Recent content by UnaSutherlands

  1. UnaSutherlands

    What To Do With License, Id Or Passport Photos?

    You can contact the respective agencies to inquire about their photo update policies and any associated fees. While it might be a bit of a hassle, having accurate photos on your official documents is generally recommended.By the way,
  2. UnaSutherlands

    What's The Verdict On minoxidil Causing Skin Aging?

    I know from experience that minoxidil only causes terrible dry skin, flaking, and enlarged pores. It probably makes you feel like you're aging fast. It's worth changing your care regimen, adding more moisturizing ingredients, drinking more water. It's scientifically proven that aging is caused...
  3. UnaSutherlands

    Finasteride And Trying To Have A Child

    I had the same problem a few years ago, and I was incredibly scared that it could affect my fertility and the aby-making process, especially since my wife and I were planning on having a child. I talked to many doctors and experts in the field, and their opinions varied a lot. In the end, I...
  4. UnaSutherlands

    Hair Transplant - 3,100 grafts at HLC

    Total or partial hair loss is often perceived as a physical defect. Attempts to deal with this problem rarely lead to the desired result. The hair transplant procedure is of interest to people who suffer from baldness for natural reasons. Hair transplantation can hide scars, burns, tattoos...
  5. UnaSutherlands

    Hair Loss Clinical Research Pipeline Released

    It would be interesting to read about how to grow a beard.
  6. UnaSutherlands

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    My friend uses minoxidil and he has positive results.
  7. UnaSutherlands

    Nanoxidil (minixidile without sides)

    Dude, if you want to grow a beard. Go to different barbershops. Ask friends with a beard, if there are no friends with a beard, look for guys on the Internet who talk about a beard. Do not buy minoxidil and nanoxidil at once. I understood that nanoxidil is something new.