just three quesions for beginning...

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Hello everyone :)

1. Is it like if you have lot of hairs (for example) on your back, chest and/or legs (others parts of your body) - you will have less on your head...? Is it connected somehow...? IF yes - maybe removing them would help somehow with hair loss ? Were there any research about it ?

2. My hairs are VERY thin and very weak. Is there anything I can with them, especially to make them less thin...? My hair loss level is high as well.

3. Is it better to start treatment with long hairs or I should better cut them to short ones...? Is there ANY proven difference...?




Senior Member
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1) No
2) Dont be lazy do some research on here before asking questions.
3) makes no difference.
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1) are you 100% sure ?
(were there any research about it...?)

2) thanks, I will :)
(and I did for last two years, maybe not enough)

3) hmmm, ok...
(but it's easier to do treatment with shorter ones)

thank you,



Established Member
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DHT grows hair on the body, doesn't it?
And causes acne.

Generally people with a lot of body hair will be more prone to hair loss.


Senior Member
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The amount of body hair you grow is purely genetic, look at George Michael he's hairy as a chimp but still has a full head of hair. There are countless examples that could be used to argue this either way.