Recent content by TheCatMan

  1. T

    Does Finasteride work better if you start early with more hair?

    I really would not worry about stopping any late growth, most times when your 18-19ish you do not change that much... its rare anyone grows taller for example in there 20s.... most guys will sadly grow outwards as in get fat and fat big boned lol You really have to consider the options @ 17-18...
  2. T

    The biggest mistake young men make - Not treating their hair loss early.

    love the ironbaldly avator and quote :) Yeah what a right one regarding timing, these young guys are so lucky by default and perhaps most do not know it!
  3. T

    Does Finasteride work better if you start early with more hair?

    If your NW2 no point in waiting around, most people on here would start ASAP when any sign of hair loss occurs. The general feeling is its nice to take hair loss treatments when your more mature around 19-21, this way your body is fully developed and you have a mature hair line and head. You may...
  4. T

    Switched to Avodart, Rate my Norwood? Possible Expectations?

    I also do not see much if any hair loss at all. Its nice you have a healthy concern and have found treatments and solutions to hair loss at such a young age and you still have a chance to rescue your hairs IF you were loosing them. I say perhaps very small doses of dutasteride/finasteride every now and then.... and stay...
  5. T

    finasteride 1 mg EOD vs .5 mg ED

    yeah no Doctor should laugh or ridicule bet he had a head of hair himself ! 0.5 is enough I do roughly around that much daily also... I believe its the sweet spot, some still do 1meg or sometimes I do 0.75, always depends on how you cut or break up the tabs. Alternate the tabs or try others is...
  6. T

    Tips for applying Rogaine 2x day

    I think the key here is to keep your hair short and well managed and consider 2 type of minoxidil if possible, If you consider foam for the morning after a quick hair wash, which can also double up a bit as hair moose to style and keep your hair styled and strong, and then liquid minoxidil for the...
  7. T

    Applying minoxidil with longer hair

    So many guys use gloves? I find after 6 years of using minoxidil just use your fingers to massage it in if you want to then wash it well with soap at least this way you get to your skin and not half on the surrounding hair. Never had any side effects of skin or finger/hand issues either...
  8. T

    The biggest mistake young men make - Not treating their hair loss early.

    36, started around 17-18 but my loss was very slow.... I figured it was a mature hairline and my hair was just getting less thicker and more settled (is that not what we all prayed for !) perhaps at 20-21 my mates started to call me front baldy.... so that pretty much killed any sense of life...
  9. T

    The biggest mistake young men make - Not treating their hair loss early.

    100% agree with post, wish when I was 16 I received a letter in post with hair loss treatments solutions and prices and where to buy and then followed by "sooner you start the less you loose" in black bold capitals. Letter should also clearly state hair loss treatments maintain what you have...
  10. T

    Applying minoxidil with longer hair

    I use to keep my hair long for so many years since I could use comb overs and well long hair made my look 1% more hunky And then I noticed it just looked stupid, nice and short and easy to apply now that is the key to getting minoxidil to work better on the old head. Also now when a gust of wind...
  11. T

    Kirkland Minoxidil: Foam or Topical (liquid)!
  12. T

    vellus hairs and rogaine

    hmm wonder where my post went? Anyhow am about 3.5-4 Norwood scale, so similar. Yes wish the best of luck to you ! you have the power of some youth so go for it !
  13. T

    HELP! Two questions about getting back on Minoxidil.

    I have stopped my all my treatments including minoxidil at least twice over the past 6 years. Strangely and oddly enough I did manage to get my gains back, once I stopped for 8 months the other 3 months but yeah I managed to get all my vellus hairs back and some regrowth also, it is not always...
  14. T

    vellus hairs and rogaine

    About 3.5-4 roughly, most hair at front is gone giving me a much higher forehead making me look like a right ****, slight loss at back of head but not so bad yet down south. But @ 36+. You still have plenty youth and hope so keep trying and hopefully am all wrong and you get some good...
  15. T

    12 weeks on minoxidil foam (Regaine and Kirkland), no results

    rogain foam does feel a higher and better quality, it really does act like volumizing foam and its better then kirkland foam... but not by miles, am enjoying kirkland foam and can still add some volume and shape. Still it does not beat the effectiveness of kirkland liquid, I wish I used...