10 Months on Finasteride, switch to Dutasteride?


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Hey guys,

I'm 23 years old and I started taking Proscar cut in 1/4 last march of 2014. I'm not sure if I should start taking Dutasteride. I'm not loosing any hair, but I would like to grow back some hairs on the temples. (Altho I think some new hair is starting to grow back thicker on the hairline but I can't be sure yet) AND (I don't want to use minoxidil)

Right now I take 1/4 Proscar everyday and shampoo twice a week with Nizoral 2%.

Also which Norwood would you say I'm at now?

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there will be an insignificant difference in terms of regrowth between the two


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really? I thought dutasteride was supposed to give more regrowth than finasteride?


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It gives a slight bit more regrowth, but probably not as much as you're hoping for. You may see some more benefits from finasteride as you see the best results generally at 24 months. To want to lower your hairline or fill in the temples your best bet is a hair transplant sadly.


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all right thanks for the reply, I will give it another year and then see where I'm at, a FUE hair transplant could be a good option .


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really? I thought dutasteride was supposed to give more regrowth than finasteride?

niether's primary strong point is regrowth. They are good at maintaining what you have. Here are some points of reference:

-33 hairs placebo
+75 hairs for finasteride
+95-100 hairs for dutasteride (only like not even 20% better for regrowth than finasteride vs. placebo
+300 something for minoxidil

so the difference between finasteride and dutasteride is like not even one tenth of what the average minoxidil user would expect. Really not anything special. Are you taking minoxidil?


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no i'm not taking minoxidil, I took it for aprox 6 months before starting finasteride but no results, maybe I would get results with finasteride + minoxidil, I live in Canada and the only minoxidil we can get at the pharmacy is the liquid version with 2% I think, not the 5% foam stuff, yet the Nizoral 2% is on the shelves and you don't need a prescription to buy it :)


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I don't know I live in Canada and I'm able to buy Minoxidil 5% at Costco. As for Nizoral that's the shampoo that's part of the big three regime and it no longer requires a prescription either.

Wolf Pack

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I'm in a similar boat to you but 3 months on finasteride. Lots of vellus hairs but if I don't get back to Norwood 2 I will do a hair transplant. Just don't want to use topical Minoxidil. People are right about dutasteride, that's only an option if you're still losing on finasteride. Going on dutasteride for regrowth of a few extra hairs is pretty dumb, especially as it takes out DHT 1 and safety not formally approved.

I have been thinking hair transplant or oral Minoxidil worse comes to worse. They use oral in asian countries for hair loss still, I need to research risks v benefits properly but thing that puts me off is the collagen inhibition orally, I mean this is a fact. Not bothered by the extra hair growth else where as I am not very hairy anyway but I fully groom every 2 weeks head to toe to keep it perfect. Also I would need to buy it online somehow.

finasteride peaks at 2 years some say so maybe give it more time although you should be getting signs of regrowth 6 months in to a year.


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Yeh I'm with you on that Wolf Pack, don't want no mixodil! If I can keep my NW2 hairline for another 10 years i'm happy. You can't tell I have hair loss even when I pull my hair back, I still look like I have a mature hairline (but obviously a little deeper then where it should be).

I've seen some regrowth but only velus hairs at the hairline, altho I really stopped loosing hair to the point where i'm loosing less than 100 a day probably.

Wolf Pack

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Yeh I'm with you on that Wolf Pack, don't want no mixodil! If I can keep my NW2 hairline for another 10 years i'm happy. You can't tell I have hair loss even when I pull my hair back, I still look like I have a mature hairline (but obviously a little deeper then where it should be).

I've seen some regrowth but only velus hairs at the hairline, altho I really stopped loosing hair to the point where i'm loosing less than 100 a day probably.

I'm a 2.5 so I need to badly be a 2, im 29. I like your hairline and personally think you just need a bit more.

I haven't had a shed or anything. I feel this medication is doing a good job as my thickness has gone even better. Remains to be seen in regards to good regrowth.


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I'm a 2.5 so I need to badly be a 2, im 29. I like your hairline and personally think you just need a bit more.

I haven't had a shed or anything. I feel this medication is doing a good job as my thickness has gone even better. Remains to be seen in regards to good regrowth.

ya man i mean you've only be on it for 3 months, i only started to see any difference in my hair around 7-8 months... like more thickness and the velus hair. Like everybody says here on this website, just keep taking finasteride and see what happens!


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If I were you I would stay far away from Dutasteride. I have been on finasteride for like three years, and has not stopped my hairloss. So I tried adding Avodart to the mix. I was only taking it 3 times a week for 2 months before I had to stop due to side effects.

Severe dry skin, dry eyes, erection issues, etc..

Since I stopped taking it things have gotten much better, but still not back to where they were. I would think long and hard before going down that road because unlike finasteride, the sides can be very long lasting.

Granted I was only on Avodart a short time, but I did not notice any improvement in my hair.
It just caused a bad initial shed


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If I were you I would stay far away from Dutasteride. I have been on finasteride for like three years, and has not stopped my hairloss. So I tried adding Avodart to the mix. I was only taking it 3 times a week for 2 months before I had to stop due to side effects.

Severe dry skin, dry eyes, erection issues, etc..

Since I stopped taking it things have gotten much better, but still not back to where they were. I would think long and hard before going down that road because unlike finasteride, the sides can be very long lasting.

Granted I was only on Avodart a short time, but I did not notice any improvement in my hair.
It just caused a bad initial shed

thanks for sharing plummertowalker, I'm gonna stick with finasteride, it has stopped my hairloss, i'm being greedy about the hairline :p


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niether's primary strong point is regrowth. They are good at maintaining what you have. Here are some points of reference:

-33 hairs placebo
+75 hairs for finasteride
+95-100 hairs for dutasteride (only like not even 20% better for regrowth than finasteride vs. placebo
+300 something for minoxidil

so the difference between finasteride and dutasteride is like not even one tenth of what the average minoxidil user would expect. Really not anything special. Are you taking minoxidil?

i've seen this online, here they use 5mg for finasteride which isnt relevant for most guys as they use 1mg.
and the stated number for dutasteride is for the normal dosage .5mg
which is why im confused on what you trying to say


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i've seen this online, here they use 5mg for finasteride which isnt relevant for most guys as they use 1mg.
and the stated number for dutasteride is for the normal dosage .5mg
which is why im confused on what you trying to say

the study is still relevant, finasteride has a flat response regardless of dose over the relevant range. 5mg and 1mg results with finasteride are pretty much indistinguishable. The study used .5mg daily dutasteride

what I was getting at is regrowth due to finasteride and dutasteride is peanuts compared to regrowth meds such as minoxidil, let alone the difference in regrowth between finasteride and dutasteride


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I've switched from finasteride to dutasteride after 15 months. Had horrible sheds every 2 months on finasteride. It was devastating.

been on dutasteride for 6 months now and just had my first shed. Bad but still better than finasteride sheds.

I use minoxidil and Nizoral but to be quite honest I actually think minoxidil is doing more harm then good but maybe that could be contact dermatitis.

I use use topical spironolactone bought on this site and am thinking of Azelaic acid which is apparently proven to reduce DHT on scalp surface to zero.