20 and balding


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If you have low T and under a physicians supervision then you are part right.

You can't have a once and done hair transplant because of male pattern baldness's PROGRESSIVE nature. No hair transplant will short your genetic hard wiring. Now finasteride. can at minimum help preserve or maintain existing hair. Generally all hair transplant surgeons advocate finasteride. long term use post surgery. Good Luck.

I'm not low T... I was just gonna find it another way

Hmm what about getting a hair transplant now then going on finasteride so my hair is sorted out? I'd rather do that than go on finasteride and wait years for a hair transplant. Thanks for your replies man you've been a great help so far. I'm just a 20 yr old kid not tryna go bald

g.i joey

Senior Member
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with your minor crown loss finasteride will definately thicken it up and chances are you will probably regrow as much hair as a hair transplant wouldve given you on the crown. you're young and your hairloss is minor, finasteride is enough.


Senior Member
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So finasteride. now and/or min., and if you'll a good responder then hair transplant perhaps, but only SEVERAL years later. All my best.
I'm not low T... I was just gonna find it another way

Hmm what about getting a hair transplant now then going on finasteride so my hair is sorted out? I'd rather do that than go on finasteride and wait years for a hair transplant. Thanks for your replies man you've been a great help so far. I'm just a 20 yr old kid not tryna go bald


New Member
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Man, I'm sorry to see this. 23 and in your shoes, mine's a little worse though. My best friend who is also 23 is going through the same phase> We all bleed the same.