Recent content by Robert_NZ

  1. R

    have any older men used only Minoxidil and if so what happened

    Hello everybody, Just wanted to ask if there are members out there who have used only minoxidil for a long time and what their experience has been. I have just turned 60 years old. I have used only minoxidil for 2 years now. I made the decision not to use rogain or finasteride because of...
  2. R

    Its Working But My Grey Hair Is Changing To Black?

    Hi members, Really like to hear from someone in thier 50's about this. Been taking the minoxidil since May this year and yes new black is coming. Happy with the progress BUT I am seeing a loss of my original grey hair (born in 1961) as it is slowly being replaced by new black hair. Also a lot...
  3. R

    Should I Stop Minoxydil, Its Growing On Its Own?

    Hello all. Any opinions on this? My hair was starting to grow on its own before I started minoxydil, ie around the temples and above the eye brows and small patches on the head top. Despite that I made the decision to start minoxydil but should I now stop the treatment. I made a previous post...
  4. R

    Hair Loss Because Of Heat From A Hat??

    I have not titled or phased my question correctly, I apologise for being that. What I am really asking is if the repeated and long term use of BETAMETASOME lotion can, or could, or might contribute to hair loss. I understand that there are many causes to hair loss. Just asking if this lotion is...
  5. R

    Hair Loss Because Of Heat From A Hat??

    Dear members, Hello. I would like to ask if anybody has experience or an opinion on whether wearing a hat in the summer 'could' cause hair loss. Let me explain what I the summer time it can be very hot and bright so I wear a hat. When I do this, the result is dandruff like flakes...