Recent content by jokkepappa

  1. J

    Any Results with Lipogaine as a Hair Loss Treatment?

    Looks like progess to me, don't know how you think you're shedding compared to that first pic >.<
  2. J

    I gotta question

    rw what you're describing is called castration.
  3. J

    Only 18 Years Old i have a big problem

    5% always. Unless you're female.
  4. J

    My story and I want help

    Dude edit your post, you copypasted the same thing two times over. If your hair is falling out finasteride is a good idea to combat that, if you need substantial regrowth I would also start minoxidil for the hopes of regrowing hair. It's a lifelong commitment to both of them if you want to keep...
  5. J

    What's working for everyone? Please post ur response.

    I'm with wuffer on the keto not being much of a help, although there is indeed a study supporting its use for hairloss. Any way I couldn't attribute any hair regenerating qualities to it while I used it, tho made my hair maybe a little more 'coarse' and dry. Other than that I use finasteride...
  6. J

    Minoxidil and spironolactone together in the same topical?

    Doesn't work like that from my limited understanding. Meaning that you can't combine the two into "one". Could be wrong though, but I doubt it.
  7. J

    Wouldn't dutasteride be worth it if you aren't getting girls anyways?

    Dude no offense but it sounds like you're just praising your own medicine of choice (dutasteride) and bashing minoxidil because you couldnt handle it or whatever. I don't think such is a good idea if you want to give people the truth. Minoxidil is the best bet anyone has for regrowing hair along the...
  8. J

    No results after 5+ months on Rogaine Foam

    I'd advice you to try the liquid for a month or two and see if anything happens. If no regrowth occurs, you will know it's not the foam that isn't working. And from my own subjective experience the liquid might hold more potential for regrowth than the foam, although I can't prove that.
  9. J

    16 years old, what to do now?

    They won't prescribe you finasteride, you're too young. If you feel like you want to do something my suggestion would be to try minoxidil. For me it has brought my hairline back from NW3 to NW2 in about 6 months. But I also use propecia.
  10. J

    1 year and 8 months later.. my situation

    how about pulling your hair back so we can see your hairline?
  11. J

    My Story LeeC

    finasteride + rogaine is your best bet.