately my crown is my worst area and it didn't do much for me there, so I stopped for about three months and I swear lost nearly all my gains. I restarted finasteride at Christmas and have also added nizoral and biotin to my regime. I know what you mean about the sides, I think most people on these forums will be able to relate to you with that, some of the stories are scary. It's a personal decision really. For me, I'd know about them for years and tried other options first, but with very limited success. Maybe had I tried finasteride sooner I might not be where am I now, who knows? Good luck with whatever you do, I'll keep checking this thread to see how you handle it.


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I don't want to sound rude or mean, but you will look way better if you keep it shorter. Long hair is nice if you are a norwood 1 or 2. In some cases it can work for people with a norwdoo 3. But if you go beyond nw2 imo, keeping it long will not look good.


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You have great hair but you are pretty close to Norwood 3, not quite there yet though. If you want a decent chance at saving your hair then get on finasteride. Don't worry about the side effects it's mostly just scare mongering, they are rare and go away once medication is stopped. Let me put this into perspective for you.. I'm using finasteride, oral minoxidil (which can cause heart and blood pressure problems) and topical estrogen (which can cause impotence, breast development and sterility) and I have absolutely no side effects. finasteride is no big deal, really. Why be scared of an FDA approved drug that's been in use for decades? Just take the pill and forgot about it. Simple.


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If you are scared of finasteride don't take it more than 3 times a week when you start off and start with a very low dose(like 0.10mg or lower with the liquid microdose method, if you're just splitting the pill then 0.2mg 0.25mg method). I think most of the side effects come from people who already have an inactive lifestyle and naturally low DHT, so decimating DHT with a daily 1mg dose will almost always cause sides.

Good luck OP!


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That is the weird part there really isnt any baldness in my family just mature hairlines so at first i thought it was just a maturing hairline but it seems to be more than that.
male pattern baldness is polygenic, many genes play a role in it and perhaps you received an allele that would've otherwise been recessive on your dad's side? you can get male pattern baldness from both parents.

not trying to alarm you. chances are you might end up with just as much hair as your dad, but you should consult with a doctor either way just for safe measure.