22 and balding whilst on a strong routine, losing all hope now. (Comprehensive overview of my progression in photos)


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Get a few live in person consults and see what the experts have to say. You need get professional opinions from doctors who have cases like yours everyday instead of relying on just this forum.
yeah for sure, i've got a couple of hair transplant surgeons in mind like Dr Zayev. Money will never be a problem for me as I'll do whatever it takes. That man performs miracles. I have no idea how he does this


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what is your take on dutasteride mesotherapy? seriously debating this tbh.
I don't have enough evidence of how effective it works. That is a better conversation with a doctor who does that every day. I would research that and find a clinic who does it and ask them that question. My research involves real doctors not ones playing a doctor on TV. LOL, how ironic considering my username.


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Don't let it ruin your life. It's not worth it. If you let people judge you by the amount of hair on your head instead of what comes out of your mouth, you have a damaging limiting belief. I would be severely depressed if I could not walk, talk, see or hear. You can do all those things. Don't let your youth be ruined by depression. Focus on other things you like about yourself besides how much hair you have. Or focus on other things you can control. Just use the big 3 and hope for the best.
Doctor you re a class act.


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I would advise adding omega 3, niacin (1x per day) and motherwort tincture (3-4x per day). Just try for 2-4 weeks. If this works, congratulations, you have baldness due to problems of the nervous, endocrine or cardiovascular system.


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Hi guys,

I started fighting in 2018 with minoxidil which was the wrong decision. I then decided to take finasteride in at 19 which worked wonders for me as shown in the pictures below.
I gained so much density I was finally free, for this all to halt at 1 year in. 2 years ago, I started to thin and minaturise once again causing me to jump on other treatments.

I.e, i've been using eucapil for a year; minoxidil with tretinoin for a year; microneedling for 7 months and I CONTINUE TO LOSE GROUND.

I'm so depressed at how I lost such great results and now my hairline is starting to go which is killing me. How on earth did microneedling with minoxidil applied right after for 7 months not do ANYTHING for me :/

I'm 2 weeks into folliserum which has melatonin and adosiene etc as well as 2 months into ostrigrow. I've just ordered topical dutasteride and debating to try this at 0.05 once weekly at the hairline (the only part i care about for now).

Advice is extremely appreciated as I genuinely feel so low in myself. I don't know how I've lost such great results from finasteride.

(apologies for the order of pics, the baseline pics are the ones at the bottom)
I would stop the micro needling you could be causing the problem by damaging your scalp like others have done, it doesn’t work for everyone and if that scar is a keloid then you could be sensitive to scaring which can stop hair growth, stick with min finasteride keto, fluridil doesn’t really do much of anything from what most say and yet others say Ostrigrow is better than ru so who knows. Worse case scenario you can keep it buzzed down and add some very light smp and that would look good as long as it’s done properly, smp usually fades out in about five years so you’re not stuck with it forever, good luck!


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I would stop the micro needling you could be causing the problem by damaging your scalp like others have done, it doesn’t work for everyone and if that scar is a keloid then you could be sensitive to scaring which can stop hair growth, stick with min finasteride keto, fluridil doesn’t really do much of anything from what most say and yet others say Ostrigrow is better than ru so who knows. Worse case scenario you can keep it buzzed down and add some very light smp and that would look good as long as it’s done properly, smp usually fades out in about five years so you’re not stuck with it forever, good luck!
I agree, drop the micro needling.


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Your hair looks fine. And you are probably having a hard time psychologically because you’re only 22 and being young and dealing with this makes you feel even worse. I felt the same way at the time, but I cared way more about it when I was 22 than I do now. realizing your situation and feeling hopeless was the worst part, but as time goes on it really honestly starts to bother you less and less. In my experience at least.

Also, you’re not necessarily fucked. I noticed my hairline starting to show signs of receding when I was 20 or so and hopped on finasteride. I spent a lot of time checking it in the mirror and obsessing over it. Fast forward and I’m 28 now and my hair has luckily maintained and I don’t even check on it or think about it hardly ever. Maybe it was finasteride that helped me keep it, maybe I just overreacted at the time and was destined to be a slow balder. Who knows. Not everyone who shows early signs ends up bald by 25, they just think that they’re going to and get overwhelmed by it.


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Seems fine to me, maybe you’re just obsessing over it.

I don’t know how people suggest oral min, that stuff is toxic. Don’t kill your heart over some hair


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Seems fine to me, maybe you’re just obsessing over it.

I don’t know how people suggest oral min, that stuff is toxic. Don’t kill your heart over some hair
low dose oral min is not toxic just have to be sensible with it, is potential the best hair growth stimulant accessible now

Mr. Slap Head

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bro i stg i remember seeing a post about oral ru,some people in this forum scare me, its to the point where i cant detect sarcasm on here anymore
Lol sorry. Yeah I don’t blame you. Especially with all the craziness on the tranny and incel threads


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Bro you will be bald very soon if you don't step up your game. Get on 2.5mg dutasteride, 10mg oral minoxidil, RU twice daily, and topical bica once a week.
I thought him taking finasteride is stepping up his game. He has more hair than a few I've seen. If he's bald soon, 90 percent of these forums are. And pigs can fly. Especially the one from Toy Story.

Mr. Slap Head

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I thought him taking finasteride is stepping up his game. He has more hair than a few I've seen. If he's bald soon, 90 percent of these forums are. And pigs can fly. Especially the one from Toy Story.
How's your hair?


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How's your hair?
I've lost the game man. I'm not even kidding or saying it for attention. I'm diffuse thinning and finasteride helped my hairline grow baby hairs, 1000 percent, but the top of my scalp is getting highly worse.. Been 4 months now. I thought it could be a shed but I'm not even seeing hairs fallout.

I cannot afford a transplant yet unfortunately and it might be my ONLY option. I'm giving finasteride more time of course, but I don't think my hairs holding. In the sun I can see right through. I really want to keep my hair for 1 or 3 more years.