10 Month Update...and still fightin!

Jenn G

New Member
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Hi Girls

I just wanted to commend Laura on doing such a great job with this site. It really is very well constructed. I also wanted to thank Laura and Maya for inviting me aboard!

I have been silent for a few months because I did not want to continue posting in negative atmospheres. Thanks to Laura's site, I feel like I can get back into the swing of things.

Well, It has been 10 months since my Androgenetic Alopecia diagnosisand although my shedding has signifcantly dropped, I am hoping to go on trying another treatment.

I have been on 200mgs of spironolactone (Aldactone), Yasmin Birth Control Pills, and 5% Rogaine 2x a day, for the past ten months. The spironolactone and Yasmin were prescribed by Dr. Redmond back in March.

I cannot say that I have had any real regrowth. There have been a few hairs growing back around my hairline, but nothing significant. I am cursed with miniturized hairs all in the front/center part of my hair. I know they are miniturized because they are only about a half an inch long, light in color, and do not grow.

I have heard mixed stories about miniturized hairs, that they could bounce back into healthy hairs, or not. Right now I do not know the ultimate fate of my hair.

In January of 2004, I hope to go back to Dr. Redmond in pursue of a stronger treatment. I seriously dont believe that finestaride or dutestaride will affect women any differently then it does men. I believe that it can help to restore women's hair. (Besides the fact that we can NOT conceive while taking it.)

So, my future 2004 goals are to see Dr. Redmond in the new year for the second time around, & discuss other treatments. Have my hormone levels re-tested. (Testosterone levels were at 75ng/dl in Feb 03) And to ultimately change my eating habits (Cut carbs and so forth).

The goal for my hair is to be able to sit in blinding sunlight without my scalp showing through even the slightest bit!!

If that happens, then I KNOW I have had improvement.

Luv ya girls

Keep your chins up!!


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Good luck to you and keep on fightin'! :)


Hi Jenn!

Thanks for the complements :) I always appreciate how positive and upbeat your posts are/were, even at Hairsite.

How is the Yasmin doing for your hair? Were you on any other type of birth control prior to this?

It's great that you've been sticking through with your treatments, I hope you get a ton of regrowth!

Let me know what Dr. Redmond tells you about Propecia, I am interested to know. I have had a bad reaction towards spironolactone/aldactone, leading me to look for other treatments, something to fight the DHT.

Hope you're doing okay and that the holidays treat you well,


Laura :xmas:


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question for ya: did/have you have/had any side effects with the spironolactone???

You should be able to get propecia. My dermo, I believed, would have given it to me, but I didn't want it. I am still skeptical because I am 42 and those hormonal changes will be a coming and who knows? But I am a scardey-cat that way. Please tell us if you get it and if it works!!!

Good luck!

Jenn G

New Member
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Treatment Side Effects


Thank you for your support!! Its great knowing that I do have friends with the same issues. I do like using Yasmin. I dont know if it has helped to thicken my hair, but it did help clear my skin (I had really bad acne) and it also makes my periods much, much lighter which is kind of a bonus.

I was taking Triphasil 28 for about several years before that, but I dont think that the pill contributed to my own personal case of hair loss.

I honestly think I overdosed on Diet Pills (Hydroxycut, Ripped Fuel, Dexatrim etc) which caused my Testorsterone to increase, and onset of Androgenetic Alopecia. It sucks because I honestly believe I did this to myself, and the funny thing is I am not overweight, just wanted to lose those few vanity pounds!!

To Laura and Athletic Mom:

I havent had any side effects with the spironolactone, except that my Arm Hair seems to be getting darker, thicker, and longer. Also my skin seems a bit more dry then usual, but besides that, I havent had any.

I can see what you mean Laura about spironolactone giving you heart burn, once I swallowed on of those bad boys, and it got stuck in my throat...gee that was nasty!!!

My Best