Recent content by StevenDex

  1. StevenDex

    Constantly Pulling Back And Obsessing Over Hairline, Can It Cause Further Recession Loss?

    Yeah, try to avoid it, I had a friend biting his nails very compulsively and eventually started to wear gloves lol.. in the he got rid of this bad habit, so try to replace your particular action or preventing by doing something else
  2. StevenDex

    Took The Nuclear Option. Slowly, Slowly It Paid Off.

    wow pretty awesome, congrats and thanks for sharing
  3. StevenDex

    Getting A Hair Transplant At 22 Years Old

    I agree with Topcat, get some time off, travel and do different things, this is such a big decision that requires more time to ponder and consider very carefully.. good luck!
  4. StevenDex

    I Started Invisalign Treatment For Teeth Today

    Sounds nice, a bit expansive though, Ive been seeing a lot of ads lately from Invisalign, well, keep us updated I may consider it in the future if its really worth it :D
  5. StevenDex

    What's your favorite season and why?

    Summer, coz since its hot I shave my head and I look less bald :)
  6. StevenDex

    How To Deal With Side Effects. From My 9 Years Experience

    Wow thanks for sharing Bro, will take notes and keep it for references!
  7. StevenDex

    Can Whey Protein Speed Up Hair Loss?

    I used to take whey protein as well, but back then I didnt had any significant hairloss and never heard of any side effects
  8. StevenDex

    My Regrowth From The Pizza Diet Regimen

    lol I would go for Digiornooo all the way
  9. StevenDex

    Cold Therapy

    Im doing morning cold shows like Mr Wimhof, but now that I think about it hes also suffers pretty much hairloss..
  10. StevenDex

    People Into Diet And Fitness, Is It Safe To Eat Green Beans Raw After Soaking Them Overnight

    Sure, if u want some extra pesticide killing just add some salt and then was them again before eating
  11. StevenDex

    Anyone Else Feel Like They Will Never Be Happy Again?

    When I feel down I try to think about successful bald people.. like Jeff Bezos from Amazon! my baldness doesnt define my entire identity, im much more than that! hope it can help!
  12. StevenDex

    How Baldness Ends A Career: Tim Pool

    Jeez some peeps need really to chill out a bit come on :D
  13. StevenDex

    Stay hungry stay foolish

    Stay hungry stay foolish
  14. StevenDex

    Official Hellouser To Kyoto Hair Congress 2017 Fund

    Wow would love to go there too any day, good luck and enjoy!