Recent content by Jonah

  1. J

    How to recover from reflex hyperandrogenicity

    Bro, there is no proven method of recovery. You can either try an anti androgen (bica, keto, etc..) or blast your hormones w dht or estradiol to down regulate your receptors. if you’re still on finasteride then TAPER off of it slowly (that has worked for a few sufferers)
  2. J

    Finasteride and minoxidil shedding 3 months finasteride 8 months minoxidil

    Ok thats good to hear. Regardless of temperature - if you had RH then you will notice a heavy increase of oilyness.
  3. J

    Finasteride and minoxidil shedding 3 months finasteride 8 months minoxidil

    Since you don’t have a heavy increase of oily scalp/forhead then I wouldn’t worry about reflex at all.
  4. J

    19 months on finasteride/9 months dutasteride combination and still losing ground. Is testosterone the culprit?

    I doubt bloodwork would show anything just for an itch. The itching may be upregulated androgen receptors. Getting labwork may be a good idea just in case. The typical labs to check for a hormone altering drug are (for starters): Total and free test Dht Estradiol
  5. J

    Reflex Hyperandrogenicity From Finasteride.

    Yup. Alot of shedding, oiliness and increased libido (and increased body hair).
  6. J

    Reflex Hyperandrogenicity From Finasteride.

    Very interesting. Can you link the forums where this is discussed? Seems to be a little complex.
  7. J

    Reflex Hyperandrogenicity From Finasteride.

    Thank you. I just wonder what the mechanisim is as to why estrogen would down regulate androgen receptors? Any thoughts?
  8. J

    Reflex Hyperandrogenicity From Finasteride.

    Ok im interested to hear more. How does estrogen downregulate the receptors? And what methods are there of implementing it? (Topical?)
  9. J

    Reflex Hyperandrogenicity From Finasteride.

    If reflex hyperandrogenicity is due to upregulation of androgen receptors then you will all need to down regulate them. Further starving them of dht or using strong anti androgens will likely just make the situation worse. (Although i have heard from individual that an anti androgen did help him...
  10. J

    My Hairline Has Gotten So Much Worse On Finasteride

    You need to agonize you receptors by blasting them with dht. The reason that they are upregulate is because they were “starved” of dht. All reflex sufferors say that once they quit finasteride and hdt returns then their symptoms get a little better but still persist. The reason they improve is because...
  11. J

    19 months on finasteride/9 months dutasteride combination and still losing ground. Is testosterone the culprit?

    Very true. This is know as reflex hyperandrogenicity. It is rare but does happen and it has been posted in the forums. Have you had experience with it?
  12. J

    My Hairline Has Gotten So Much Worse On Finasteride

    Have u seen others within the forums that have recovered?
  13. J

    My Hairline Has Gotten So Much Worse On Finasteride

    What have u seen from others? How long has it taken until the shedding/oilyness stops?