19 and hairline receding. Any ideas?


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Hello, I'm 19 almost 20 and have noticed in maybe the last 5-6 months that my hairline is receding! I'm currently at university and could be slightly stressed but I find it hard to believe that's the cause of it! It really bothers me as I care about my appearance a lot. No men in my family (mum or dads side for 2 generations) are bald/balding so I am very confused about why my hairline is receding.

I eat an okay diet and go to the gym three times a week and swim twice a week. I do use hair wax in my hair which seems to make it a ry but I do condition it. I have no idea what is meant by types of hair loss and am new to this but it is the hairline in the corners that is receding. The rest of my hair is still thick and seems okay.

any ideas what the cause could be or what I could do about it?

here is a photo: image.jpg


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You can only look at your family for a rough estimation of your hairloss. Typically, if every man on your fathers side lost their hair but none on your mothers side, you'd still have more than 60% chance you'll inherit the gene.
Only use your family history as a rough guide because the male pattern baldness gene skips generations. For instance. My great grandfather died with a nw1 and thick hair. As did his brother and my great grandmothers brother. However, all of their sons so my great uncles and grandfather all started balding around 16.

You might just be developing a mature hairline. Happens around our age, the temples come up a little bit and then stop. Take a photo a little closer from the front with your hair pulled back so we can see whether you have miniaturization. If you're really worried, I would recommend seeing a dermatologist to get a professional confirmation on if you're balding.


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Thanks for the speedy reply! That makes sense :) Don't think there is miniaturisation. What is meant by nw1? It's hard to get a clear photo are these any better?


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Peck, looks like your are approaching a NW3. You are losing your temple points. Looks like some slight thinning. At your age, finasteride might be risky but since you seem to be concerned I would talk to your doctor about it. If not try Rogaine foam for now.


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Sorry to be so clueless but what is finasteride? Also my fringe goes from right to left and the right hand side seems to be much worse where it gets pulled to the left!


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finesteride is pretty much propecia. I started losing my hair 2 years ago and I started by taking a low dosage of finesteride. It blocks the DHT. Anyways from my understanding its the most effective medication for hair loss. I was told it only prevents further hairloss but not regrowth tho.