Recent content by ste172

  1. S

    Hairstyle for those accepting the inevitable

    For those who have tried and failed to regrow/maintain with various products, what hairstyle are you sporting? With pictures if possible. My crown is thinning quite rapidly, which is very noticeable under strong lighting. Today I decided to get a bit of a jarhead style buzz cut, in hope of...
  2. S

    Cut your losses and shave your head?

    Has anyone bitten the bullet and just zipped off the remainder of their hair? I'm 23, currently around norwood 3, with my vertex thinning now as well. I've got really dark hair, so personally feel any hairloss and receding hair stands out fair more than it does with a fair haired person. Any...
  3. S

    Additional shampoo to nizoral??

    I use nizoral about 3-4 times a week, but need to wash my hair daily due to going to the gym quite a bit and also getting greasy hair from using hair wax. My question is, what shampoo should I use for the days where I'm not using Nizoral? I currently use head and shoulders regular shampoo for men...
  4. S

    Finpecia + nizoral

    Cheers for the reply! I will stick to 1mg a day then for the first batch (around 3 months worth) I've ordered it from inhouse along with some more 2% nizoral! I don't expect drastic differences, least of all within the first few months. Aiming just to slow the male pattern baldness and hopefully regain a bit...
  5. S

    Finpecia + nizoral

    I'm thinking about trying some finpecia alongside my current use of nizoral 3-4 times a week. I can get 100 x 1mg pills for £29 ish, but would probably half the tablets so they would last me a good 7 months or so. I'm 23 and in very early stages of hairloss (noticeable on crown in certain...
  6. S

    New guy after hairloss advice (with pics)

    cheers, I'll have a look about. I'm trying to compare my vertex loss to older pictures but don't generally have any of the back of my head lol! I think I've never really had a really full and thick crown area. And only since noticing my 'maturing' hairline, have I thought to check my crown...
  7. S

    New guy after hairloss advice (with pics)

    This is a picture taken 5 minutes ago:
  8. S

    New guy after hairloss advice (with pics)

    Am I right in saying that you NEED a prescription for finasteride? i.e propecia? To be honest my hairloss is not by any means drastic, but I know it is thinning around the crown and has started to recede. My dad is pretty bald so guessing it's the early stages of male pattern baldness!
  9. S

    New guy after hairloss advice (with pics)

    Hmm i've now noticed I'm definitely thinning around the crown area as well. I've started using Nizoral shampoo a few times a week to stop any itching. Any ideas what products i should use to stop the thinning around the crown and maybe even regain some of the lost hair? Any ego I had is now...
  10. S

    New guy after hairloss advice (with pics)

    Thanks man! I'm hoping it's just a mature hairline. Just seems to have happened what seems like overnight! I'm not sure how true to life the theories of male pattern baldness coming from your maternal father, but he had receded quite a bit!
  11. S

    Mature Hairline or Balding? pics

    You have the EXACT same hair as one of my best mates! His receded to about that level at around 19/20, and it hasn't changed for the last 4 years! So may just be a mature hairline!
  12. S

    New guy after hairloss advice (with pics)

    Also, I'd like to add that recently my scalp has become quite itchy and flakey! (nice)
  13. S

    New guy after hairloss advice (with pics)

    Hi, I'm a 22 year old male, turn 23 in 2 weeks. Over the past 6-12 months I've noticed more and more that I lose hair on a regular basis. I'll be sat at my desk at work and notice my hair on the desk/keyboard. Even more recently I've noticed my hair line seems to be receeding somewhat...