Recent content by wzad dazzad

  1. W

    Dr Erkan Demirsoy Fue Turkey 2574 Grafts.

    Did Dr. Derimsoy do the implanting himself or just the extraction?
  2. W

    Shedding After Switch From Liquid To Foam?

    I promised an update after a couple months, so here it is: After switching back to the liquid formula (now a few months back on it), I have regrown most of the shed caused by having switched to foam. I think I can safely say it was the foam being less effective that caused the shed. So my...
  3. W

    Turning Minoxidil Foam To Liquid Minoxidil 5%

    @OP I am pretty sure many guys do this. They spray foam into the cap and let it melt down into liquid. Personally minoxidil without the PG in it I found didn’t work anywhere near as well as the liquid containing PG
  4. W

    How To Aply 1ml Of Minoxidil In A Big Area? I Cant Cover All

    I used to get headaches when I first started minoxidil, or when using more. I am theorizing here, but I think the headache is actually from the skin being irritated by the chemical. What I have found personally is that if I continue applying the same dosage, my skin seems to get used to it after...
  5. W

    Cortexolone (cb-03-01) This Treatment In Clinical Trials 2 Is Available As A Sprayer At A $ 120 Site

    Can you elaborate a little on this? -What exactly is neogenic? -what amount/ratio do you mix of CB:neogenic? -what do you dilute it with? -do you mix each time? or can you mix a batch to keep for a period of time? Thanks!!
  6. W

    Shedding After Switch From Liquid To Foam?

    Appreciate your responses! and glad to hear it is working out for you so far. Its been about 5 or 6 days now since ditching the morning foam regimen (approximately a 1-month long experiment) and going back to liquid full-time, and it seems the shedding has already subsided for the most part, so...
  7. W

    Shedding After Switch From Liquid To Foam?

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I also would equate this to quitting minoxidil. It sounds like going back to liquid before things get worse is probably the safest bet. Did you ever switch back to the liquid and manage to regrow?
  8. W

    Shedding After Switch From Liquid To Foam?

    Yea, actually I have only been using the foam in the mornings, and still using liquid at night. So the shedding surprised me for sure, I was not expecting there to be much of a change when just switching 1 of my 2 daily applications to foam. I have a dermastamp that I try and use every week @...
  9. W

    Shedding After Switch From Liquid To Foam?

    Thanks! I know that can be an issue for some, I can’t really see that being the problem for me... I have really short and thin hair, and I am able to squirt the foam right onto my scalp. I also use more than what the bottle recommends just to be sure I get some everywhere that it’s needed. :/
  10. W

    Shedding After Switch From Liquid To Foam?

    I started using minoxidil 5% liquid about 6 months ago and was pretty satisfied with the results. I had an initial shed, but powered through it :) About a month ago I switched to using 5% foam in the mornings only, and continued liquid in the evening (this I thought would allow me to style it...