1500 Graft Fue - Doesn't Seem Right


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I had a 1500 graft FUE done yesterday and I'm kind of freaking out right now. No post op pictures I've seen resemble mine, and I can literally see scalp between each scab, which I can only assume means the hairs weren't placed close together. And I have no idea how hairs placed so sparingly could amount to 1500.

Please please lend some insight....


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My Regimen
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I can see why you are concerned but It's hard to tell from the pictures, there is nothing you can do now but wait and hope for the best, don't stress about it, as long as the grafts that were planted survive that's all that matters, the density will come with another procedure, I know people that had big transplants that did not go well and most of the grafts did not survive, that's a nightmare scenario, the density can be worked on if things don't go as planned, make sure you chose the right surgeon, good luck.


My Regimen
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I can see why you are concerned but It's hard to tell from the pictures, there is nothing you can do now but wait and hope for the best, don't stress about it, as long as the grafts that were planted survive that's all that matters, the density will come with another procedure, I know people that had big transplants that did not go well and most of the grafts did not survive, that's a nightmare scenario, the density can be worked on if things don't go as planned, make sure you chose the right surgeon, good luck.
Appreciate the kind words, but I just don't see how it's possible that the number of excisions in the back equals the implanted follicles in that front portion, much less that there are 1500 excisions from the back (there aren't, I actually counted).

You might not be able to tell from the picture, but the portion where the grafts have been implanted is only about a half inch from temple to temple, and I can see clear skin where no implantation occurred all around there. I called him yesterday and he said you can harvest multiple grafts from one excision which I now know to be a lie. I will be consulting with another doctor to get his take, and then request a refund for the grafts I didn't receive. (he's given me $500 back already and offered to do a follow up to harvest more grafts, which I'm not interested in)


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Appreciate the kind words, but I just don't see how it's possible that the number of excisions in the back equals the implanted follicles in that front portion, much less that there are 1500 excisions from the back (there aren't, I actually counted).

You might not be able to tell from the picture, but the portion where the grafts have been implanted is only about a half inch from temple to temple, and I can see clear skin where no implantation occurred all around there. I called him yesterday and he said you can harvest multiple grafts from one excision which I now know to be a lie. I will be consulting with another doctor to get his take, and then request a refund for the grafts I didn't receive. (he's given me $500 back already and offered to do a follow up to harvest more grafts, which I'm not interested in)

To which surgeon did you go to?


My Regimen
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Appreciate the kind words, but I just don't see how it's possible that the number of excisions in the back equals the implanted follicles in that front portion, much less that there are 1500 excisions from the back (there aren't, I actually counted).

You might not be able to tell from the picture, but the portion where the grafts have been implanted is only about a half inch from temple to temple, and I can see clear skin where no implantation occurred all around there. I called him yesterday and he said you can harvest multiple grafts from one excision which I now know to be a lie. I will be consulting with another doctor to get his take, and then request a refund for the grafts I didn't receive. (he's given me $500 back already and offered to do a follow up to harvest more grafts, which I'm not interested in)

If a clinic offers you a 500$ refund a few days after surgery that means there is something wrong or shady going on, don't go back again for a follow up even if they offer you one for free, I know it's frustrating but you have to wait at least 6 to 8 months now to see any results and based on that make your decision on where to go next, good thing it was a small procedure and if you counted way less than 1500 that's even better, I have seen guys that had huge sessions that were butchered and there is nothing they can do about it now. Don't call the clinic now, wait 6 months now, results might surprise you and if you don't get the result that was advertised try asking for a full refund and just move on completely from that clinic. Mistakes happen sometimes, I have been in this situation before, I went to a bad place and lost a huge number of grafts and that's something that I can't get back, luckily in your case it was a small procedure, what matter now is that the grafts that were planted survive, you can do a follow up procedure with another skilled surgeon that will work on the density, you are going be fine.


My Regimen
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If a clinic offers you a 500$ refund a few days after surgery that means there is something wrong or shady going on, don't go back again for a follow up even if they offer you one for free, I know it's frustrating but you have to wait at least 6 to 8 months now to see any results and based on that make your decision on where to go next, good thing it was a small procedure and if you counted way less than 1500 that's even better, I have seen guys that had huge sessions that were butchered and there is nothing they can do about it now. Don't call the clinic now, wait 6 months now, results might surprise you and if you don't get the result that was advertised try asking for a full refund and just move on completely from that clinic. Mistakes happen sometimes, I have been in this situation before, I went to a bad place and lost a huge number of grafts and that's something that I can't get back, luckily in your case it was a small procedure, what matter now is that the grafts that were planted survive, you can do a follow up procedure with another skilled surgeon that will work on the density, you are going be fine.
Thanks man, first thing anyone's said that's made me feel better about the situation. I had been telling myself the same thing - that it's good more grafts hadn't gone to waste - but hearing it from someone else helps it sink in. I will heed your advice and wait out the time, then request a % refund if results are evidently lacking. I spoke with another clinic in the area today and they confirmed this guy has only been in business a year and a half. It explains a lot.


Experienced Member
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Whoever did this seems very inexperienced. The graft harvesting is the wrong location (too low on back of head), they didn't shave the recipient area, and I'm guessing they took multi-follicle grafts (you want singles for a hairline). As you say that also is not 1500 grafts.


My Regimen
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Whoever did this seems very inexperienced. The graft harvesting is the wrong location (too low on back of head), they didn't shave the recipient area, and I'm guessing they took multi-follicle grafts (you want singles for a hairline). As you say that also is not 1500 grafts.
That's the first thing that told me that everything wasn't right, when they showed me the donor site. I specifically told him that I lose hair from the bottom, and he reassured me he'd only be taking it from the upper, DHT resistant portion. He also showed me that he'd be placing them in the front, as well as reinforcing behind the front. In reality all he did was loosely lay them out in a half inch arrangement along the front. Nothing behind it. I will be seeking a partial reimbursement from this in the future.


My Regimen
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Wtf, they offered you 500 $ a few days after the operation? You definitely went to a butcher shop.

One needs to be willing to spend a bit to ensure a quality surgeon, stay away from these FUE farms. You need to do some thorough research before your next one man.


Established Member
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I agree, you went to a butcher shop bro.

The good news is you have tons of donor left snd a qualified doctor should easily be able to repair that. It's just going to cost you a bit more money though

random phone charger

Established Member
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Not 1500 grafts dude. 1700 grafts can establish a nw1 hairline from a nw2- nw2.5 easily. At the very least, inform us of the country your procedure took place.


My Regimen
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I agree, you went to a butcher shop bro.

The good news is you have tons of donor left snd a qualified doctor should easily be able to repair that. It's just going to cost you a bit more money though
I'm going to seek a partial reimbursement, unless this doctor wants his reputation resembling my hairline. Then I'm going to a reputable office.


My Regimen
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Not 1500 grafts dude. 1700 grafts can establish a nw1 hairline from a nw2- nw2.5 easily. At the very least, inform us of the country your procedure took place.
That's what my assumption was. I've looked at so many post op and before/after pictures at this point that I was expecting the hairs to stretch at least another inch back. As it stands there's a half inch horse shoe shape. He promised me something entirely different at the consult...This was done in the United States, NY
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That's what my assumption was. I've looked at so many post op and before/after pictures at this point that I was expecting the hairs to stretch at least another inch back. As it stands there's a half inch horse shoe shape. He promised me something entirely different at the consult...This was done in the United States, NY
Was it done in Colorado by any chance??


Established Member
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It was done in NY. Why, did you get a botch job in Colorado?
No, but there's a certain clinic in Denver (I forgot the name) who do $2 per grafts surgeries, and almost all their work has been botch jobs. I'm surprised nobody has walked in with a gun yet and blown everybody away.

I'll see if I can find the name of the clinic


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Received another $1,500 refund. I gave him my word that I would refrain from smearing his practice by name online as he was willing to work with me when he could have instead dug his heels in.