Recent content by Monicca

  1. M

    My Experience: No Milk, No Hairloss And Acne!

    For those who live in US, there are good and cheap variety of alternatives to dairy products. For us brazilian, it is a challenge... we need to pay $ 160 for a gallon of almond milk or rice on market. When I am visiting US, I drink almond milk like water!
  2. M

    My Experience: No Milk, No Hairloss And Acne!

    Dante, try to eliminate all dairy from your food, for at least three months. My husband is in the second month and already noticed difference in acne and oiliness. It will be tough , but it's worth the sacrifice. I hope it works for you!
  3. M

    My Experience: No Milk, No Hairloss And Acne!

    :(It is not easy to survive without milk ... it is a sacrifice to give up cheese and many desserts. When I have a relapse, I just look at mirror and see new hair growing and my skin, that has never been so smooth and clean as now. It gives me strength to go on without milk. To supplement...
  4. M

    My Experience: No Milk, No Hairloss And Acne!

    It's ridiculous, but I count strands that fall in bath when I change my treatment. Whey you have long hair is easier. I have androgenetic alopecia, and most of strands fall from top of head. My dietist did this test with other patients and they are also having good results with hair loss and...
  5. M

    My Experience: No Milk, No Hairloss And Acne!

    I know it is a controversial subject, but I will tell my experience (I'm brazilian, I don't speak english very well, sorry) I'm 33 years, fighting against androgenetic alopecia for 10 years, and anything never worked for me. Although I'm not allergic to lactose, my dietitian recommended me...