Recent content by Mja017

  1. M

    2 month on finastride and no change

    Uhh did you bother to do ANY research before you started taking it? Most people don't start seeing results until 6-18 months. There are some exceptions, but finasteride is not a miracle drug, it doesn't work overnight. Hair doesn't work that way. - - - Updated - - - Uhh did you bother to do ANY...
  2. M

    Just obtained my first Avodart pills, some questions/concerns

    Good luck man. Are you still in Japan? I responded to one of your updates about a year ago asking about Asia. I'm in Korea right now and in a similar position with finasteride, contemplating adding dutasteride. I recently learned that it was approved to treat hair loss here. Can I ask, how much a prescription...
  3. M

    24 YO, 2years finasteride=results

    Damn, I am super crazy jealous. I wish I had started at 22 instead of 24/almost 25. Granted my hair loss wasn't as advanced at 22, but still if I had I'd probably be in nw1 territory instead of nw2.
  4. M

    Well its not that i cracked the code, but u guys wd like to hear that

    I've dyed my hair with henna before man and I hate to break it to you but it's nothing more than an optical illusion. The henna binds to your hair follicle giving the appearance of thickness. It's definitely not a legitimate solution to hair loss but rather an ok semi long term concealer. Also...
  5. M

    1st year anniversary

    Holy **** man that's pretty impressive. I feel your pain about the regret of not starting sooner. I turned 25 3 months ago and started treatments 6 months ago. The first time someone pointed out a small bald patch I was almost 22. The first time someone asked me if I was balding (wtf kind of a...
  6. M

    is my hairline receding/going bald? 21 years old, kinda freaking out

    I think that fluctuations in finasteride and non finasteride users libidos are pretty common. The first week or two on finasteride I was crazy horny. Some days I don't think about it at all. All in all I try not to think too much about it or read to much into it. Some of the **** that gets blamed on finasteride/minoxidil is...
  7. M

    I suppose this anecdote belongs here...

    Man if this is a portrait of the modern man, the future looks pretty bleak. You say that you saw pretty good results but had dodgy symptoms after being on treatments for a year? If you had been on treatments for an entire year what makes you so certain that these mysterious symptoms were...
  8. M

    Just A Reminder

    I really don't understand why people who experience great results get lazy with treatments. What did you expect would happen? If you want to maintain your hair you have to maintain your regimen. Seems pretty rudimentary.
  9. M

    is my hairline receding/going bald? 21 years old, kinda freaking out

    Take the pill once a day and don't over think it. I honestly believe half of the reported sides on here are psychosomatic. And another piece of advice: try to stay away from these forums. For real. When I first started the big three I'd spend hours here. It was obsessive. But there is so much...
  10. M

    is my hairline receding/going bald? 21 years old, kinda freaking out

    I've been taking .5 for the past (almost) 5 months and applying min for 6. I'm planning on continuing with .5 a day for the first 9-12 months and gauge how to continue from there. There's been quite a bit if information on here about the effectiveness of .5 vs 1 mg, a user named Redstar seems...
  11. M

    is my hairline receding/going bald? 21 years old, kinda freaking out

    I tend to only respond to things I feel particularly passionate about on here and after seeing your pictures I'd like to offer you advice/my personal opinion. Stay on finasteride man. I had a remarkably similar hairline to the ones in your photo when I was 21. That was also the age someone (a...
  12. M

    Signs finasteride is/isn't working?

    Keep taking it everyday and come back in 6-9 months and maybe we can talk. finasteride isn't some kind of overnight miracle pill man, stuff takes time. I believe the manufacturer says you won't see full results until 12-18 months.
  13. M

    question on DHT/Test for sexual function when on finasteride ect

    Where to start... I think you're incorrect in your statement concerning the half life of finasteride, I could be wrong but I don't think it's 4-8 hours as you claim but more like 17. Secondly, finasteride and dutasteride were not "created in an attempt to bulldoze through hair loss. " as you claimed. These...
  14. M

    Any young, gay members in London?

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Probably one of the most ignorant things I have ever read, ever. Congrats. - - - Updated - - - I think that what you meant to say is "gay men typically have more sexual partners than heterosexual men." Also what is an insane amount of sex? Sounds a...
  15. M


    This^ I've been takin finasteride for almost two months and while I'm not certain if I've experienced decreased sensitivity or not, I am certain that I've had no problem getting and maintaining an erection. I had sex for almost two hours last night.