.25 = 1mg of finasteride or no?


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I keep reading conflicting things. Studies, thoughts? Here are the two thoughts I have read;

.25 is equal to 1mg for results.
.25 is not equal to 1mg, but .5mg is.

Input please. I saw a similar thread some time back, but it descended into people arguing and got away from the point.

Discuss, thanks.


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Re: .25 = 1mg or no?

Which drug?


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You should read the whole thread again, as we discussed everything properly. The answer is in there. You've to make up your own mind.

In short 1 mg is the approved dose, and the results are superior to both 0.5- and 0.25 mg, but is the difference significant...?


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i have been reading allot lately regarding optimal doses for finasteride,
it seems that they are alot of different opinions regarding the dose,

i have been on .5mg since April 2010, No sides but have not seen great improvement either.

i would love to start popping 1mg a day, but the fear of sides is keeping me at half dose......

i think if you can regrow hair on half a dose than great, but if your system requires more than you are going to loose the battle,
i think i will give it a couple of more months before i start 1mg


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Need to read the clinical trials report. In general, the highest dose of finasteride, 1.0 mg, had a decrease of approximaley 60% DHT in the scalp, while the next to lowest dose, 0.2 mg had approximately 50% decrease in scalp DHT. The reason people choose the lower dose is try to to avoid side effects. One thing I learned on this site, from Enden, was to take 50-100 mg of Zinc daily to decrease sides. It works. I had to back off the 1.0 mg as well, now down to 0.5 with 100 mg Zinc and feel pretty good. Ive played with finasteride dosing for 2.5 years + Min and Nizoral and still a NW1 :)


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the side effects where the same for me at every dose, so im assuming they are all equally potent.


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So if .25 is 50%, and 1 is 60%, that is not much of a difference. I assume .5 would be something near 55% or so. From what I take it, no need to ever go above 1mg, and the differences between .25 and 1 aren't significant as far as positive effects, but there is a big difference regarding side effects.


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s320 said:
From what I take it, no need to ever go above 1mg, and the differences between .25 and 1 aren't significant as far as positive effects, but there is a big difference regarding side effects.

Why do you think there would be a big difference in side effects?


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It won't be, but 0.25 mg would give you a little more DHT in the system, and probably make it easier to manage the testosterone/estrogen ratio, which is critical for your sexual function.


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Why do you think there would be a big difference in side effects?

I am an example of it, that's how I know first hand. 1mg killed my sexual everything, but .25mg is fine, no side effects. There is a difference between positive effects and side effects at different dosages, I have no doubt about that. What I am looking for is the highest dose I can take with no/low sides that will be the most effective. I suspect it is .5mg.


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I have trouble believing that.


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I like many others have found that 1.0 mg did not come without a penality. Yes of course it is because of its effectivness at reducing DHT. If you read the clinical trials for 5.0mg finasteride to treat the prostate, impotence (as a side effect) was remarkedly higher nearly 16% I believe. I have found that 0.5 mg with 20 mg of Zinc ?picolonate? twice daily has a perfect balance for me. Make sure to read the thread by Enden for Zinc to reduce Estrogen, this may be the major culprit to side effects.


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s320 said:
I have trouble believing that.

Sorry, true. Each person is different, accept it.

How do you know it's true? You saw it on a hairloss forum? :)


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finfighter said:
I know it doesn't mesh with the studies but I have personally experienced this as well-a decrease in side effects with a dose of .625 down from 1.25....

I think the "nocebo" effect is the key operation here (see the published study on that phenomenon). I think the male mind is so peculiar about side effects -- especially when it comes to sexual ones -- that all we have to do is have HALF a dose administered to us, and it makes what we think is a noticeable difference in those side effects! :)


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finfighter said:
Interesting opinion. In most cases I agree with this, but I can tell you that this was not psychosomatic.

I am not talking about sexual side effects. I was experiencing tachycardia and heart palpations.

1. I started experiencing heart palpataions while exercising that never occured before Finasteride(1.25).

2. I reduced my dose to .625 and noticed a cecastion of all heart palpations while working out.

3. I increased my dose back up to 1.25, and I counted 20 heart palpations during a one hour workout.

4. I reduced the dose to .625 and counted zero heart palpations during the next two months of working out 5 times per day.

5. I increased the dose back up to 1.25 and counted around 18 heart palpations during my one hour workout.

Have you considered doing a blinded trial on yourself, just to prove that it wasn't all in your mind?


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Bryan said:
finfighter said:
Interesting opinion. In most cases I agree with this, but I can tell you that this was not psychosomatic.

I am not talking about sexual side effects. I was experiencing tachycardia and heart palpations.

1. I started experiencing heart palpataions while exercising that never occured before Finasteride(1.25).

2. I reduced my dose to .625 and noticed a cecastion of all heart palpations while working out.

3. I increased my dose back up to 1.25, and I counted 20 heart palpations during a one hour workout.

4. I reduced the dose to .625 and counted zero heart palpations during the next two months of working out 5 times per day.

5. I increased the dose back up to 1.25 and counted around 18 heart palpations during my one hour workout.

Have you considered doing a blinded trial on yourself, just to prove that it wasn't all in your mind?

And even if you do a "blinded trial" on yourself he'll still tell you that you're wrong, lol


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HT55 said:
And even if you do a "blinded trial" on yourself he'll still tell you that you're wrong, lol


If he does a blinded trial on himself with the same results, I'll believe him.


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Bryan said:
HT55 said:
And even if you do a "blinded trial" on yourself he'll still tell you that you're wrong, lol


If he does a blinded trial on himself with the same results, I'll believe him.

I was just breaking them on you but I did this once with a friend of mine years back. I gave him his "propecia" everyday. I broke up his pills and gave them to him right after I dropped them in a cup of water for him to drink so he had no idea what he was taking

He was splitting up 5mg Proscar and had some bad sides, he was the nervous type so I suggested the experiment.

Long story short his sides got worse on pieces of a one a day vitamin he thought was propecia