Recent content by my best friend's girl

  1. my best friend's girl

    -> is there any point to fight with genes...?

    maybe, but please notice that i mentioned about high placed forehead line... and - also - my hairs are Very thin and weak.
  2. my best friend's girl

    -> is there any point to fight with genes...?

    hello. i'm 24. i was taking propecia when i was 21, for more than year. i did use minoxidil as well, nizoral and some (...) herbs. i didn't see any results so i took a break. now i started again. i'm on finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral. my father's on norwood scale 2. same was his father (now he's...
  3. my best friend's girl

    just three quesions for beginning...

    1) are you 100% sure ? (were there any research about it...?) 2) thanks, I will :) (and I did for last two years, maybe not enough) 3) hmmm, ok... (but it's easier to do treatment with shorter ones) thank you, m,
  4. my best friend's girl

    just three quesions for beginning...

    Hello everyone :) 1. Is it like if you have lot of hairs (for example) on your back, chest and/or legs (others parts of your body) - you will have less on your head...? Is it connected somehow...? IF yes - maybe removing them would help somehow with hair loss ? Were there any research about...