Recent content by Michael Ortega

  1. M

    Thoughts On My Hair? Pls Let Me Know

    Hey everyone, sorry for asking but I’m just wondering if I am balding. I’ve been to three different doctors and they have told me I am not balding or losing any hair. So I just want a different opinion. Let me know what you think. I’ve been taking viviscal as well. Let me know pls
  2. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    Sorry for the late respond. This is how my hair looks combed
  3. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    Thanks for the advice lol. What do you think?
  4. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    This is what my hair looks like when I brush it. My girlfriend is annoyed by me saying that I’m balding, and she says it a cowlick. She brushed it, and this is what it looked like. Are you sure it’s not a cowlick? Sorry if I’m annoying lol.
  5. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    Could my hair line look like that bc of my widows peak? Or is it just receding?
  6. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    This is me when I was a kid. Really thin hair, and no one in my family is bald.
  7. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    And my doctor also saw my hairline and he said it was fine as well which was surprising. So idk
  8. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    My hairline has been the same for almost two years. The pic below was taken two years ago
  9. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    I’ve been told it’s the way my hair parts. Which makes sense, and I’ve been to the doctor and they’ve told me that I’m fine.
  10. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    I’ve never had thick hair, even as a kid my hair has been really thin. That spot only shows up when I grow out my hair, and when it’s short no signs of balding. Weird?
  11. M

    Was Wondering If I Was Balding? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    Hey everyone just wanted some opinions on my hair. I’m really worried about my hair, and I wanted to see if I was balding, and what treatments would help. I’m only 18 which is why this is worrying me. My family thinks it the way my hair parts and it moves in different directions. A lot of people...
  12. M

    Am I Losing Hair? Please Let Me Know. Thanks!

    Hey everyone just wanted some opinions on my hair. I’m really worried about my hair, and I wanted to see if I was balding, and what treatments would help. I’m only 18 which is why this is worrying me. Please let me know thanks.