(25M) Literally never lifted my hair before quarantine... Balding?


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Hey guys just wondering if you could give me insight whether it looks like a receding hairline or not? The top of my head is still fine however.
None of the males in my family balded young and are thinning now though (in their 50s).

I also found this really low quality pic from 10 years ago (on a rollercoaster lol) that you can kind of see the hairline


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Looks like receding, but probabbly It won't pass a mature hairline ir NW2. Your losing your temple peaks as well.
Hmm thanks for the feedback. It does make me feel a better you mention that it might be just a maturing hairline. I don't notice any hair shedding or thinning, but it does seem like it was deeper than before. Any tips for prevention or just keep monitoring?


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Kind of looks like my hairline as well. I’m 26 and have similar look.
We're in the same boat then! Do you feel like your receding alot (heading towards balding) or do you feel we're just getting that maturing hairline? Notice any thinning?


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Some additional pics from the top


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We're in the same boat then! Do you feel like your receding alot (heading towards balding) or do you feel we're just getting that maturing hairline? Notice any thinning?
I’m not too sure yet, I know my right corner receded a little but I’m not sure it’s just maturing just yet, I’m worried because my dad is full bald.


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Welcome to the balding, we've got hair loss
We got everything you want honey, we know the hair doctors transplant names
We are the people that can find you finasteride and minoxidil
If you got the money, honey we got your hair .
Thanks for the welcome! So youre thinking is balding for sure then?


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Could be a NW2 Keanu Reeves style hairline. But compared to that pic you have definitely lost some in your temples and the center V. It looks like you are Norwood 1.75.
Thanks for the good feedback man! From the time duration of 10 years (from that low quality pic), do you think I should be monitoring carefully for possible treatment or could it be just a maturing hairline?


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Thanks for the good feedback man! From the time duration of 10 years (from that low quality pic), do you think I should be monitoring carefully for possible treatment or could it be just a maturing hairline?
It could be either. You might stop at a 2 like a lot of people, which isn't even really "balding". Some people are dead set on having a NW1 though.


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It could be either. You might stop at a 2 like a lot of people, which isn't even really "balding". Some people are dead set on having a NW1 though.
Some people recede to a NW2 and then maintain for a while? That's actually very hopeful cause I wouldn't mind being a NW2. Can you please link some threads of people talking about that?


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Thanks for the good feedback man! From the time duration of 10 years (from that low quality pic), do you think I should be monitoring carefully for possible treatment or could it be just a maturing hairline?
I'm in the same boat as infamousrodi and you with near identical hairloss. I'm 25 and my temples are receding and the front of my hairline is beginning to thin, my crown area looks fine. I would rate our hairloss as moderate and one that can be controlled and maintained. The first thing I recommend for you to do is purchase a hair catcher for your shower to see the amount of hair your losing. This is the one that I use https://www.amazon.com/Catcher-Dura...1&keywords=hair+catcher&qid=1607296996&sr=8-7. I have long hair like you and I normally lose 50-70 hairs in the shower but I would consider that on the high side since I was losing less a year ago with short hair (around 15-25 per shower). As for treatment options I would highly recommend looking into 1mg of finasteride per day and also to RU58841. I take both and I recently increased the dosage of RU and it decreased my hair loss from 85 hairs to 30, check out my post about https://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/threads/ru-250mg-per-day-is-actually-working.130299/


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I think it looks normal, you could hide it if its problem with the hair on top with a short fringe, nothing to worry about yet
I have similar hair loss to OP and I used to have a short haircut but now I hide my hairline with the short fringe. Probably going to get a transplant within 5-10 years on the front of my hairline and only the left temple since my previous hair style completely hides the right temple.


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I'm 23 and have a hairline similar to yours but with more hair on the temples and a bit more hair at the front, some of which is thinning. I'll prolly start taking finasteride in one or two weeks because I like styling my hair up and don't think fringes look good on me. Also my paternal family is all fullheads at 60+ but my maternal family has men who begsm balding in their late twenties/early thirties following a NW2A-NW3A-NW4-NW5 pattern.


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I'm 23 and have a hairline similar to yours but with more hair on the temples and a bit more hair at the front, some of which is thinning. I'll prolly start taking finasteride in one or two weeks because I like styling my hair up and don't think fringes look good on me. Also my paternal family is all fullheads at 60+ but my maternal family has men who begsm balding in their late twenties/early thirties following a NW2A-NW3A-NW4-NW5 pattern.
I have similar family genetics. Maternal grandpa was bald but my dad and my dad's dad had nearly no hair loss.


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My paternal grandfather and my dad are both bald, my maternal side of my family uncles/grandfather have full heads of hair. I’m hoping for the best here. Kind of just want to get on dutasteride though to be safe.