Recent content by throwaway592845

  1. T

    Last Time A Woman Flirted With You, ???

    When I was 20 years old. Norwood 1-1.5 back then, now 2.5 at 24. How I wish these times came back
  2. T

    I Had An Epiphany. Confidence Does Matter, A Lot!

    I don't know how old you are or where you're from but where I live body hair is a huge disadvantage to girls my age (early to mid-twenties).
  3. T

    I Had An Epiphany. Confidence Does Matter, A Lot!

    That guy has everything I'd love to have in terms of looks. Cocky attitude, rather massive skull and jaw, thick hair, little to no body hair, naturally broad shoulders with heaps of muscle mass on top of that.
  4. T

    Why Don't You Guys Do A Hair Transplant?

    I've never understood people like you. If you continue to lose hair beyond norwood 3-4 you are fucked with or without a transplant. What difference does some hair on the top of the head and temples make?
  5. T

    If You Dont Take Finasteride You Deserve To Be Bald

    Well, to be honest there is some truth to that. Looking at the amount of pain that is caused by baldness (revealed in most posts here) I really think that finasteride might offer an improvement in the way some people feel here. Hellouser is obviously the wrong person to adress this to as he...
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    There Will Never Be A "cure" For Baldness

    Wolf, as someone who started finasteride at a younger age than you did I might be in for 25+ years of finasteride usage - Is there any reason for you to believe that finasteride might cause adverse effects after like 15 years in someone who has been fine for the first couple of years? I do realize that...
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    "without Any Doubt, There Has Never Been A Better Year Than This One In The Hair Loss Research"

    Well, there has never been a worse time to be bald, so I do hope you are right...
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    8 Mo Finasteride. Great Results But Shedding More Hair Than Ever.

    I am approaching the 8th month on finasteride, I dropped monixidil in january after 3 months . I've had incredible success only 3 months in and I continued to gain at an even faster pace after that. Lately, I had to get a different haircut than before, the hair on top of my head is much shorter...
  9. T

    Great Results After 6 Mo Finasteride. Dropped Minoxidil 3 Months Ago

    Hi there, title basically says it all. Started the big three around christmas, dropped minoxidil in march (due to laziness) and here I am with great results. I do recognize the difference in lighting but still I believe that there is a good result. I will probably leave this board soon because...
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    What dose of finasteride are you on?

    Thanks for your reply, certainly something to keep in mind. However, I am making such massive gains (thickening all the way back to my crown and back of my head and steady regrowth on my temples) on 1mg finasteride ed I don't see why I should spend more (yes, I am so happy that treatment costs start to...
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    Men with little to no body hair more androgen sensitive? Maybe finasteride really does work better for those with a lot of body hair. That would explain my good response to the drug.
  12. T

    Finasterid Imnunsystem destroyed?

    Ignore that guy. He is the resident troll from a german forum.
  13. T

    Rx Finasteride and complains of sexual Side effects of this drug.

    I would kill the guy who is responsible for removing finasteride from the market with my own, bare hands.
  14. T

    Life with Finasteride and Erectile Dysfunction

    So true. I love what finasteride does for me but at the same time I fear it is the biggest reason we don't have something better.
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    Ironically, he could probably fund the research for a better treatment without batting an eye. Actually thinking about it this would be so hilarious. Bieber dropping 500 million dollars on a cure for male pattern baldness, and afterwards he makes another fortune off of those guys who used to hate him the most.