2% Nizoral for 5 month everyday


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After reading about Nizoral shampoo on this board, I decided to try it. and see what if it would do anything. I have been using 2% percent Nizoral everyday for 5 months. I jump in the shower and first thing put it on my hair. Then i let it sit on my head for the entire shower length, Maybe 5-10 Minutes. I went with using it everyday because I figured the 2 or 3 times a week recommendation is for dandruff. I figured because one of the modes of believed operation is the blocking of DHT on a weak level, I had better block it everyday if i expect any results, just like you would take Propecia everday to block DHT. Some people complain that it fries their hair, I remember experiencing that to, but I started to use Brylcreem on my hair and that counter acted the drying effect of the nizoral on my hair. I should also not that the "after" picture is one I just shot without even combing through my hair to try to get a good results for the picture. The before picture I tried to comb it perfectly to see how good of a result I could get, I was freaking out and didn't want to believe I was loosing my hair, so I kept trying to comb it, thinking that my hair was messed up from not combing and showing allot of scalp.


  • Before.jpg
    35.5 KB · Views: 88,716
  • After.jpg
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One of the things I can not stress enough, and you always hear it on this board is, Start a regimen and stick with it for at least 6 months before you even take a look in the mirror for a result. I was an idiot checking the mirror everday looking for results, all I did was freak myself out.

I am not sure if the %1 percent will work the same as 2 percent. I remember I tried 1% first and seemed to dry my hair too much. But it was 5 months ago, so I might have to try it again. But I am going to stick with %2 for now. I was sent to seattle by my company for 6 months, so I got the 2% in Canada. I will get a prescription for it now in the USA.


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Yes there looks to be an improvement, but your hair is so long that it might play into how it looks to us.

With long hair like that it would be easy to style in such a way as to cover a thinning crown. If you cut your hair shorter and took some pictures it might give you a better idea of how to judge the hairloss.

But yes, I think it look much better. Why not add rogaine to the mix?


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I will tell you about my Rogaine Experience. I bought some Rogaine 5 months ago right before I started Nizoral. But putting that on my hair made me have a "Some thing about Mary" hairdo. Made me look like I tried to style my hair with pancake syrup, or jizz or something.

So then I started reading about Minoxidil and warnings about not using it with Petrolatum because it might be absorbed too well into the skin, so I came up with the Idea to put a dab of Brylcreem in my hand about the size of a quarter and use a dropper full of the 5% minoxidil generic and rub it between my hands to make my instant Brylminox cream. I just applied it to my hair like I would normally with Brylcreem. Only Problem was that it would give me a headache the entire day, I just would be at work and want to run home and wash my head to get it off.

So why did I do this then? Well the foam made my hair look like crap, and the dropper was just to much of a pain in the *** twice a day, I thought I would try something else. I still think that using the Mineral Oil in Brylcreem as a carrier might work, just with a lower dosage of Minoxidil. The foam or the droppers straight on the scalp did not give me a headache from what i remembered. So Brylcreem might be acting as ridiculously good carrier to my scalp and causing the headache. I have not really been experimenting any more with my Brylminox for fear of the unknown.

Any suggestions for applying minoxidil easier with how much hair I still have? Or any ideas on the Brylminox theory?


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The long hair in the after pic had me worried too. It is so easy to take pictures and have every picture seem to show a different level of hairloss or not. Coming your hair makes a different in the pic, the angle, the lighting, one pic you look bald, th next you look pretty good. I can see how it would be real easy in any ad campaign for a hairloss product to cherry pick the pictures to make their product show results no matter what. That is one of the reasons that I thought I would get some second opinions from this board. I have about 30 before pics, and took 10 after pics tonight. I looked at them all again, and the 10 after pics in general beat the before pics. But once again, does my hair being longer just mask it?

So would you say Nizoral worked at all? or just my hair being longer?


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I was reading some more on Diffuse thinners having to put boat loads of foam on to cover the area. That was kind of my problem, a cap full of foam will give me just a giant cow lick in the center of my head. it will not even cover the area that I would like too. I saw that metaldude had commented that some diffuse thinners would use to much foam and drop there blood pressure to low and pass out. I think this is might have been what I experienced with the Brylminox experiment. 1Ml of 5% minoxidil mixed with Brylcreem would make my head hurt and feel weird, and I felt stupid as a box of rocks. Maybe it was dropping the blood pressure in my brain or something. I was almost getting dizzy.
But what it might be showing me is that the Brylminox might be a powerful delivery system that is also easy to use. Imagine if you could style you hair and regrow your hair with one product that is as easy to use as Brylcreem. That was what I was hoping come up with my experiments.


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Here is a little excerpt from a web site i just looked at. I bet there carrier lotion is Mineral Oil.


How can we improve Minoxidil?

1) Mix with carrier solution. The our carrier lotion is the result of years of research and development. The carrier maintains Minoxidil in a liquid state longer allowing it to penetrate down into the follicle where it will have the maximum effect on the growth of the hair shaft. Use of the carrier lotion allows you to use less minoxidil to achieve a larger effective dosage level by converting it into a lotion that is more easily absorbed. Pharmacia & Upjohn Company recommends using 2ml of Minoxidil daily but because of the improved delivery system, the amount of Minoxidil needed was significantly reduced (by 50%) to 1ml daily.

How to use: Mix 30ml of carrier with 30ml of minoxidil and shake to mix.


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Here is another little tid bit that mentions mineral oil and Minoxidil. Maybe I am on the same tract as the Emu oil people. Except if the minoxidil worked 20 times better with emu oil then brylcreem It would probably kill me


Using emu oil in combination with topical minoxidil would seem to be an excellent idea in combating minoxidil's side effects. Second, as mentioned in the clinical study conducted at Auburn University, emu oil is 20 times more effective as a transdermal carrier than mineral oil. If used in conjunction with topical minoxidil, emu oil is very likely to enhance the penetration of minoxidil into the follicles. This will probably be better than using Minoxidil-Retin-A treatment since emu oil will probably increase minoxidil absorption without producing the same side effects as Retin-A.


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I see improvement too. I'm on nizoral 2% everyday for a month, hoping for good results too :)


Honestly, your hair does look thicker even though it is longer, but i think you would have to use it for a longer period of time to actually tell say like one year? If you can keep what you already have on your head by just using nizoral for more than a year then I would definitely classify you as a success story. But i have a question for you, when you initially used nizoral, did you experience a lot of hair loss when you applied it in the shower?


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Therer are very different lighting conditions in the two photos - before photo shows a lot of natural light while the after seems to be using flash straight onto your head? Flash can make things look really bad but it definitely seems better in the after pic. As hard as it may be often times the only way to be sure is to try and make things look as bad as possible and then compare.

IBM said:
I dont see improvement at all. Only thing i see is the hair is longer. Nothing more. Nizoral wont stop you from balding.

It annoys me when people say stuff like this. Keto has some of the best regrowth pics around from a group of only 6 or so people. Yes keto/nizoral can stop some people from going bald and will even help regrow hair for some people. This we know already.


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Agreed Harold. Seems strange to me that everyone seems to discount Nizoral as not being able to do anything.

For starters, ketoconazole is a DHT inhibitor - sure, it may not be as potent as taking finasteride orally, but then again you don't have to worry about growing tits.

Second, inflammation is a big part of male pattern baldness. Using Nizoral fights inflammation.

Connect the dots.


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wotsthedeal said:
Agreed Harold. Seems strange to me that everyone seems to discount Nizoral as not being able to do anything.

For starters, ketoconazole is a DHT inhibitor - sure, it may not be as potent as taking finasteride orally, but then again you don't have to worry about growing tits.

Second, inflammation is a big part of male pattern baldness. Using Nizoral fights inflammation.

Connect the dots.

You dont even have to connect the dots - nizoral increases both hair counts and hair diameter. Demonstrated more than once and this is only with it being used every other day or less.
If it is indeed helping to neutralise the androgenic environment of the scalp then it also sets up minoxidil to work that much better also IMO and that can lead to some fairly impressive regrowth pics.


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I planned on using nizoral like this fella but EVERYONE was scarying the sh*t out of me saying that using nizoral everyday was TERRIBLE so i've cut down to 3 days a week...

But when I was using nizoral 2percent each day for 2 weeks 5mins applications each session I noticed A LOT more shedding which assumed was a sign of it working

but then again could have been a bad sign too harsh for the hair making it fall out ???

Because I showed absolutely 0 sides effects from nizoral at all in 2 weeks using it straight should I go back to everyday nizoral applications cos my skull loves it